Related: About this forumNeoma just terminated laconicsax and me as co-hosts.
This discussion thread was locked by Neoma (a host of the Feminists group).
Just FYI.

(110,159 posts)from any of us?
(36,165 posts)I have a massive problem with the abuse of power that remaining host has displayed. And I thought Labor party factions were ruthless in their quest for power. They've got nothing on this!
Ruby the Liberal
(26,366 posts)
(110,159 posts)because it is a fun game for you all.
the people that USE the forum do not trust or want neoma as a host.
you are outside the forum. you dont use the forum. you dont know the forum. yet you come in here and tell us what we need to do.
I haven't said whether I want Neoma to stay or go and I use this forum. Seabeyond, here is the problem when people say they feel unwelcome here. Anyone who may disagree with the hosts and some members are too often branded as outsiders, trolls and disruptors.
I know you probably mean well, but you can't say that "no one who uses the forum wants Neoma" unless you've actually polled the members who subscribe to this forum, which numbered around 100 people before all this shitstorm started.
You know, I didn't post much on DU 2 because I worked two jobs and didn't want to post when I wouldn't have time to respond. But, for years, I read the Feminist group every morning before I left for work and truly enjoyed it. I was a "user" of this forum. I didn't feel like an outsider, but I guess, according to some here, that's what I am.
(30,151 posts)Her OP late last night was very reasoned..
I think everyone should just forget the fact a "host" exists and go about talking about what you talk about.
Then the drama will die down..and y'all can see how it goes!
(12,799 posts)I unsubscribed from the group several weeks ago.
Clearly I didn't belong.
(8,625 posts)No? thought not.
(12,799 posts)You're right. I chose to leave. I don't think I'm the only one who found the forum unwelcoming. This group has been exclusive for a while now. I'm all for allowing it to continue in the same vein. Enjoy.
(36,165 posts)I was just trying out the saying something and doing something completely different thing that neoma does when it comes to unilateral decisions...
As this is yr first time appearing in this group, welcome,. and if you read threads from the past few days, a solution was being worked out. It was one that Neoma didn't like, so she's sacked the co-hosts we'd elected...
(14,860 posts)She's declared herself President-for-life, so to speak.
(110,159 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,789 posts)The whole group was weeping because redqueen was ready to leave, and now you FIRE HER?
(36,165 posts)So much for democracy and members mattering. This is so wrong.
Neoma. You've ignored hosts and members and I'm betting you'll lock any dissent to yr rule but you need to reinstate the hosts right now
(3,751 posts)that the damage and drama I have seen in 2 days is so so sad for all involved. What point is there to have a safe zone group for feminists if women and men here just rip each other to shreds?
That said, from what I gather, the new lead host has went on a perceived power binge and banned any dissent (as well as people) and locked threads that point to this. I also see a huge trust broken by sharing private messages.
You need to hold elections ASAP to sort this. If not, the DU site admins need to step in soon.
If I'm wrong, then flame on, as I have said my part.
I wish all involved well, and hope no more hurt and pain comes to a single person in here. The world is not a friendly place these days, and feminist ideology/perspective is a vital need for the world. This is not the way to facilitate this goal.
(110,159 posts)has voted neoma.
they say we were trying to do a coup. with election. where as taking over with no votes is honorable.
this is what du has given us for a week now.
(3,751 posts)revisited. You certainly have my support. This is about a fair outcome and process, and I see neither remotely appearing.
Your group is dying, and that can not be allowed to stand.
(110,159 posts)BlueIris
(29,135 posts)I am interested to read the perspectives of those who do not regularly post here.
Second...I agree completely with your post. I think the worst thing about this is how much personally hurtful behavior has been involved.
I think I am about done. Just totally and completely...done.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,366 posts)That is a refreshing perspective, BlueIris - thank you.
(14,860 posts)There's not much chance of elections when the person in power locks threads on the subject.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,366 posts)And until admin addresses the toxicity, it will continue as nothing else can stop the toxicity.
(3,751 posts)I know it is not the right thing to say, but I REALLY miss the wholistic community (even the pain in the arses that just were part of the territory as well) that was on DU2. So many good people seemed to have just went 'poof'. A shame all around.
Plus I am a 14 month noob here (and a Swedish interloper too, as I have been told several times, lolol). I can imagine how some 10 year plus posters must feel.
I will defo keep coming back here in hopes of seeing this all smoothed out.
(15,184 posts)I find nothing better about the "new"DU. Others in my family, to whom I introduced the site, agree. I have not been involved in this particular disagreement but am sad to find things here so much in disarray.
(110,159 posts)to tell us about the toxicity?
(30,151 posts)
(115,177 posts)Neoma just terminated I.
Does that sound right?
No, it doesn't. Do you know why that is? Because it's wrong, yes, that's what it is.
Do you have it all figured out now? Did that help?
Oh, and thanks for your newfound interest in this forum.
(30,151 posts)
Yep, this forum is pretty cool.. If everybody would chill out and smoke a joint would be a lot better though

(115,177 posts)Now it's kinda uncomfortable for those of us who have been participating it for the intended purpose (i.e. not flamewars).
And yes, it is a different sentence, but what we're talking about is usage. That's all the help you get from me, just go look it up, I wouldn't want you to embarrassingly attempt to correct anyone else on that particular issue.
(30,151 posts)Doesn't sound as formal..
I guess I'm used to people alwasy saying -
Me and Jason , Me and Shirley
When it should be Jason and I , Shirley and I-
Oh well, that's why I'm an Engineer not an English teacher LOL
I don't get embarrased from mistakes on a Public Intertubes Message board LOL, or by what anybody does or says. That would just be pathetic
(68,918 posts)...because you spelled embarrassed incorrectly as well.
(30,151 posts)when doing tests for typing speed...
(115,177 posts)MadrasT
(7,237 posts)...even though it is.
(15,184 posts)cases anymore? Saw a "Cheers" episode ages ago where the self-appointed intellectual character, Diane, continually used "I' when "me' was the correct pronoun. I'm sure the writers thought this would show how high brow she was.
There are many more important things in life to be concerned about but this one can be easily remedied .
(7,237 posts)Scout
(8,625 posts)snooper2
(30,151 posts)At least everybody's mind was on something else for a moment
(30,151 posts)That is when one is deemed stupid-
You ever fail at anything? What trade are you in?