Cancer Support
Related: About this forumCan anyone recommend an all-day sunscreen?
I've been told to wear sunscreen on my face forever, and two hours goes by very quickly.

Actually, I was reading something a few months ago about the protection factor of sunscreen. Because sunscreen mainly "blocks", double-applying an 8 spf is the same, roughly, as using a 16 spf. I know that doesn't resolve the duration factor, but it's something to keep in mind.
I'm guessing melanoma? I have to deal with something different, so I don't know the ins and outs of the Big M, but I did want someone to reply to your message, if only me.
(56 posts)use neutrogena for protection
(11,093 posts)
(60,160 posts)I now have Melanoma.
For me the best sunscreen is my den. But going outside is essential for me. A wide brimmed hat, long sleeve shirt, and avoid the "tanning hours." slather on the sunscreen.
"Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in noon day sun."
All others are smart enough to avoid the sun.