Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumI survived Christmas!
We had about 20 people over yesterday for Christmas dinner. I think my 1-year old grandson and I were the only ones not drinking! I made sure I stayed away from the bar so I wouldn't be tempted. Then after dinner, I did my usual--I stayed in the kitchen and worked on the dishes. After most of the guests left I knew my wife, daughter and S-I-L were going to stay up and have a booze-fueled natter, so I grabbed a mug of ice cream and went up to bed to watch some light tv. I opted for an MST3K Christmas movie. Perfect way to end the day!
Still sober for a little over four years! Yay!!!
How did everyone else do?

(122,596 posts)lark
(24,655 posts)

(10,232 posts)Have a Happy Festivus!
(23,211 posts)
(63,498 posts)Marthe48
(20,232 posts)From about Thanksgiving till after New Year's, I am not hungry, and nothing appeals. Keep up the good work. You are doing great!
(64,172 posts)

(14,807 posts)I started out sitting at the end of the long tables away from the now when I am invited I am automatically placed at the end. Aah..with the kids or other nondrinkers.
This is no problems for me.
(12,284 posts)One of our sons came over with a couple bottles of Martinellis. We had a great evening and today is the cleanup. Easy stuff. My second sober Christmas, I like it this way.
(47,755 posts)

(2,852 posts)For me, this was my forty-first Xmas celebration with my good buddy Bill W.
(85,363 posts)Were really not drinkers, though. Hoisted one wine goblet at dinner with friends on Christmas Eve to toast each other, and that was that.
A clear-headed Christmas. Just the way I like it.
Frankly, Im still grateful for that moment in college during one of many dorm parties when it finally hit me: why am I even trying to drink this? I dont like the taste! That suddenly became very liberating.
But at the same time, I became the resident hair-holder. Help em across the hall to the ladies room and stand behind them in the stall, holding their hair up out of their faces while they threw up.
Every party turned into public service time, but then again, somebodys gotta do it!
(1,926 posts)My bonus daughter and her husband hosted. It was the first time they were entertaining his father and wife number 2. They were nervous because she doesn't have children and historically hasn't done well with their two daughters.
Let's put it this way, when they pulled up, my bonus daughter and her sister-in-law downed a few shots. Not a normal practice for either one.
Six of my eight grand babies from ages 10-2 were there. They spoke and ate in another room.
Blessedly, wife number 2 was so fixed on her knee that nothing else seemed to matter. It was the first time she wasn't critical of my bonus child and her husband.
The food was amazing and the event was drama free.
(1,982 posts)Glass of wine Christmas eve
That was all.
Congratulations for another day well done!
(7,629 posts)Never had that particular problem, but I was on board of a halfway house for 21 years. Unhelpful families were the biggest obstacle we and our clients faced. Sounds like you have a good handle on it.
(16,922 posts)murielm99
(31,745 posts)and for all for all of you in this thread!
Old Crank
(5,366 posts)with my wife's former co-worker and his son. His mom died a month or so ago and his father dies a few years ago. His sister is a nutcase and he and his 4 year old invited us to his family tradition dinner. He also invited his neighbor who's partner is in the hospital with pneumonia and is dying of something. Not a a lot of booze.
Fortunately I don't have a problem with it and spread 2 glasses of Prosecco over the evening. More important things that evening with presents for the kid.
Glad you dealt with your situation. Congratulations on staying sober. I've known too many who had various types of alcoholism adn it is a tough fight.
(11,256 posts)unless I watch Holly Hunter in: HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS..........
(1,945 posts)Good job
(12,961 posts)Maine Abu El Banat
(3,482 posts)Today is my 21st year of sobriety. I have never regretted that decision. And I never will. Good luck, but you seem to be doing it right. You will do great! Sobriety Rocks!!!
(4,111 posts)Well done. I've been sober 16 years, I remember how shaky I was, the first several years, during the holidays. In my AA group, it is regular topic at meetings from November on, every year.
You have to find your comfort zone, I guess, and have a plan to not drink Yours is excellent, staying focused and occupied like doing dishes, after the meal. The ice cream or any desert, for that matter, is a great way to celebrate your accomplishment of sobriety on Christmas. Keep up the good work. It does get easier, as the years go by. Stay vigilant, and keep on keeping on. Blessings
4 years is a big deal. I am so proud of you. A crowd of booze-filled people also have a tendency to try to convince you that drinking with them is going to be soooo much fun. You are definitely doing it the right way
(24,815 posts)So if they saw me drinking, alarm bells would go off. I do get tired of drunken conversations though.
(5,358 posts)Ice cream is better than booze any day.
I survived only due to turning down all invites yesterday. Not strong enough to be around the temptation right now. My cat and I had a Star Wars marathon and today we are watching all of the Beatles documentary. Yay for the 6 month free trial of Disney plus!
(24,815 posts)Blew me away!
(24,815 posts)It's never easy, but it does get easier. I keep thinking of a wise mantra I heard when I was first in recovery: Don't focus on who you were, but who you want to be!