Related: About this forumI am an angry Feminist. And I dare anyone tell me there is something wrong with that.
another fine rant I wish I could copy in full
And I want to scream in frustration: INTERSECTIONALITY FAIL! This is not how we “Stop Street Harassment”. For some of us, the racism, the transphobia, the homophobia, the classism cannot be separated from the sexism. They are all tragically interconnected to one another. But I should be less angry. And if some random dude in the street harasses me, I should perhaps pause and ask “Are you bothering me because of racism or because of sexism? Can you, fine dude, please elaborate on the root cause of your aggression?”. And yes, I am angry that this is supposedly done as part of my “movement”, that this is supposedly done on my behalf. But I am even more angry by the fact that merely complaining about this lack of intersectional lens would label me “angry” and “difficult” and it would put me at risk of ostracism.
I also happen to be angry with myself. Mostly at my inability to shut up. I am fully aware that it would make things easier for me. Just avert my eyes and pretend I haven’t seen this or that. Just pretend that this or that hasn’t happened. Just go with the flow and accept that both within and outside this feminism I call mine there will be failures. That we live in a world where inequalities are a matter of fact, they happen and I should perhaps redirect this anger towards fixing those that are within my reach. But I can’t, because, see above: moral imperative, etc. Which, in turn, makes me fully aware of the fact that my anger can easily become sanctimony because there is such a small threshold that separates the two. I want to think that this pain I feel inside, the tears I hardly hold when I am angry are what separates me from the sanctimony. But if I am to be intellectually honest, which I also try to be, I need to acknowledge the risk. That moment when the anger transforms in a faux sense of moral superiority.
And so I examine this anger, not necessarily because I do not want to feel it but because I need to understand it. I ponder on the stigmas associated with it, how they have been used as a means to silence those who voice it. I remember the tone arguments, the stereotype of the “angry, hysterical, screaming Latina”, the way every time a person dares speak about their frustrations, people can be dismissive on the basis of “anger” and “irrationality”. As if the reasons why we are angry were less legitimate because we articulate from a place of passion. Because yes, I am deeply passionate about my and our survival. But I also want more than merely surviving. I want us to thrive, I want us to have real choices and not just those the system we live in deems to be appropriate. I want us to be fulfilled and dare I say it, I want happiness to be a legitimate, if elusive goal. And how could I not be angry when I see all of this denied, taken away, available only to those born in the right places, with the right bodies, with the acceptable genders and sexualities. How could I not react with passion and with fury?
This I’ve heard so many times: loca, bitch, puta; you are an embarrassment, nos haces pasar verguenza; all those words that have been hurled at me every time I was angry and I spoke. I raised my voice. I was compelled to say something but my wrath obscured reason and because of that, I gave others a justification to ignore me. I’ve had enough of that. If anger is all we have left then anger will be the expression of my politics. This frustration I experience because so many rights we have gained are slowly being taken away from us; because we have to witness how States perpetuate policies of oppression, how people are divided in categories of humanity, how men like Dominique Strauss Kahn are in charge of the administration of people’s lives and how his actions and the current allegations speak of his entitlement to the bodies of the women who are already objectified and abused on the basis of their ethnicity, and how we are forced to endure it all and pretend it was a choice. I cannot dismiss this anger I also feel right now by the lack of intersectionality within our movement which compels me to denounce it, even if it is at the expense of my own reputation. This anger that drives me to consciousness and to action is, right now, all I have.
I AM AN ANGRY FEMINIST. And I dare anyone tell me there is something wrong with that.

(10,039 posts)
(10,602 posts)There is such a thing as justified anger. Well we are far past that point. Women should be putting these guys on the run. If women do not terrorize these guys and go after them with complete prejudice then they will lose. I know that they will accuse you of being angry. I embrace that anger and say yes I am and you WILL pay a price and you WON'T like it.
I am a military vet. Women need to take the same scorches earth stand as the Republicans have. So as a man I support you. I made a comment about a "Bobbit" response and was told that it was over the line. Well when it comes to GOP males it should be an option for women. They are over the line every day in so many ways. Turnabout is fair play.
Women have to realize just how dangerous, sadistic, and vicious the GOP types are. They are certainly not fellow Americans in my book.
I read your rant and you are entitled to it. The four goons on that stage last night should have been run off that stage and those GOP bastards should have been run out of that arena. Their militancy has to be countered because they are upping the ante every day.
(35,568 posts)Reading about them here, just knowing what they're up to, is horrible enough. Our country has come to this? Really? Four dangerous, sadistic, and vicious goons spreading their hate and being taken so seriously? It's a nightmare. Stop them now! Where are their mothers? Their sisters? Their aunts? Shame.
(10,039 posts)Toward people like that.
(65,616 posts)Just slightly off topic but, has the IMF ever done anything to help poor nations? What is it, exactly that they do (give loans that they know can never be paid back?) that helps our societies and cultures around the world?
I've never read a single news article that was positive about the IMF and I remember how GWB and his crew used it like their own piggy bank for 8 years.
(35,568 posts)I think they're among the lowest of the low. Pond scum just looking to enslave and then squeeze every nickel they can.
And what for? Where does all that money go? To enslave and destroy yet more countries?
I'd love to read a DUers thorough research on them one day
(65,616 posts)I will ask him for some information, I remember he posted a huge amount of information on the IMF on DU2 sometime ago. If he still has the information I will send it to you. Something really needs to be done about the IMF...otherwise they stay the apex predator feeding off of the helpless and poor nations of the world.
(35,568 posts)The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an intergovernmental organization of central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks."(2) It is not accountable to any national government. The BIS carries out its work through subcommittees, the secretariats it hosts, and through its annual General Meeting of all members. It also provides banking services, but only to central banks, or to international organizations like itself. Based in Basel, Switzerland, the BIS was established by the Hague agreements of 1930. The name of the BIS in German: Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (BIZ), in French: Banque des Règlements Internationaux (BRI), in Italian: Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali (BRI). It has representative offices in Hong Kong and Mexico City.
The same wiki article mentions this video
How can these people still be around? and "not accountable to any national government"?
(21,642 posts)Rex
(65,616 posts)We run all over the world spending trillions of dollars to fight wars with third world countries, while the IMF robs from third world countries and evidently is involved in the flesh slave trade. How fucked up is that?
(40,656 posts)once I'm a bit tetchy about doing it again myself.