Comedy Central's The Glass Ceiling game gets way too real.
Remember how companies used to market board games in the '90s?
They were commercials filled with cheesy music, bad acting, and unrealistic expectations of how much fun you'd actually have playing the game. Last week, Comedy Central released its own board game commercial, promoting The Glass Ceiling game for girls. The hilarious parody video tackles those commercial hallmarks while hitting the girls in it with a harsh dose of grown-up reality about wage gaps and women in the workplace.
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Remember how companies used to market board games in the '90s?
They were commercials filled with cheesy music, bad acting, and unrealistic expectations of how much fun you'd actually have playing the game. Last week, Comedy Central released its own board game commercial, promoting The Glass Ceiling game for girls. The hilarious parody video tackles those commercial hallmarks while hitting the girls in it with a harsh dose of grown-up reality about wage gaps and women in the workplace.
In the video, the girls start off with big aspirations, only to learn of some of the workplace's less-awesome aspects.
One girl is shown reading a card that says, "Your Ivy League education hasn't gone unnoticed; it makes your boss Doug feel emasculated. The promotion goes to Blake, who didn't even get a degree. Move back 1 space." Another one of the girls is made to wrestle with what she'd do if her boss sexually harassed her.