Related: About this forumI fell off the fence.
A funny thing happened to me today. I haven't said anything about the presidential primaries on Facebook, in part because I've been focused on Donna Edwards' Senate campaign. But there was another reason. For the most part, I didn't care. I knew that the heat was up between Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters, and it has been ugly. VERY ugly. And listening to Bernie supporters bash Hillary supporters was a big turn-off. I had done some reading about the candidates' positions on their websites, and Bernie's were definitely more ambitious, more pie-in-the-sky. I can see why he has so much appeal, although I think he'll have to take amazing liberties with Executive Orders... but all that to say, I was on the fence. Well, today, I fell off the fence and landed in the Hillary camp.
It was a weird thing really. I was reading about a group of airline stewardesses who had sued and won the right to wear pants. For them, it was a BIG deal. And I watched some men come along and talk about how they wanted to wear kilts. They really didn't understand. I don't think they wanted to understand. There were some women who tried to explain. How skirts are cold and impractical in cold weather, are impractical in most male-centered workplaces, and just in general are restrictive, on purpose. And then one man said "it's just a custom, it's a cultural thing". As if that excuses instances of sexism. At any rate, my feminist rage kicked in, and I fell off the fence. It's time for a woman president, Hillary has groomed herself for the job, and by golly, I'm going to vote for her. Sure, she's not as progressive as Bernie. Not by miles. Yes, she gets corporate money. Yes, she raked in millions as a speaker. Yes, yes, yes, she fails the progressive litmus test. But by gosh, I think she has the cajones to do the job, and to do the job well. So, IF she wins the nomination, I will campaign for her. This has surprised me. But sexism pushed me over the edge. And I want Hillary.

(47,753 posts)Well said!
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)not by Sanders but by some of his supporters and most of the GOP.
I'm much more aligned with Sanders' agenda than hers but I'd rather see her as president than any of the Republicans --not just because she's a Democratic but because she's a woman who has seen it all in terms of sexism. No way would I even consider voting against her in the general election.