Cancer Support
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I am wondering if anyone is interested in increasing medical marijuana (mm) availability and r&d re: mm's antitumor properties, esp. in getting human trials.
Before I started chemo, I was seeking alternatives and discovered that cannabinoids have shown antitumor and antimetastasis properties in animal studies. The mm cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), has been found especially effective for certain types of cancer such as mine, and the fed gov. patented CBD in 2002. To date, however, there are no human trials for cannabinoids and cancer in the US---- Italy, Spain and Israel are doing most of the research. Here are just a few of the many links on the web re: cancer and cannabinoids:
I wrote to my Dem senators about this issue and so far, only one has responded. Sen. Blumenthal told me he could do nothing because 1) marijuana is a schedule 1 drug; 2) mm is a state issue. That response looks like a cop out to me, and I wrote him back to that effect. I have also written the FDA, NIH and state agencies about the mm issue, to no avail. I think more people are needed to create a critical mass so that human trials get underway and laws get changed.
It would be good to put some pressure on our officials, fed and state, to get the human trials

(7,719 posts)Problem now is, there aren't that many growers cultivating plants with higher CBD levels. I did see a family of growers in California on the news about a month ago that were beginning to cultivate mm that had higher CBD levels. Hopefully, others will follow.
(18,652 posts)Highlighted in the Sanjay Gupta/CNN specials Weed 1 & 2.
Trouble is, how do I get it w/out going to those states? And higher concentration of CBD in plants does not necessarily=patented process for medical use
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)Didn't pay much attention until my dx, and a friend suggested it. If it has possibilities for healing ALONG with the incredible pain management, we could be looking to boot the entire Pharma industry on its tush (and where the real fight is...)
Charlotte Figi's family has formed a NFP with the Stanley Brothers called Realm of Caring. The Stanleys are the ones who developed the strain of high CDB oil that is called Charlotte's Web, named for Charlotte.
Even Governors Scott of Florida and Haley of SC signed their respective Charlotte's Web bill into law. That said, Schwarzenegger did the same thing in CA purposely to stave off the legalization movement - so there are political factors in play with it all.
Last night, I posted about education being the key to people understanding why we want to study this. This Rep from Oregon did a superb job nailing down the problem that the federal government has created for itself with its Just Say No approach by telling people that weed (that one cannot OD on) is equally as dangerous as meth and heroin - and then trying to figure out why so many suburban kids are ODing on heroin these days.
The video is 6 minutes and a makes some really salient points that I plan to incorporate into my letter.
We have an uphill battle ahead, but if there are tumor blasting properties in cannabinoids - we need to fight that battle with everything we have. The Israelis are WAY ahead of us on this (as are the Canadians), so it isn't like we would be starting from scratch. We just need to work on our Reps to allow the studies to happen.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)They are partnering with Israel. Some interesting links. I was planning to mention this joint venture in my letter as well.