Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumNew alcohol research shows drinking small amounts can still be harmful to health - PBS NewsHour
Canadian health authorities had previously said that a low risk amount of alcohol was about ten drinks per week. Now a panel of advisors to the government, citing some of this research on alcohols impacts, suggested lowering that to two drinks per week. Dr. Tim Naimi of the University of Victorias Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research joined William Brangham to discuss the analysis. - Aired on 01/26/2023.
This report resonated with me since I do come from a family of alcoholics/heavy drinkers on my Dad's side. My grandmother wasn't one of them, she never had more than one drink, but of her four children, three died of cancer and she outlived them. I seem to have inherited the alcoholic gene, but I've been sober for 13 years and 9 months and I'm grateful.

Response to Rhiannon12866 (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Rhiannon12866 (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(229,762 posts)Hillary Clinton also got millions more votes than TFG, he was not the choice of the people either time! It's only because, having seen this bombastic jerk up close for 4 years, that even fewer people pulled the lever for him in 2020 - I can't help thinking what a much different country this would be if we hadn't had to deal with the TFG criminal enterprise for four long years - and, even now, we can't seem to get rid of it!
Response to Rhiannon12866 (Reply #3)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(229,762 posts)We hear most days about the violent insurrectionists who showed up on his instructions being convicted and jailed - yet he's the one who's responsible and he's still doing what he's always done - and his ridiculous antics still lead the news.
During the 2016 campaign when he also dominated the news, I just quit watching since he was so blatantly offensive, figured I'd tune in again when the campaign was over. But we all know what happened, and the second time he was defeated in a landslide, yet he and a crazy element in this country stil refuse to admit it! If this was a proposed movie plot, it would be rejected for being too farfetched. I cannot imagine what history would make of this bizarre period in our history - if we have one.
(28,290 posts)Good for you!
Sending you a p.m.
(229,762 posts)

Bernardo de La Paz
(53,039 posts)I look at the report this way: It's a lifetime risk, so if a person is, say, 25 years old, then yes reduce consumption to a low level. But if a person is, say, 50, and has had moderate (old style) consumption of 10 drinks or less a week, then cutting way back to 2 drinks would not help them much, but some. And a person at 75, well most of the effect has long since been baked in, and there is not much to lose if they stay comfortably below alcoholic levels. At any age, alcoholic levels are a substantial risk. Personally, I'm in the 2-5 drink/wk range and will stay with that.
Keep up the sobriety. It's working for you. Good going. I raise my mug of morning coffee to you!
(229,762 posts)But this was an eye-opener for me, that even those who think they drink "moderately" can be affected. Makes me grateful that I stopped when I did - I've been to too many funerals. But, as this article pointed out, it's not just cirrhosis or accidents that can take lives, but regular drinking can bring on heart problems and cancer, too - especially if people start young and keep it up. I fear that's what affected my Dad, uncle and aunt. And most alcoholics I know smoke as well, even after they quit drinking.
And thanks for the coffee, that's one of the perks of going to meetings. And I make cookies to go with the coffee. Sober alcoholics are known to crave sweets.
(1,982 posts)On your sobriety.
(229,762 posts)AA worked for me. I found my "sponsor" at my second meeting, a wonderful who was great with people and told me what to do. It didn't happen overnight, but it was a learning process.
(8,593 posts)Im so happy to see this post! Ive become intolerant to alcohol in my later years and have always been a light weight. The bags under my eyes are much smaller since I quit drinking regularly. I have many drinkers in my family too.
Good for you.
(229,762 posts)I tried everything, mainly going to the doctor who put me on meds, and AA was my last stop. And it didn't happen overnight, I went to my first meeting in November 2008 and my sobriety date is April 30, 2009. I thought I'd never get it, but I kept going back and met a woman at my second meeting who reached out to me and became my sponsor - she is one of my favorite people of all time, really kind and good with people and she told me what to do. It took me awhile and she was patient with me - and I've met so many others who are now my friends. So now I reach out to others, too.
One of the best is a girl who went back to school, got her Masters in social work, so she is now helping others. We're still good friends, she'll have eight years sober next month - and at Christmas she gave me a cat! I've lost both of my pets in the last part of the year (which has been devastating) and she has a daughter who brings home cats. Of their three rescues, the last one was bigger and older and intimidated little kitty #2, so she offered him to me (after convincing her daughter) and he is just the nicest cat! So it's worked out well for all of us!
(8,593 posts)Hes afraid of animals and Ive raised two pups and one kitty before him. I really miss the warm purrs on my lap. We plan to leave Europe in the next couple of years and I want to get a kitty when we get settled again.
It really takes a village to survive these days and Im so glad that you have helpers. Im so glad youre here and I look forward to your posts daily. Thank you!
(64,175 posts)

Stuart G
(38,726 posts)