Related: About this forumLawmaker says Girl Scouts push 'homosexual lifestyle'
OY! As a former scout this just struck me as the most ridiculous thing I've heard today. Perhaps they support the Capitalistic Cookie Selling Skills but I never once heard about Planned Parenthood In my Brownie Troop....
It's Cookie time for the Girl Scouts but it looks like it time for the yearly attack on the Brownies, Cadets, and Juniors....
Now you don't think he's spouting that stupid mantra that if we raise independent competent girls they'll "turn" lesbian on us... He couldn't possibly be implying that now in 2012...Right? Eeeeeeks

(22,845 posts)that tipped off the religious nuts.
(14,887 posts)w/ these rong wing nuts is there? I suppose if a person was to attack the boy scouts w/ the same language - good for the goose, good for the gander - that person would be labeled as the anti-christ, unpatriotic, a socialist and any other current rong wing identifiers tossed out these days.
(135,060 posts)How embarrassing for him.
(10,039 posts)Camping, tying knots, canoeing, hiking, building bridges or even more awesome: catapults. Scavenging for food out in the middle of no where, yeah, like they'd teach that.
I essentially just tagged along with all the boy scouts, wishing they would let me join in. Oh well, that's my tagent.
Personally, I'm wondering why lesbians would need planned parenthood for birth control or abortions.
(65,606 posts)went berserk. Young Scouts have been encouraged to make youtube videos warning people about the perils of joining the Girl Scouts, where "male rapists" are being allowed to "go camping" with Girl Scouts! It's a real frenzy of bigotry, nationwide.
I bought some Thin Mints the other day. I don't really like them, but hey, it was for a good cause! :smile:
(135,060 posts)2 boxes of thin mints and 2 boxes of the peanut butter chocolate...my kids love them. We used to go door to door but don't think that happens much anymore. Probably will get a few more and put them in the freezer.