How is your daily dose of Carbadax or Ractopamine going?
Are food additives part of the reason for the anger problem we have in the US? So many Keto diet advocates, so much protein. They dose themselves with unknown and unseen food additives with known side effects, some of which are banned in other countries, but they won't get vaxxed!!
"What is the mode of action of ractopamine to human?
Ractopamine - Wikipedia
Besides the pharmacology effect, ractopamine may cause intoxication effect; therefore, any consumption by humans of a meat and/or byproducts of animals that consumed ractopamine with feed for growth stimulation, may result in such clinical effects as tachycardia and other heart rate increases, tremor, headache, muscle ..."
"Behavioral changes in humans
Restlessness, apprehension, and anxiety were reported effects after the use of various beta-agonists, particularly after oral or parenteral treatment. In pilot clinical trials with ractopamine, four patients showed little evidence for central nervous system stimulation. Whether long-term treatment with these drugs results in the development of tolerance to these adverse effects is unclear.[64] "