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Jeffersons Ghost

(15,235 posts)
Sun Dec 21, 2014, 10:33 PM Dec 2014


Last edited Wed Apr 29, 2015, 05:20 PM - Edit history (104)

Life as a leading intelligence analyst at a black-ops satellite facility consists of advising superiors to kill enemies with similar authority. For example, if an analyst reports to the manager of a U.S. black-ops satellite facility that the strike was too accurate to be Chinese satellites, his or her team would retaliate against Russian satellite operatives. At this time, China has challenged satellite teams of every other nation, including Russia. Chinese satellite strategy consists of inducing military and intelligence teams to fully document orbits of Chinese satellites by repeatedly disrupting high profile communications facilities. Then, with satellites and electronic invaders, China plans to perform an intimidation tactic, which could involve worldwide economic collapse.

Like other reports I present, this document was intended to justify China's ongoing effort to make me an "artificially important target," where they can prove their superiority over online agents and satellite teams of several other nations, including Russia. This entire report was inspired by Chinese satellite teams. Then, through various means the Chinese government wasted an unbelievable amount of money and limited satellite capabilities to make it ridiculous. A primary strategy of Xi Jinping and China includes costing city, state and federal governments money by facilitating expensive trials and blaming civic leaders for heinous crimes they inspire. For crime to truly cost other governments a great deal of money in prosecution and incarceration, criminals must eventually be arrested. Obviously, Chinese satellite teams will assist criminals managing electronically astute crime syndicates for increasingly shorter periods of time, before assisting authorities in having them arrested. Also, trials of these criminals will provide opportunities to create code in news articles, which will force NSA and GCHQ agents to dedicate more resources to unraveling word codes in online news articles; but news items are limited, until electronically astute criminals are arrested. Various coordinated events indicate China considers "entire chains of command" at important Chinese satellite agencies expendable. How could any electronic terrorist or illegal eavesdropper believe they have friends in China, who will protect them? My reports are a stabilizing element, which provide Anonymous hactivist, illegal eavesdroppers, operators of unlicensed communications gear - who do not trust ANY government - an opportunity to unify to protect their cities, homes and families. My reports show these operators that China plans to totally control and then destroy their lives. Is instability in these unregulated communities considered beneficial to any nation? Through satellite activity of various nations, or their own calculated decisions, every agency in my report gave it influence with illegal eavesdroppers several nations. This works well with a Chinese plan to make reports of their online agents and mine "artificially important." Here is a truly important report from Russia: http://www.democraticunderground.com/11359660

There is obvious evidence in this report and others that China wants to reduce the number of professional observers in investigating and intelligence communities of several nations. Many of these professionals already documented ridiculous Chinese satellite activity around me and the satellite activity continues. Since additions to this report already borders on the absurd, later I will detail many of the ways China used every satellite in range to create scare-tactics for readers, they cannot replicate under normal circumstances. Organizers of Chinese satellite teams appear to believe this revelation will benefit their overall strategy. As usual, they are wrong. Still, the only way to alter China's plans for world domination from orbiting space-junk, is for numerous intelligence and satellite teams to coordinate efforts, to make Chinese decision-makers personally pay for increasingly poor choices, which will lead to worldwide economic collapse. In fact, there is no indication that alliances described in this report exist. Apparently, this report serves as a flimsy excuse to escalate various types of financial attacks on Russia. Instead of remaining under a Chinese satellite induced delusion that they can pit Russian satellite teams against China, high-ranking intelligence and satellite administrators of every nation should hit China hard enough to force Xi Jinping to alter his obvious plans. There is a major difference between Chinese and Russian strategy; and all satellites are not created equally. Waiting until economic conditions force Russian satellite teams to unify with Chinese satellite teams is a major mistake.

On 3/14/15 Russian satellite teams made an obvious commitment to assist FBI and Interpol agents of all kinds with investigations in every way possible; however, with various tracking aircraft flying around, all agents must realize no satellite team, except Chinese teams, are willing to constantly focus on anyone for extended periods of time. Russian satellite operators believe Vickers did some pretty clever satellite coordination of the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan. It was as if they had ESP, when they rode around on horseback destroying expensive Hind helicopters. They could vanish like ghosts, long before it was possible to hear those choppers: Then reappear when a Hind was alone and blow it up with a hand-held rocket launcher. Russian satellite teams are sure satellite teams of several nations assisted these rebels. As I was modifying this report Bad Company began playing on my radio: Central Intelligence Agency (aka) "the Company." All satellite teams of several nations want from online FBI agents for their assistance is for them to stop chasing Anonymous hactivist: Many online intelligence agents disguise themselves as Anonymous hactivist. Some "Anonymous hactivist will totally destroy Chinese propaganda that is disguised as news articles, in several nations. Other Anonymous hactivist will simply repair punctuation, wording and other grammatical errors that Chinese news sources release online, because it represents real code to Chinese online agents. Once an FBI or Interpol online agents reveals their activities on potentially compromised information systems, it is too late to apologize. Any online agent, along with foreign satellite teams, including Russian signals specialist, working to reduce "nuclear proliferation and terrorism," while protecting their diplomatic liaisons, can coordinate with Government Communications Head-Quarters (GCHQ) signaling computers to achieve mutual goals.

After finding evidence that allegations made in my reports were true, the the first FBI teams monitoring my computer followed advice in a companion report and notified every agent at the office about the validity of these reports, before using snail-mail to notify all FBI agents aware of these reports. Instead of conducting similar activity, new FBI and Interpol agents failed to notify agents in their offices about problems associated with illegal eavesdroppers, who disrupt email and telephone information to impair investigations. FBI and Interpol online agents with access to these reports continue to follow fake orders on their computers from domestic criminals and Chinese satellite operators. Also, these foolish agents think they are receiving covert information from friendly aircraft and intelligence teams through a variety of improbable sources. Upon construction, subcontractors took bribes and installed illegal eavesdropping in Interpol, FBI, DHS, DEA, US Secret Service offices, to name a few. Later, maintenance people installed other illegal eavesdropping in the facilities. In any federal office more than one group could be eavesdropping, at a given time. Opening of the new National Security Agency facility was delayed due to "electrical problems." In upcoming reports, information will be presented to get several Chinese satellite administrators fired or arrested! http://www.democraticunderground.com/11359583

On 3/26/15 due to NSA agents allowing Chinese satellites to disrupt my computer and alter settings, I discontinued a project, which was allowing DoD aircraft personnel to learn to track Chinese satellites focused on my computer by turning it off, moving it and unplugging the battery when it is not in use, which was the NSA plan. After that NSA online agents virtually kicked ass and took names at several Chinese satellite facilities and the Ministry of Information. Since my computers is named for GCHQ, in code, their agents likely assisted in tricking Chinese satellite teams into meddling with too many rigged computers in an Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency region. Collecting and compiling the data equated with putting together a time-bomb, with capability to infect an information system at such an internal level that new hardware is required. As I was typing "Double Vision" was playing on my radio, which brought on a realization that another Chinese satellite agency probably attempted to manipulate too many contaminated television sets in Great Britain and the USA. Intelligence analyst at both nations suspect "entire chains of command" at several Russian satellite agencies can be filmed laughing in the near future. As I sat down at 6:49 PM in USA on 3/27/15, lyrics on my radio were playing "half my life in those written pages." At that time there is was a strong indication thatFrench satellite intelligence officers are wondering if "meaningful dialog" was established.

All US Government aircraft with ability to track satellites must begin to track satellites disrupting computers at military bases, federal investigating offices and television stations, where Chinese satellites focus energy more covertly. Obviously, the talking water project in the Rio Grande must be expanded. To prevent information overload at a single location, only a few names will be provided in areas where water runs rapidly. All aircraft teams able to record and distribute specific financial information on criminals, who manage Chinese satellites, must begin to provide this information to deserving eavesdroppers in retail outlets, telephone poles and other locations; however, distribution of this intelligence will be limited to hard working, established eavesdroppers, who receive no other payment for their civic duties. Unlike recycling eavesdropping gear by placing it near bridges over the Rio Grande, installing new illegal eavesdropping gear in public places is extremely risky. Anyone who plans, finances or conducts these crimes will probably suffer identity theft immediately. Places along the Rio Grande where eavesdropping devices are close to rapidly running water will be some of the primary places where information is provided. Near bridges and in isolated areas of the Rio Grande where water runs rapidly, names and credit card numbers on other ultra-wealthy criminals in China will be spelled out in English. This information is specifically for isolated eavesdroppers taking part in projects described in other reports. Eavesdropping gear is easy to find and recycle. It is in dwellings, vehicles old television sets and other places.

There were obvious signs that some satellite teams of the United States and United Kingdom will reciprocate in assisting Russia in reducing organized crime in their nation, while they assist them in reducing nuclear proliferation. Put simply, if Russia wanted Iran to have nuclear weapons, they would have them already. China's puppet government in North Korea has nuclear weapons. The main concern of unified satellite teams is that some bribed general in Russia will sell nuclear devices, without consent of the Russian government. After Vickers receives this report, we expect more satellite teams of the USA will take part in this international effort. Many people have seen an obvious reduction in smuggling over the Mexican border, since Russian satellite teams began participating in the project. Russian satellite teams will be happy to assist other investigating teams, if their agencies will build and launch a few more Russian satellites. Apparently, Russia satellite teams believe there nation will be falsely accused of nuclear proliferation, which Chinese satellite teams cause by focusing idea-inducing frequencies on certain people in Russia for lengthy periods of time.

To some readers, this addition to the document could be construed as an excuse by Russia to provide information on building nuclear devices to Iran, during future meetings and banking transactions; but if that was true, Russian satellite teams would not make decision makers in Great Britain and the USA aware of their concerns. The two previous paragraphs were written before I discovered this news item on 3/15/15: http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/03/14/401800/Iran-Russia-move-closer-to-joint-bank

This recent quote by John Kerry on nuclear weapons development in Iran, with two totally unnecessary uses of the word that is also interesting: Kerry said, "he remains hopeful that whatever choice that people of Israel make, that there will be an ability to be able to move forward on those efforts." http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/14/us-iran-nuclear-kerry-idUSKBN0MA0C920150314

For a hobby, I do astrology charts for friends, which usually requires some online research. When I typed in "zodiac," as a search criteria I stumbled across this document and noticed the word that was misspelled. After Chinese satellites began attacking me, I kept overusing the word "that" in my writings, although I have written for four radio stations and a small newspaper. There are numerous online news articles that are reasonable criticisms of China, which hae grammatical errors, especially an excessive use of the word "that." Also, I noticed blogs about the Zodiac Killer are riddled with the word. My radio just said "everything happens for a reason; but sometimes the reason is you're stupid;" so I decided not to self delete this Opening Post.

As I began typing this short Opening Post at 11:30 AM on 12/21/14, my radio began playing DON'T DO ME LIKE "THAT." To delay or prevent this report, a Chinese geek satellite disrupted and shut down my computer several times today. It is now 7:00 PM. After noticing the misspelled word that I checked out another old news article on the Zodiac Killer and discovered an excessive use of the word that, which peeked my attention to a greater degree. I was doing the astrology chart for an interesting lady, I met online. If a Chinese geek satellite had not disrupted my email, this embarrassingly ancient code, along with an allegation that there is a great deal of online evidence that indicates Chinese satellites of their largest code agency attempt to control or attack media writers and world leaders in many nations, including Russia.

Satellite teams of China's largest/ code agency stir up trouble for Russia with The USA and Germany. Long ago, I unwittingly provided Russian and Chinese satellite teams with code. Unlike Chinese satellite managers, Russian satellite teams, do not want their reputation ruined, in my online reports. They value human assets, long after they intended to retire them. Like the USA and China, Russia has numerous satellite agencies: In an ostentatious show of power Chinese satellite agencies attempt to communicate in overt ways. Since China's largest satellite/ code agency teach high-altitude aircraft personnel how to track Chinese satellites as they disrupt my truck and home FM radio, where Russian satellite teams select some songs, I'll credit Russian satellite teams with leading me to this vintage news report. The report features classic code to real KGB agents in the USA, in a written, Russian news release, in English, which the U.S. news broadcaster shares with the audience. The Russian news release, which appears later in the broadcast, features an excessive use of words with an "S" and unusual punctuation. Quotes in news releases from China still utilize this outdated code. As you watch this classic piece of media that mentions "code," keep in mind that the USA and Russia had probably launched military spy and attack satellites before this news release on Sputnik 1 became public information. Around the time of the Zodiac murders, China released news of their first satellite launch; but like other nations, they had probably already launched a few spy and attack satellites. Dongfanghong I (Red East) was the People's Republic of China's first satellite, launched on 24 April 1970. The satellite carried a radio transmitter which broadcast a song called "The East Is Red"; the broadcast lasted for 26 days.

Does the world agree that China has made 'enormous progress' on human rights?
By Steve Contorno on Monday, November 17th, 2014 at 1:39 p.m.

If a news writer disagrees Chinese satellites will conduct a frequency attack on professional writers and then cause editors to overlook the mistake or alter the news article on computers before the news item goes to press. At some level, this begins to look like code. Here's an example:

However, in most cases, China has attached a stated "reservation" that says they won’t abide by parts of the agreement that interfere with state laws. For example, while China agreed to an anti-torture convention, it added that it would not recognize a clause that allows the United Nations to investigate suspected torture, thus eliminating the enforcement mechanism. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2014/nov/17/xi-jinping/chinese-president-world-agrees-china-had-made-enor/

The First time I noticed the word that used twice an an extremely unusual quote it was by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel; however, after I began writing this Opening Post the news article either vanished from the internet or my search engine cannot find it anymore. In my opinion, Chinese satellite teams are playing him against President Obama. If President Obama had the time to search for news articles on Netanyahu, as I recently did, he would find quotes by the Prime Minister of Israel, which date back several years: Most of his comments about Obama praise choices the US President made in the past.

Obama and Putin: From frosty to frozen
By Stephen Collinson, CNN
updated 6:28 AM EST, Fri December 19, 2014

In this news article John McCain, a professional speaker, uses of the word that an unusual number of times, as Chinese satellite teams induce him to do some saber-rattling to further destroy a relationship between two nations, which are both headed toward bankruptcy, while China uses satellite focused energy or bribes to create extremely unilateral trade agreements.

"The argument that I hear from the administration is that we don't want to provoke Vladimir Putin. That is just Orwellian... history will judge this administration incredibly harshly," McCain told CNN in an interview. "The only thing that will dissuade Vladimir Putin from what he is doing is when coffins come back to the families in Russia." http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/19/politics/us-russia-putin-obama/

Obama: Sony 'made a mistake'
By Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto and Jeremy Diamond, CNN
updated 6:53 PM EST, Fri December 19, 2014

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Friday said that Sony Pictures made a mistake in canceling the release of a movie after a cyber-attack from North Korean-backed hackers.

"I am sympathetic to the concerns that they face. Having said all that, yes, I think they made a mistake," Obama said at a news conference Friday. "Let's not get into that way of doing business."

"We cannot have a society in which some dictators someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States because if somebody is able to intimidate us out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they start doing once they see a documentary that they don't like or news reports that they don't like," Obama said. "That's not who we are. That's not what America is about." http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/19/politics/fbi-north-korea-responsible-sony/

China wants corruption fugitives in NZ returned
5:33 PM Monday Dec 8, 2014

During his recent visit, Chinese President Xi Jinping sought New Zealand's help to return a number of fugitives who had fled China with the proceeds of corruption, Prime Minister John Key says.

"It's more than likely that that person will be returned to China? we're obviously working our way through making sure that we're comfortable that the human rights conditions that we'll put around the return of that individual will be met." http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11370877

Tony Abbott confuses China with Tasmania while toasting President Xi Jinping
Say what?: Tony Abbott and Chinese President Xi Jinping at Parliament

It's hard to confuse Tasmania and China, but the prime minister has managed just that – in the presence of the Chinese leader to boot.

("That" is not always the code in news articles when Chinese satellites attack world leaders, during meetings with Xi Jinping; but a satellite focused confusion frequency is particularly evident in the embarrassing news item, which does not connect the words "Prime Minister" to Tony Abbott's name. Check out this historic quote by Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

"I thank you, Mr President, for this historic, historic statement which I hope will echo right around the world."

W.H.: U.S. not monitoring German chancellor Angela Merkel's phone

If Chancellor Merkel somehow obtained this document, from lengthy disputes with the NSA, I would want her to know several things: (1) Like world leaders and I, high-ranking coordinators at the NSA have been manipulated to make poor decisions by Chinese satellites. (2) The NSA does not need elaborate equipment on the US Embassy in Berlin to eavesdrop on her telephone calls. (3)Along with several foreign intelligence agents, including BND, I invited to eavesdrop on my cellular phone, Chinese satellite teams eavesdrop on every telephone call I make and disrupt many of them.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the United States "is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications" of German Chancellor Angela Merkel after the German government received information that the leader's cell phone might have been targeted.

The president assured the chancellor that the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor," said Carney. "The United States greatly values our close cooperation with Germany on a broad range of shared security challenges."

However, Carney did not specifically say that that U.S. had never monitored or obtained Merkel's communications.

When I was in the US Navy I was trained to use gear that could virtually "hear" stealthy submarines deep under water from a reconnaissance aircraft. Over the years, I've learned that satellites can hear too! I keep telling the Chinese satellite teams if they want to attack NSA computers, they can look up their website in Fort Meade, MD; and NSA agents will give them all the trouble they want. If Chinese satellite teams, which continue to alter online news articles, are afraid to look up the address, here it is: https://www.nsa.gov/ I have more than a feeling Government Communications Head-Quarters, which is Great Britain's version of the the NSA is willing to offer Chinese satellite teams and hackers a similar invitation. Here is the place where their secret overseas facility is located: http://svr.gov.ru/

Chinese satellite agencies think by ganging up on me they can trick illegal eavesdroppers into believing they have a super-satellite in this region. With the help of satellite teams of many nations and various eavesdroppers, I will always move like the Mujaheddin, making any kind of attack a waste of limited satellite resources. Like satellite teams have done for a long time, they can use satellite focused idea-inducing and emotion-producing energy to provide a message, in the same way Chinese satellite teams use this energy to manipulate world leaders and media writers. This attack frequency can cause drowsiness, exhilaration, anger, skepticism, lust, paranoia, sadness, guilt and confusion. By using the technology to plant a disturbing idea and then reinforcing it, satellites can cause sleeplessness. If other Chinese satellite agency managers believe disrupting my email or telephone calls makes China appear powerful, they are wrong. Even Russian intelligence agents will get word that an ex-KGB agent named President Putin is being pitted against President Obama and other world leaders, by Chinese satellites to the detriment of Russia by Chinese satellite teams. Recently, Russia was forced into trade deals with China, which are not equally beneficial. Unlike other world leaders, he is still connected with intelligence to such a degree that he has a realistic grasp of attack satellite capabilities. Also, intelligence teams of many notions monitored the entire Chinese satellite fiasco, including when I tricked China's largest satellite/ code agency into using satellite focused idea inducing technology on these agents to cause a "talking" aquarium to lie to them.

Many of these agents will report ALL this activity directly to their Prime Ministers, Chancellors and Presidents. Organizers of other Chinese satellite agencies are extremely concerned to hear explicit financial information on their entire chains of command being revealed in the Rio Grande in REAL talking water right now, because China's largest satellite agency is managed by "traitors" who are wealthier than Xi Jinping. In many cases, I have attempted to assist investigators in China; and many of them know it by now. Still, Chinese satellite teams regularly conduct activities, which are detrimental to my happiness and their relationship with Russia. Many of these attacks are incredibly childish and impossible to duplicate on a large scale. Considering the people, who monitor, these reports, activities of at least one Chinese satellite agency is extremely embarrassing to China and Xi Jinping. At any moment a satellite that only orbits through this region once a week could obtain and relay this information to anywhere in the world. What Xi Jinping fails to understand about China's largest satellite agency is that after these sociopaths got a taste of manipulating world leaders, coordinators of this satellite/ code agency decide they can manipulate ALL world leaders, including him. At least one Chinese satellite agency will double-cross anyone, including other Chinese satellite administrators, to shift the blame of their incredibly corrupt practices to other Chinese satellite coordinators.

On, or before, 1/21/15 the Department of Defense discovered China enjoys playing mind-games; so did the Ministry of Defence in Great Britain, actually. Other, more advanced, intelligence and investigating agencies - from numerous nations - are not willing to play mind-games with criminals managing Chinese satellites either. On 3/14/15, there were several overt signs, involving wildlife and radio that indicated it was inspired by Russian satellite teams. Earlier today, a Russian satellite team took a big risk by directly focusing ideas at me for an extended period of time, with so many high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft tracking Chinese satellites, which constantly focus energy at me. Russian satellite teams rarely take this kind of a risk. Only China is willing to reveal satellite orbits by constantly focusing on anyone, for extended periods of time. This strategy, along with laws and secret treaties, causes satellite teams of other nations to fight with one hand tied behind their back, in the political arena and other places. As U.S. decision makers continue with a comfortable alliance China and talk about normalizing relations with Iran, there is no discussions on normalizing the relationship with Russia. Iran has never shown an indication their government will bargain in "good faith" when negotiations involve nuclear weapons. This report is where satellite teams negotiate in good faith. Before I discovered previous news articles today, on 3/14/15, I wrote "for obvious reasons, I have a strong feeling there is far more at stake at this time than anyone, including me, realizes." Like the USA, the United Kingdom and China, Russia has for more attack satellites regularly orbiting over adversarial countries than they have in orbit over their own nations. Are NSA online agents willing to make sure that Vickers gets access to these reports? Are satellite teams of the United Kingdom and USA willing to engage in "meaningful dialog" with Russia?"

(writers note) National Security Agents realize that my documents usually contain direct satellite dictation from every nation, with satellites, including retouched copy from teams of the United Kingdom, USA, France and Germany. I quote from the National Security Agency website: "Gather signals intelligence... and in this capacity be responsible to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director, National Intelligence." NSA online agents made sure Secretary of State John Kerry is probably alive today, because of satellite interaction during an heroic moment in Vietnam, which awarded him the Silver Star. He should also be made aware there is a strong indication that Chinese satellites are constantly manipulating him and internet news, which involves him. For example, didn't Xi Jinping himself claim Kerry was "naive" about the internet? I think Xi Jinping is "naive" about satellites and the outer-space internet.

(United Kingdom and USA satellite team note) All comments in this report by our satellite teams - while poorly written, due to obvious Chinese satellite attacks on the author - are recommendations; not commitments. In the same way numerous satellite teams of Russia orbiting over our nations do not comply with any laws or treaties, our attack satellites in orbit over Russia face no restrictions. In our opinion, this is a good way to reduce internationally organized crime and "nuclear proliferation." Online agents of GCHQ have a responsibility similar to NSA agents in filing this report. Several satellite teams are watching every word typed in this report through the roof; and they realize these intelligence agents are allowing a Chinese satellite to disrupt Patrick's computer so agents who report directly to their head of state in USA, United Kingdom, Israel, Germany and France to have reliable reports to file: Friendly satellite teams consider this activity, which occurs far more frequently than necessary, a violation of rights guaranteed to Patrick by the U.S. Constitution. In the opinion of satellite teams of these nations, all online intelligence teams of previously named agencies are responsible for ending this extremely juvenile activity by a Chinese satellite immediately. Friendly satellite teams will probably file reports to corroborate this report.

High-ranking intelligence analyst of several nations will realize this report, especially this revised edition, was inspired by Russian satellites focusing safe energy at its author. An earlier version appeared to be a childish attempt by Chinese satellite teams to induce readers to think they can get away with violent crime. There is no indication that overburdened Chinese satellite teams have the time, energy or inclination to protect any kind of criminal. Still, China's motive was clear in a previous report; and Interpol and FBI agents are urged to take reasonable advise given in other documents. Even if they decide not to believe that truth in my reports is stranger than fiction, online investigating agents missed an opportunity to unify with various teams described in the reports. Chinese investigating agents missed the same opportunity. As a result of modifications to this report, previously named people, along with Director Comey, are reviewing copy changes, and comparing sections, which are modified by the author. I am sure high-ranking decision makers appreciate any assistance they are able to obtain in reducing worldwide organized crime and nuclear proliferation. Satellite teams of these governments will reciprocate in Russia and friendly nations. In regard to Russian satellite teams, analyst are certain that Russia realizes people named in this report cannot make a public comment on these matters, any more than President Putin can; however, many decision-makers in in the satellite and intelligence communities have been photographed through roofs by satellites, while they LOL this section of copy. On 3/7/15 in the USA, Russian satellite teams used idea inducing frequency to ask the author renovate this report and...

Not long after the report was repaired, U.S. Department of Defense aircraft and satellite reconnaissance teams took the time to say "thank you" to Russian satellite teams for their noble efforts. On 3/19/15 a Huey military helicopter repeatedly flew in tight circles - at low altitude - over my home, right after I went outside to smoke. After the Vietnam Conflict the U.S. Federal Government had a massive number of Huey Helicopters. Many of them were refitted and given to The Department of Homeland Security. Russian satellite teams consistently prove how incredibly efficient and deadly they are not only at the border between the USA and Mexico, but also further south. While no Chinese satellite agency should be underestimated, better engineered Russian satellites are unbelievably effective and deadly. Also, since this report was modified and moved higher in this forum, although no replies caused it to become prominent, a massive number Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft began flying low over my home. Previously, I had not seen this type aircraft in this area. This aircraft was designed to deliver a large team of U.S. Marines to frontal combat positions. Now, the same aircraft could transport DHS, DEA, FBI, ATF, or other U.S. Federal investigating teams to any area, for a massive sting operation. TO MAKE PREVIOUS REPORTS AND THIS RUSSIAN SATELLITE OFFER IMPLAUSIBLE OR INVALID, CHINESE SATELLITE TEAMS WILL SERIOUSLY REDUCE THE ABILITY OF ANY INVESTIGATING AGENT TO SOLVE CRIMES, IF THEY ARE ABLE TO DIRECTLY MONITOR THE COMPUTER OF THE AUTHOR OF THESE REPORTS. ALL ONLINE INVESTIGATING AGENTS ARE REQUIRED TO USE NEXT DAY DELIVERY BY THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE TO MAKE ALL AGENTS IN FIELD OFFICES AWARE OF THIS REPORT AND COMPANION DOCUMENTS BY JEFFERSONS GHOST IMMEDIATELY! FBI AGENTS INDIRECTLY CONNECTED WITH THIS PROJECT - ESPECIALLY FIELD AGENTS WILL BEGIN TO RECEIVE STRONG HUNCHES AND ANIMAL SIGNS, ESPECIALLY INSECTS AND LIMITED GUIDED BROADCAST RADIO MUSIC. BY THE WAY, INTERPOL AGENTS - IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED - YOUR FACILITIES ARE LEAKIER THAN A DHS OFFICE. Satellite imagery will confirm this report.
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Op text jberryhill Dec 2014 #1
Keep up the good work jberryhill Dec 2014 #2
I'm not going to tell you. A copycat Zodiac Killer might be reading this! As Jeffersons Ghost Dec 2014 #3
Gemini? zappaman Dec 2014 #4


(62,444 posts)
1. Op text
Mon Dec 22, 2014, 02:27 AM
Dec 2014

As our resident correspondent on Chinese satellite teams often deletes his posts, I have copied Important new information from the OP:

For a hobby, I do astrology charts for friends, which usually requires some online research. When I typed in "zodiac," as a search criteria I stumbled across this document and noticed the word that was misspelled. After Chinese satellites began attacking me, I kept overusing the word "that" in my writings, although I have written for four radio stations and a small newspaper. There are numerous online news articles that are reasonable criticisms of China, which hae grammatical errors, especially an excessive use of the word "that."Also, I noticed blogs about the Zodiac Killer are riddled with the word

As I began typing this short Opening Post at 11:30 AM on 12/21/14, my radio began playing DON'T DO ME LIKE "THAT." To delay or prevent this report, a Chinese geek satellite disrupted and shut down my computer several times today. It is now 7:00 PM. After noticing the misspelled word that I checked out another old news article on the Zodiac Killer and discovered an excessive use of the word that, which peeked my attention to a greater degree. I was doing the astrology chart for an interesting lady, I met online. If a Chinese geek satellite had not disrupted my email, this embarrassingly ancient code, along with an allegation that there is a great deal of online evidence that indicates Chinese satellites of their largest code agency attempt to control or attack media writers and world leaders in many nations, including Russia.

tellite teams of China's largest/ code agency stir up trouble for Russia with The USA and Germany. Long ago, I unwittingly provided Russian satellites with code. Like the USA and China, Russia has numerous satellite agencies; and unlike China, these satellite agencies communicated in covert ways. Since China's largest satellite/ code agency decided to show some high-altitude aircraft that are tracking Chinese satellites as they focus on this computer and causing static on my truck radio, I'll credit Russian satellite teams with leading me to this vintage news report, that features a Russian news release with an excessive use of words with an "S" in them. As you watch this classic piece of media that mentions "code," keep in mind that the USA and Russia had probably launched military spy and attack satellites before this news release on Sputnik 1 became public information. Around the time of the Zodiac murders, China released news of their first satellite launch; but like other nations, they had probably already launched a few spy and attack satellites. Dongfanghong I (Red East was the People's Republic of China's first satellite, launched on 24 April 1970. The satellite carried a radio transmitter which broadcast a song called "The East Is Red"; the broadcast lasted for 26 days.

At least one Chinese satellite agency continues to act like they can cause National Security Agency teams to monitor my computer; so they can claim the most absurd propaganda victory imaginable by disrupting my email; and blaming these agents. When I was in the US Navy I was trained to use gear that could virtually "hear" stealthy submarines deep under water. Over the years, I've learned that satellites can hear too! I keep telling the Chinese satellite teams if they want to attack NSA computers, they can look up their website in Fort Meade, MD; and NSA agents will give them all the trouble they want. If Chinese satellite teams, which continue to alter online news articles, are afraid to look up the address, here it is: https://www.nsa.gov/

If other Chinese satellite agencies that orbit near this region want me to tell their side of the story, there will be plenty of replies to this opening post. Like satellite teams have done for a long time, they can use satellite focused idea-inducing and emotion-producing energy to provide a message, in the same way Chinese satellite teams use this energy to manipulate world leaders and media writers. This attack frequency can cause anger, skepticism, lust, paranoia, sadness, guilt and obviously confusion. If Xi Jinping thinks this Chinese satellite agency is assisting him or enhancing his power, by disrupting my email, he is wrong. Even Russian intelligence agents will get word that an elderly KGB fox named President Putin is being pitted against Chancellor Merkel and President Obama to the detriment of Russia so that he is forced into trade deals with China, which are not equally beneficial. China's largest satellite/ code agency can file all the false reports they want; but no hacker would disrupt my computer, because FBI agents monitor it constantly to hear extremely unusual satellite selected music on my radio

Jeffersons Ghost

(15,235 posts)
3. I'm not going to tell you. A copycat Zodiac Killer might be reading this! As
Mon Dec 22, 2014, 02:56 AM
Dec 2014

See if we can use satellite focused idea-inducing technology to let you guess the correct sign.

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