Cancer Support
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Our family received devastating news this week. My grand-daughter Cassandra, not quite 3 years old, has been diagnosed with liver cancer. She's had a very bumpy road since her 26-week preemie birth, has defied all manner of grim prognoses, and developed into a happy, giggly, dancing (loves all things musical) little girl.
Now this.
We've been notified she'll start chemo next week to shrink the liver tumor and, since the entire organ appears compromised, she could very well require a transplant. We're all holding our breath that the spot on her lung is scarring due to all the early lung interventions and 18-month ventilator usage.
Anyone here have experience with these childhood cancers or words of wisdom for fretting relatives? Prayers and good vibes would help, too.
My son and daughter-in-law are, of course, in total shock. It's a stunning reversal. Words fail moments like these, other than: it's so unfair. But even that sounds lame.
Would welcome any advice. Thanks in advance!

(34,773 posts)#FuckCancer
(11,685 posts)FuckCancer, indeed!
(31,745 posts)But I wish your family the best, and pray for her recovery.
(11,685 posts)Prayers and good vibes will be gratefully accepted. I have a very good friend who has alerted her prayer group as well, even had Cassandra's name added to the daily Mass. I'm a lapsed Catholic but more than willing to take everything we can get.
Still having a hard time getting my head around the news.
(26,243 posts)peggysue2.
Especially Cassandra. ❤️❤️
(11,685 posts)Cassandra is very huggable, too.
Just got off the phone with my daughter-in-law. She was in the hospital chapel and my son was up on the floor with Cassandra. My son is literally falling part. My husband and I will be seeing them tonight for dinner. Hopefully, we'll come up with the right words of solace and encouragement, try to convince them that they can get through this, together.
My husband and I went through a similar event when our son suffered a near-fatal brain injury. The waiting and uncertainty are absolute killers. It's just hard and, of course, heartbreaking.
Appreciate the support.
(26,243 posts)skiing into a tree. Thank goddess and an amazing skilled neurosurgeon he is 100% today. Long road, though.
Wishing your family similar success.
Medicine has so many tools to fight this hideous disease now!
Hopeful for your family.❤️❤️❤️
(11,685 posts)That's what we're counting on. You saw the surgical advances with your husband. I saw advanced treatments with my son who, like his daughter now, defied expectations and had a remarkable recovery.
Fingers crossed for all of us.

(26,243 posts)I hope all the positive vibes coming from DU are a comfort to your family!
(26,331 posts)
can regenerate. Surely the people managing your granddaughters care will know about this.
She must be a tough little thing to have triumphed over all the challenges she has already faced.
Has anyone suggested St. Judes? Treating childhood cancers if the reason they exist.
(11,685 posts)He'll have to find out if he's a suitable match but from what he's read a living donation increases success rates to 90%.
Right now they're at Nemours Pediatric in Wilmington, DE. It's the hospital that has treated Cassandra from Day 1 through heart surgery, lung infections, Covid-19, etc. My son and daughter-in-law trust the staff and feel comfortable in the surroundings. Things could change their minds, of course.
If that were the case, St. Jude's would certainly be worth looking into. Good suggestion.
Cassandra is tough, a pint-sized warrior. She's been fighting since her first breath. We thought she had finally turned the corner.
Until this.
Thanks for the outreach, catwoman. I'll put the St Jude's suggestion in my pocket for future reference.