Related: About this forumHeadache and cramps
I feel like absolute horrible. I don't mean to whine, but I occasionally get bad periods, and I'm having one. I try to take vitamins to help stave it off, but right now?
I feel like crap.

(138,724 posts)probably not, but oral contraceptive rxs helped both my daughters.
(39,961 posts)I've never had to do so because I like girls, but I am feeling like I got run over by a truck. I might consider it though, since I feel like a mountain fell on my head and a mule kicked me.
(138,724 posts)tech_smythe
(190 posts)As far as I know it's normal to start taking OC from a fairly young age because of a bad period.
My ex had problems with her periods - as in months between. When she did have one it was usually pretty bad.
She started on a different OC because it helped her to start having a regular period (3 on, 1 off) if I recall the details correctly.
I'm afraid I can't remember off the top of my head what she'd take for when it was bad.
Years ago Advil? had a PMS strength pain pill, that I think has since been pulled.
Hope the OP feels better soon.
My ex would say dark chocolate and foot rubs helped. I was lucky she has nice feet XD
(10,730 posts)Only things that helped me were 800 mg ibuprofen and getting into very hot water.
(39,961 posts)It's the only thing that keeps me from wanting to scream.
(24,135 posts)Magnesium oil .... Not really an oil, mag. Flakes & distilled water.
Spray and rub .... Build your magnesium up and keep it up. I just ordered flakes..
It will help you sleep like a baby too!
(39,961 posts)I know that is Magnesium Sulfate.
(24,135 posts)I never really felt much better doing Epsom salt soaks - this stuff, you just spray it on - feels like oil, but it's not. Works like a charm for pain, muscle relaxer, nerve relaxer, migraines, helps with bones too. (calcium should be taken when doing TMT)
(39,961 posts)Anything that can help, I appreciate.
(10,039 posts)Turned out I had endometriosis. Go to a doc. Medically trained people might know more.
They have gotten progressively worse as I have gotten older.
(21,691 posts)Every period was bad; severe cramping and bleeding to anemia. And I'd get two of them a month. Vicodin worked for me (I can't take NSAIDs or oral contraceptives); I was on Depo for a while but that's not great for someone with severe kidney disease (but waaaay better than a pregnancy), so I got sterilized and had the ablation.
If you don't want a pregnancy (I know you like girls but I know that doesn't automatically mean child-free) and this keeps happening, ask about an ablation. If you're a nullapara like me, you might have to go the hydrothermal route, but it's worth it. (The anatomy of a NP - or at least mine - is too small for methods like NovaSure. Dammit.) You've talked about your history enough that I personally don't think Depo would be the best solution for you because of the #1 side-effect
My migraines - always bad - got worse around my period. Since my ovaries and uterus are intact, that still happens, but I take a huge amount of Topamax daily to prevent migraines in general, and the cyclic ones are manageable.
(21,642 posts)I had terrible migraines for about ten years, but the approach of menopause has helped tremendously. I'm off the topamax and have only had one migraine since then--and it was just an ocular migraine, no pain. Hang in there.
(39,961 posts)And that grants me a lot of hope.
(21,691 posts)... changes in barometric pressure are a big trigger, which I thought I was imagining until my neurologist told me that was pretty common. Loud, continuous, arrhythmic noise - like construction - is too, and guess what's going on at my house and apartment?
But I may be perimenopausal. Maybe. My ovarian cysts were briefly gone but now they're back, but my endo band is pretty narrow ... But I did have it burned out 10 years ago, so who knows?? My doctor isn't sure!
(21,642 posts)... that SmartMeters can give you Zombie Womb?
(21,691 posts)My doctor, who also does most of the surgeries I have (mostly minor, but - tmi - I've had stitches where there ought not be) is a little afraid of my ability to heal; that's why she fulgurated my tubes end to end rather than merely doing a ligation.
It IS that damn SmartMeter.
Whatever happened to those people and why aren't we being reported?
(39,961 posts)Since I like girls, so I don't, but this period is killing me. I've had a few before that were fierce and they are getting worse.
I'm still having a migraine, but thank you for the suggestions. I have never slept with a man, and don't plan on it if I can possibly avoid getting violently raped, so it literally is not necessary for me. I'm 40 and have never even had the slightest desire to sleep with a man, so I'm pretty sure where I stand on that issue.
I'm thin, though, and I'm about 110lbs right now. I'm trying vitamins and it isn't working.
(21,642 posts)If you opted for something like Seasonale, you'd have fewer periods (none at all if you took Lybrel) and a steadier level of female hormones that might make the migraines less likely. You might also consider asking your doctor about a "rescue med" for the headaches. When my migraines were at their worst, I took a daily preventive medication, abortive medication when I actually had a headache, and occasionally a rescue med when I'd maxed out on the daily dose of the abortive medication and still had the headache.
(39,961 posts)And thankfully they don't happen often, I'd prefer I get crushed by a 10,000 pound weight. I'm not even kidding, nausea - puking - and all the other delightful symptoms that make you wish you could die, but they last LOL.
(21,642 posts)REP
(21,691 posts)But isn't contraception. That's why I have a tubal ligation and an ablation
I know you like girls, but don't want to ASSuME that means you don't wish to become pregnant through a donor.Not all women who like women are child-free, too
Depo is also used to control menorrhagia, even in sterilized women like me (I opted for the surgical option) but it causes pretty severe weight gain in most women who use it - much more than first reported.
(39,961 posts)REP
(21,691 posts)It halts ovulation and is commonly used to treat ovarian cysts and menorrhagia as well as as a contraceptive.
(19,153 posts)Or perhaps Women's World (Group).
(39,961 posts)Sorry if the post didn't conform to your liking.
(21,691 posts)I think the suggestion was meant as "also" not "instead of" though
(39,961 posts)I'm going to crawl into bed.
And apologies, I'm not feeling very well which is not a usual state for me.
(39,961 posts)I am drinking tea, and thankful I'm not throwing up. I don't know what has gotten me sick, but I suspect it was something I ate. Please forgive me if I've been out of decorum.
(21,691 posts)No problem. Cramps and migraine can fuck with a person in bad ways
(24,096 posts)Its very simple and I found it did help me a bit, whether it was a placebo reaction or what I don't know but it did give me some relief.
take an aluminum pan and warm it in the oven, wrap it in a towel and put on your belly. You should feel the heat so you'll have to experiment with how hot and how thick the towel, but don't burn yourself!
(39,961 posts)Though I know of a variation of it. It's warm something so that it doesn't burn you then help warm your abdomen that is cramping up a storm. I'm trying into use towels, and a mix of modern analgesics to avoid hormonal therapy. It's hard..
It's old country though, and thank you for offering it. We learn a damn lot here in the country, and we have a lot to share Thank you Whisp.
(26,323 posts)and maybe some whiskey
(39,961 posts)LMFAO!