Related: About this forumWhy Wearing a Face Mask Is Encouraged in Asia, but Shunned in the U.S."Joseph Tsang, an infectious disease specialist who also worked as a consultant for the citys Hospital Authority, says the purpose of wearing a mask is two-fold. Wearing a mask is not just for protecting yourself from getting infected, but also minimizing the chance of potential infection harboring in your body from spreading to people around you, he tells TIME."
"He also says that the role of a face mask may be especially important in the epidemic due to the nature of the virus. Patients with COVID-19 often have mild or even no symptoms, and some researchers believe it can also be transmitted when patients are asymptomaticmeaning patients can be contagious and dont know theyre sick."
"Hui adds that the lack of solid evidence supporting the effectiveness of masks against the virus is no reason to dismiss its use, because there may never be definitive scientific proof. A properly controlled study would be impossible to conduct ethically, he explains. You cant randomize people to not wear a mask, and some to wear a mask, and then expose them all to the virus, he says."
"Why Telling People They Dont Need Masks Backfired...
To help manage the shortage, the authorities sent a message that made them untrustworthy"

(6,156 posts)In US, only robbers use masks, so far anyways.
(26,071 posts)there is a shortage of face masks. If there were an ample supply for our health workers and the rest of the population I believe it would be required to wear one.
Out of necessity - they said we don't need to wear the masks.
(1,277 posts)and leave the personal protective equipment to the people risking their lives to save ours.
(64,188 posts)Buckeye_Democrat
(15,167 posts)It seems LOGICAL to me, but a lot of people in the USA are less concerned about logic than appearance.
Years ago, I wore a face mask at work when I was still contagious from the stomach flu. (I returned to work early because my boss BEGGED me to return, despite my warnings of still being contagious while I felt almost completely recovered.)
I was mocked by some coworkers for wearing the mask even after I explained it was for their benefit.
By the way, I apparently still passed it to three different coworkers. I shouldve just stayed at home like I intended, and not heeded my whiny, lazy boss who didnt want to work (doing my job in a half-assed manner during my absence).
(52,672 posts)bit in the article it says that some people in Asian countries wear them to hide a red nose from allergies or a big cold sore on a lip. I never thought of using it to hide something but now that I have a pimple on my chin I can see how a mask could come in handy for that.
(1,277 posts)A mask really helps keep my hands of my face and
Although it may not work, in case I am ignorantly asymptomatically spreading hopefully my guilt would be less,
Our healthcare workers desperately need all of the protective personal equipment (PPE) that we have.
Our police need them. Our firefighters need them. Our postal workers need them. For goodness sake, every grocery store worker should be masked, along with every essential delivery worker.
We are the wealthiest country in the world and we have only fulfilled one state (Florida's) PPE requests, although strangely Oklahoma and Kentucky received more than the state's requested. We are already losing critical first responders to this shortage, sidelined by quarantine and death.
It is horrible enough that we are not consistently, repeatedly testing our first responders; it would be cataclysmic if we jump on board the mask 😷 bidding game. PPE already costs 20 times what it did before this virus.
If we join in the mask hunt, with this political hackery price gouging proceeding apace, millions more of us will die, not only here but all over this world.
There is a solution, though.
We make our own masks 😷. There are multiple you tubes, articles, and goodness only knows on-line classes, on how to make your own mask 😷 Most are no sewing required.
For heaven's sake, make your own. Wash one you have in your closet (if you have one) and wear that.
Please do NOT buy medical masks 😷.
Our doctors and nurses need them to keep on risking their lives to save ours.
It is the absolute least we can actively do.
Wear a mask 😷, but make your own!
(52,672 posts)if you google it. Kids can even make them. I have some old ones that I am recycling, the same with gloves. Anything is better than nothing I figure.
and I never realized how much we all touch our faces. A 😷 -- even a bandanna -- helps me stop doing that.
(52,672 posts)when I was no longer allowed to. Women have learned how to avoid touching their eyes when wearing make-up.
(1,277 posts)I am a smudge-athon on my best days.
(59,174 posts)that the virus can enter? Sometimes you have to scratch your cheek or forehead.
(1,277 posts)I use a clean scarf or tissue to scratch my forehead and cheeks, as well as my chin, nose or upper lip.
(59,174 posts)where the virus can enter? I mean you can touch hands, arms and legs, it's even recommended to was our hands as much as possible.
(1,277 posts)just represented some of them.
I cannot claim expertise. Yet, doctors are not known for puffing recommendations.
Think we should follow the medical recommendations as much as we can, and ignore the my pillow guy and his crony, who is unfortunately our unfit president.
(2,954 posts)and many Asian countries, people wore masks because of their concern for their fellow countrymen. When Asians come here they are looked at as being afraid of getting sick, which is far from the truth. We could learn something from their cultural views. As long as enough masks are available, I think we should all were one when in public.
(52,672 posts)about the masks as you and was met with negative feedback here on DU about 2 weeks ago. I only know from what people who are from Japan have told me in the past and they said it was to help protect others more than yourself. I also have heard the same thing on TV over the years when I watch travel shows. So now I keep my mouth shut and post articles from others instead. I don't need to defend anything that way.
The same thing happened when I said something negative about FL for not shutting down the state before Spring Break. Since then I have not heard from the DUer who defended FL's governor and shamed me. You have to defend yourself in many ways these days.
(2,954 posts)wearing masks or not. We are in NYC, and one local Doctor did a podcast saying it was mainly hand to face transmission. At the same time I see graphs of virus spread, and it is the Asian countries that typically wear facemasks that appear to have flattened the curve the best. My wife and I will continue to err on the side of caution.
On a separate note, please continue your posts and offer your opinions BP. I always enjoy yours. Thanks and stay safe.
(52,672 posts)
(113,131 posts)The only time to wear a face mask if you're healthy is when you're caring for someone who is sick with the virus, either at home or in hospital.
Dr. Fauci's initial statement is correct: wearing a face mask is only going to get a healthy person's face all sweaty. If you're ill and have to go out to a doctor, clinic, or hospital, definitely wear a mask. If you're going to an uncrowded grocery, probably not.
Gloves are even sillier. The first time you touch your face with a gloved hand, you've defeated any purpose it might have had.
(14,663 posts)and mainly in cities. That's because of very lax air pollution control laws, especially in India and China.