Florida scientist says she was fired for 'refusing to manipulate' COVID-19 data
The scientist who created Florida's COVID-19 data portal wasn't just removed from her position May 5, she was fired Monday by the Department of Health, she said, for refusing to manipulate data.
Rebekah Jones said in an email to Florida Today that she single-handedly created two applications in two languages, four dashboards, six unique maps with layers of data functionality for 32 variables covering a half a million lines of data.
Her objective was to create a way for Floridians and researchers to see what the COVID-19 situation was in real time.
Then, she was dismissed.
At: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/05/19/florida-scientist-refused-manipulate-covid-19-data-and-fired/5220794002/

Rebekah Jones, formerly of the Florida Department of Health.
Jones states having been ordered to censor some Covid data - and then fired after she refused to manually change data to drum up support for Governor de Santis' plan to reopen.
Florida has official count of 47,000 Covid-19 cases, and over 2,000 deaths - though some watchdog groups claim the real number is much higher.