Related: About this forum'Big Brother 24' Edits Out Michael's Fianc Letter From HOH Episode
Each week, the winner of the Head of Household competition on Big Brother gains the ultimate power in the game that person gets to sleep in a private room, receives a bag of goodies, gets a letter from a loved one, and chooses which players are nominated for eviction. Getting a letter is a very significant prize on Big Brother given that these players are sequestered from any contact with the outside world and really miss their loved ones.
Throughout this Big Brother 24 season, every single HOH winner has been shown reading the letter he or she received from home in the episode that followed their competition win. But on episode 14 which aired last night, Sunday, August 7 that was not the case. After winning HOH for the first time this season, gay contestant Michael Bruner was not featured in the episode reading the letter sent by his fiancé, Hayden. To reiterate, Big Brother 24 had four HOHs prior to Bruner, and all four of them were shown reading the letters sent by their loved ones.

(189,239 posts)My wife watches it. I just sit there shaking my head at how badly the show is hosted/run/produced.
(2,504 posts)I watch because she watches. She was like, wheres the letter?
(4,840 posts)I watch it recorded in the early morning hours,,,, watch, nap,, watch, nap,,,, so I miss things anyway,,,, but why would they do that? in this day & age! who gives a damn who somebody loves? I believe I will send them an email,,,,
on edit: BigBrotherJunkie on twitter has this video posted of Michael reading this HOH letter,,,, it's on Yahoo news.