Related: About this forumSo, some DUers mostly men, no doubt, at this hour,
are offended that an irate poster want to "shove an ultrasound wand" up Scott Walker's ass.
That post made it to the greatest page but it appears that some, have no idea or could not care less how humiliating an ultrasound wand is for women seeking abortion. So they take a holier than you approach: tsk, tsk, promoting rape on these pages. Yeah, right.

(4,407 posts)in this case.
(34,502 posts)that not ALL women advocate shoving a wand up their ass.
(15,275 posts)but that's just me.
I figure if someone's trying to live by an ethical code, even one of their own devising, best to apply it as evenly and consistently as possible.
(3,747 posts)I can understand the anger in return. But I don't think it's okay to say.
I hate what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did, but I also very strongly advocated against his eventual death and/or torture in our prison system. Many DUers did not, and some went so far as to describe the hideous things they wanted done to them. Even as a joke, I am not okay with that. At all.
The same thing applies here. Do I think Scott Walker is a horrible person? Yes. But I'm not going to call for his rape. I think it's disgusting, unnecessary, and inappropriate for this board. Someone made a good point: a woman co-sponsored the bill. Would we be okay with the same statement applied to her? I am not.
That said, the thread you refer to is bullshit. No one was advocating rape, just venting. Venting in a manner I find kinda screwed up? Yes, but venting.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)
question everything
(49,732 posts)but some were very unhappy about it, even more so that it was "too old" to alert.
It is easy for all of us to calmly sit at our keyboard and rationally express our opinion about individuals and acts.
But sometimes we fee a blind fury at an injustice against us. More so when the "us" is a special group like women or minority.
Back in 1988 the Supreme Court eased Roe v. Wade. I don't remember the details. But I do remember the rage when I saw than Florida Gov. Martinez passing, or trying to pass, a law which would put some limits on abortion. All one could see was a sea of dark suits. Not a single woman among them.
So, yes, venting, especially anonymously on an Internet blog should not be interpreted as a call to shoot, or decapitate or rape - in any form - of an individual.
I don't "do" Facebook nor Twitter, but the Supreme Court just last week tried to make a distinction between venting on Facebook and real threats.
That thread reached more than 100 replies in less than three hours and mercifully was locked.
Oh, and now I see that the original thread is locked because the OP removed the post. Too bad. Individuals should be able to vent and when it comes to vaginal ultrasound, this is rape.
(37 posts)When someone says they want to see an ultra-sound wand shoved up Walker's behind, I doubt they mean it in a rape way. They mean it in a funny way, that maybe would give him a little perspective. They just mean the idea for point, not the actual carrying out. I think it would be a fair thing to say on the radio.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)They know they can't get away with what they'd really like to say about women, so they assume the mantle of the oppressed and throw around a lot of disingenuous indignation.
(12,402 posts)be a brain scan?
(5,217 posts)tymorial
(3,433 posts)Scott Walkers recommendation for women seeking abortion is rape as a corrective action. Suggesting that shoving one up Scott Walker's ass is also rape as a corrective action. If one is against rape in general, it is wrong to promote it in any situation. That is what I see here. Perhaps the motivations of those reacting to the latter can be questioned but without more information as to their character and experiences, I prefer not to do so.. i feel this way especially given the fact that men have experienced sexual abuse and rape both in their childhood and as adults. Sure some of them could be covert misogynists but there is no evidence other than a reaction to the scott walker suggestion. For me personally its not enough; objectively speaking
(37 posts)I don't know how many are male vs female, but many at least vent they would like common criminals raped as punishment. If pressed further, most would say they would not actually follow through with it, but that they would not shed a tear if they learned it happened.
It is scary when people seem to have so little empathy for others. However, people do use anonymous internet to vent. It just backfires when the wrong people read their venting and assume they really are that way.
(16,300 posts)and invasive proposals men make about women's health care are? If the idea of being anally probed makes them outraged and uncomfortable, then good. Whether they care to admit it or not, they now know how it feels to have their needs, autonomy, and dignity ignored.