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I don't mean to whine. I really don't. But if I can't whine to you guys/gals who can I whine to?
Just did a PET scan. Discovered I had three pets (but I knew that from the dog hair on my pants). Also noticed the body was clear of cancer except for the lower lobes of my lungs, which were indecisive.
On the basis that I have walking pneumonia we're going to try antibiotics for 10 days or whatever; unfortunately I just figured out I might be taking it wrong (taking Omeprezole at the same time), is which technically an antacid and can block the efficacy of the antibiotic because now I just feel sicker than ever (meaning ever in the last two weeks, not ever-ever - I can top this). I switched the Omeprezole to night time but I don't know if that was too late or not.
My last nodules were in both lower lobes, but were traditionally slow moving, but in theory could have mutated and taking off. That said, we're trying the antibiotic thing first, follow with a CT scan and if it's not any better, we'll figure out the next move but that would likely be back on another form of chemo if this doesn't clear up.

(124,925 posts)take you far in your recovery.
'preciate it. I know everyone here has their own set of problems, but I guess it's why it's a "support group".
How are you doing?
(124,925 posts)complain.
made me laugh about discovering you
had 3 pets lol. Humor definitely helps!
I think all of us could stand to have some
more of it, it's the best medicine or so they
I would think your Dr might want to start
those antibiotics over or another one since
you were taking the Prilosec but guess
he knows better.
(54,460 posts)I'd ask about using both.
Good luck. Sounds like things might be a tad better.
(1,137 posts)How is your eating & your weight?
(11,093 posts)Had quite some time there where I ate little to nothing; particularly two weeks were I probably literally ate nothubg, It's built back. I find myself a bigger eater, but still not quite what I used to be. A lot of foods I can't eat now. At least I'm keeping my weight stable.
Thanks for checking in.