Related: About this forumStudy shows probability of getting COVID for mask wearers vs. non-mask wearers"The team noted that the probability of contracting a COVID-19 disease was 7% for mask wearers and 52% for non-mask wearers. The relative risk of getting infected by SARS-CoV-2 was 0.13 for mask wearers."
"In the healthcare setting, 9% of the mask wearers and 33% of the non-mask wearers tested COVID-19 positive. Furthermore, the relative risk of contracting COVID-19 was 0.20 for individuals wearing facemasks within the healthcare setting. Additionally, in community settings, the team noted that 6% of mask wearers and 83% of non-maks wearers tested SARS-CoV-2 positive. The relative risk of contracting COVID-19 in the community setting was 0.08 for mask wearers."
"The results showed an association between using a facemask and testing positive for COVID-19 since over 92% of the subjects who wore a mask did not test COVID-19 positive. The correlation between COVID-19-positivity and wearing a facemask varied considerably between the healthcare and community settings. Overall, 50% of subjects who did not wear a mask did not contract COVID-19. Notably, 83% and 33% of the subjects who did not wear a facemask in the community and healthcare settings contracted COVID-19, respectively. Compared to healthcare settings, the correlation between contracting COVID-19 and wearing a facemask was greater in the community setting."
"Overall, the study findings indicated that mask wearers were less likely to contract COVID-19 in healthcare and community settings. It will be necessary to conduct further research as more information becomes available. The researchers believe that future studies are necessary to ascertain the impact of regulations related to facemask usage and other interventions on COVID-19 transmission."

(55,035 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(53,052 posts)riversedge
(74,476 posts)underpants
(189,244 posts)This isn’t complicated.
(19,382 posts)We suspect a neighbors funeral. All are good now but they had to stay in the house for five days. Thankfully I didn’t get it.
(13,538 posts)All of which contribute to reducing your chances.
Unfortunately my brother is currently one of those 33% & HE was steadfast in many things
(12,525 posts)While wearing a mask (particularly a K95) would be expected to offer protection, the non mask-wearers may fare worse, not merely because they're not wearing a mask, but because many people who don't wear masks are also less diligent about social distancing, etc.
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)Still insist masks are worthless and/or not worth the inconvenience.
Tree Lady
(12,269 posts)Now he says if I ever get over this I am going nowhere!
I managed so far not to get it by immediately isolating him to spare room, he has been there for a week and because I always wear a stores where he had started not wearing after law changed.
So we proved the example.
I am masking now around the house in hallway he walks to bathroom.
I have air purifier set in hallway also with good hepa filter.
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)I u caught it from my non-making spouse while we were on vacation, and I couldn't move to a separate room when she had her "allergy attack."
(She did test negative, at the time . . . But positive a few days later when it was too late.)
Tree Lady
(12,269 posts)Then positive second day. What saved me is we sleep separately because of sleep issues. On vacation I usually get two beds in room but final day on vacation hotel made mistake and gave us suite with two bedrooms. When he had symptoms and tested negative that first night i stayed away because I wanted to visit daughter told him to stay in room a few days because I didn't want to catch his cold.
Then next day he tested positive and got sicker so I was glad I had separated from him and not let him hang out in rest of house.
He caught it on our vacation at the end. I remember a lady coughing near him on ferry I immediately left the area but he stayed at table near her.
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)I move out to the living room and sleep in my recliner when she had been misbehaving, or otherwise there is a known exposure, and run the purifier in the living room.
Unfortunately, this time we were in a single room. She did move to the second bed (first time in 40 years we slept in the same room, in separate beds), but it wasn't enough.
Tree Lady
(12,269 posts)Were you really sick?
We have had so many arguments over mask wearing and him calling me a nag.
Now he says he wants to stay home. Will be interesting to see when he is better how he is with masks. Its been a long 2 1/2 years of me reminding him to put one on over and over. Mostly because I was afraid if he got it I would.
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)She won't change. At day 5, when the health department order allowed us to leave our home with masks, I caught her in my 90 that old mother's kitchen with her mask off. GRRR.
My symptoms were really mild (less than any cold I've had - gone in 3 - 4 days, except for the lingering positive test). BUT I'm currently hospitalized with pancreatitis - likely caused by gall stones. Both gall stones and pancreatitis are among the plethora of things for which they are discovering COVID increases the risk.
Tree Lady
(12,269 posts)My hubby knows better or should as he had cancer many years ago and colds always turn worse. Its been 8 days and he still has cough and cold symptoms. He was throwing up and fever added to that first few days and headache.
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)In 20-30% of people.
(13,538 posts)She was sick a few days & now just has the cough.
Yet we'd BOTH had it sometime before and never knew we had it!
(8,713 posts)My husband stopped wearing a mask to the gym in January and got Covid. I banished him to the basement, and if he had to come up, we both wore masks and stayed away from each other. I never got it.
I still wear a mask when I'm in a store.
Tree Lady
(12,269 posts)The doctors told me to expect to get it. But they don't know my life.
(8,713 posts)he is okay!
(11,683 posts)Last edited Fri Aug 5, 2022, 02:21 PM - Edit history (2)
Edited to add: I wear a mask just about everywhere. If for no other reason than it gives comfort to normal people and pisses off the fuckheads.
2nd Edited to add: I should clarify that I don't consider everyone or most who don't wear a mask to be "fuckheads". My term "fuckhead" (or "literal asswipe" is intended for those who are anti-maskers who give others a hard time for wearing a mask, or who get upset when they see someone wearing a mask.
(5,977 posts)The report is a review of other studies. It has not been peer-reviewed. There is no mention of vaccination in the report. I suppose I could read all of the studies reported on, but I am comfortable wearing a mask in public, and have read enough to be certain that good masks, properly used, are effective against COVID.
From the report's discussion:
Facemasks are rarely used as a sole means for infection prevention. Other preventative measures, such as distancing and hand hygiene, for example are typically used in conjunction with them. A possible avenue of future research would involve analysis of which measures are most effective when used in combination with facemasks. Additionally, there is considerable variability in regional laws that govern the use of facemasks. In some areas, facemasks are simply recommended by officials; whereas, in other areas there are legal and financial penalties for not wearing a facemask. Future investigations may study the effects of such legal mandates. Finally, this initial sample size was relatively small, and additional analysis will be warranted as more information becomes available.
(28,290 posts)There are two "fuckheads" here on DU who publicly ridiculed me months ago for continuing to wear a mask.
Martin Eden
(13,963 posts)I'm not trying to discount the value of wearing a mask, but vaccine status would be a factor.
I suspect those who donmak up are also less likely to be vaccinated.
(4,920 posts)...
What they leave out are important factors for how well fitted and mask types.
Loose hanging surgical mask vs tight and snug N95s.
The former is only useful as a sneeze guard FFS
You should see some of the poker rooms when everyone was required to ware a mask,
noses sticking out, bottom of mask hanging free, big air gaps on sides of face and nose