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Jeffersons Ghost

(15,235 posts)
Sat Mar 22, 2014, 11:32 PM Mar 2014

An unnamed government source reports the President of China is involved in an illicit sexual affair.


The Soviets began research on effects of frequencies on humans prior to 1962. Laboratories initiated studies at internationally recognized research facilities and clandestine locations: Similar labs were set up by several countries to study the effects of microwaves and various types of frequency transmissions. Later, the USSR began using frequency weapons to attack U.S. embassy personnel. The Department of Defense returned fire on the Moscow frequency attack facility, which was located near the U.S. Embassy, because early transmissions had limited range. Satellite, aircraft and ground units transmitted a wide array frequencies during wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. With such long-term and wide-spread use of psychotronic warfare, Directed Energy Weapons have fallen into the hands of criminals and enemies who use the technology on news reporters or FBI personnel to expand their influence. Criminals and foreign powers also impair communications if citizens attempt to report electronic crimes. Frequency weapons lack impact after people realize ways they are targeted and attacked. Unlike Russia, China still considers federal agents and communications workers targets.

Influencing or controlling media is increasingly important to numerous groups or individuals, including Chinese satellite and intelligence agencies. China continues to exceed a goal of launching twenty satellites a year; excluding satellites they launch for other nations. Some satellites emit focused frequencies: Others interface with ground-based gear. While past news articles blame the National Security Agency for eavesdropping, realize the FBI was involved in recent data-mining and eavesdropping activities; and most news articles focus on the NSA – an agency created to gather foreign intelligence – including satellite communications. Why do most criticisms in media focus on the NSA, while almost ignoring FBI participation? Does the NSA coordinate satellites over China? Perhaps people who influence media do not want to provoke the FBI because, unlike the NSA, FBI agents have authority to arrest individuals illegally eavesdropping on media personnel, federal agents and the public. Although it is troubling, the FBI eavesdropping on citizens is the least of our problems.

If media or FBI personnel decide frequency emitting, psychological warfare weapons are unreal, it is because they fail to understand the reasons the elite Republican Guard of Iraq surrendered so quickly. In their religion, dying in battle offers special rewards in the afterlife. The Republican Guard soldiers were true believers. Unlike suicide bombers, they suddenly did not want to die in Jihad. Prior to military actions in Iraq, Navy Seal teams hid advanced frequency transceivers on the battlefield before the mass surrender. Similar transceivers were installed in the USA to control crowds, before criminals evolved other uses for the technology. Satellites trigger this gear. Put simply, the frequencies resemble dog-whistles for humans, which evoke far more psychological effects in humans than whistles have on dogs.

Originally called the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA) after World War II the NSA began to coordinate code with our allies and the new governments in Japan and Germany.in overseas operations, while analyzing enemy communications. Prior to George W. Bush very few US citizens were connected with foreign powers to such degree that NSA agents were ordered to monitor their communications. In fact, prior to Bush, very few people had even heard of one of the largest and most diverse agencies on Earth. Like all DoD units, the NSA follows orders of the Commander In Chief. After media reported the NSA was conducting unprecedented eavesdropping, various groups began placing eavesdropping devices in buildings to combat terrorism. Illegal gear installed in offices or homes does more than eavesdrop: It emits frequencies to induce specific reactions, including nausea, head-aches, dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, apathy, anger, despair, paranoia, skepticism and other emotional states. Most online information on frequency research is misleading or ridiculous; but satellites manipulate this increasingly common illegal gear while using elaborate code. Chinese satellites spy on us by monitoring heat-signatures through roofs, while influencing computers and other electronic devices, including many types of mundane, discernable, sound-producing, technology. Not long after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, civilians began installing what they thought was only eavesdropping equipment to covertly identify terrorist in US buildings. Blaming problems associated with illegal eavesdropping gear that emits modified crowd-control frequencies on China is unreasonable; however, we can expect Chinese satellites and other electronically invasive groups to fully exploit equipment government officials find so embarrassing they cannot discuss it openly during news interviews. If federal agents or media personnel agree in writing they want operators to prove the technologies exist, (WHISPPERS) will do their best and then leave.

Initially, the NSA began to monitor groups manipulating numerous US citizens through a clandestine network. After international criminals realized the NSA was working with the FBI, news articles began to condemn the NSA to reduce their ability to support FBI investigations. Prior to news releases, civilian operators with influence in this underground rumor-mill, unified a contingency of semi-audible equipment operators to claim the NSA was concealing evidence from the FBI. While recent news releases embarrassed the NSA, articles clearly indicate FBI involvement, which reduced proliferation of illegal gear. Before going overseas for asylum Snowden definitely conducted online activity, which made his plans obvious to DoD operatives. Get real; he was a contractor for the NSA and CIA. To protect secrets, both agencies monitor all employees. While news releases exceed expectations; how did Snowden steal NSA secrets so easily?

The DoD used versions of technology indicated in this report overseas; however, political groups and criminals use affordable transceivers that emit less overt frequencies to influence media personnel. In the United States groups with political/ economic agendas utilize illegal eavesdropping and frequency systems in the homes and workplaces of news producers. Some illegal equipment is relatively affordable; but numerous transceivers are installed along highways and in retail outlets. In many cases, individuals working in the service industry unwittingly installed gear they did not fully understand. In other cases, people are bribed to install indoor eavesdropping, which suggests expense of this gear restricts widespread use; but controlling public opinion is worth a fortune to some individuals and governments.

Money is no object when it comes to manipulating politicians in Beijing or Washington DC and news media. By relaying signals through a series of transceivers, criminals communicate to distant locations and trick local groups monitoring roadside or parking lot crowd-control equipment into attacking federal agents by identifying them as criminals. While Chinese teams can disrupt computer driven equipment, hackers often cause problems and blame Chinese satellites for attacks of online media. China and the United States share a problem: Criminals connected with the defense industry keep the nations in an expensive, cold-war style, space race. To remain competitive the DoD is building a reusable Spaceplane, which will utilize next-generation space and hypersonic flight technology, to deploy satellites faster and more affordably for both government and commercial users. http://www.darpa.mil/NewsEvents/Releases/2013/09/17.aspx

Widely Heard Inspirational Projections Emitting Eardrum Reverberations Silently (WHISPEERS) This archaic technology targets many people simultaneously or single individuals by vibrating eardrums enough to induce ideas; but not vigorously enough to be truly audible, although it occasionally utilizes external sounds to reinforce messages. While several nations are developing advanced versions of the technology, terrorists groups and crime syndicates use diverse, powerful transmitters to inspire public opinion. They present ideas to induce reactions. The illegal equipment is installed in buildings. In many cases, it relays messages while we sleep to trigger dreams, when the subconscious is susceptible. Lower powered gear only transmits (WHISPEERS). Criminals attack volunteers using clearly talking gear they did not install because they try to show news teams the technology exists. This group lives in constant fear, as criminals use paranoia frequencies on them. They inspire distant online radio music to prove (WHISPEERS) is nationally connected. Civilian operators spread negative messages on groups they perceive as enemies. Operators often blame satellite or intelligence teams, for trying to control them. (WHISPEERS) is a worldwide phenomenon; but government teams are prohibited from using the technology to affect decisions of their own national leaders. The problem is massive. While early studies focus on microwaves, modern (WHISPEERS) operators utilize a wide spectrum of frequencies from various sources. Satellites relay frequencies at high altitudes; but closer transmitting gear can override distant applications of the phenomenon, which is a reason several nations launch satellites to commandeer ground-based equipment. Unlike the Chinese, satellites of the USA and UK restrict their interaction with media workers in friendly nations, which allows China to heavily influence news-people. Their leaders think US satellites inspire revolution and impair investigations in China; so they target federal and media personnel. Listen to online radio as you type this on a computer for surprising results; but, as volunteer teams report what is typed, realize (WHISPEERS) operators select songs. Satellites alter computers, satellite relays, telephone calls, television programs and radio broadcasts: New satellites are launched daily:

Brazil, China to make new satellite launch in 2014 Brasilia (AFP)
Dec 18, 2013
“Brazil and China will launch a new joint environmental monitoring satellite next year to replace one which failed to enter orbit earlier this month, Communications Minister Paulo Bernardo said."
China Launches Bolivia’s First Telecom Satellite
By Peter B. de Selding | Dec. 23, 2013 . PARIS — A Chinese Long March 3B rocket on Dec. 21 inaugurated the Bolivian space program by successfully placing Bolivia’s Tupac Katari (TKSat)-1 telecommunications satellite into geostationary transfer orbit. .

News reports failed to warn the public about gear Snowden mentions: Shipments of corrupt flash drives can target entire media markets. While no news source suggests China assists North Korea in satellite launches, a Chinese company announces; “to enable everyone to enjoy integrated satellite information service” and a “new life-style of digital browsing,” China Satcom intends to be “the top integrated satellite system in the world.” Still, China refuses to supply satellite launch systems that can also deploy nuclear weapons to North Korea. Do any news reports focus on Chinese spying? http://www.chinasatcom.com/en/Default.aspx

Iran had successful launches before other countries cancelled export of advanced satellite designs; although the nation copied deployment systems, before international sanctions began. If Iran runs out oil, they probably cannot afford to launch many satellites. Actually, Iran has several satellite launches scheduled: By launching advanced satellites in massive numbers, Iran will cause more trouble than China: but some groups want news reports to blame satellites for electronic crimes they commit.

(WHISPEERS) devices resemble Navy sonobuoys, in their ability to detect subtle sounds; but diverse illegal communications equipment also transmits. During Vietnam, previously top-secret gear allowed Navy aircraft to virtually hear a submarine deep underwater and determine the type of submarine, its trajectory and speed. Satellites and aircraft can hear every word enemies whisper. AQA-7 frequency analysis equipment gave the U.S. Navy an edge in detecting submarines. The P-3 Orion was also equipped with Magnetic Anomaly Detection equipment, called (MAD) gear, which reveals large metal objects cutting across invisible lines of magnetic flux that stretch between the North and South Poles. Like satellite capabilities and illegal technology this report describing AQA-7 frequency analysis equipment appears implausible; but it exists in more advanced forms.

ALBANY, NY—The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of York announced that Glendon Scott Crawford, age 49, of Galway, New York; and Eric J. Feight, age 54, of Hudson, New York, have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. The arrests followed a lengthy investigation by the Albany FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force that began in April 2012 when authorities received information that Crawford had approached local Jewish organizations seeking out individuals who might offer assistance in helping him with a type of technology that could be used against people he perceived as enemies of Israel. As charged in a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Albany, the essence of the defendants’ scheme was the creation of a mobile, remotely operated, radiation-emitting device capable of killing targeted individuals silently with lethal doses of X-ray radiation. The defendants plotted to use this device against unwitting victims who would not immediately be aware that they had absorbed lethal doses of radiation, the harmful effects of which would only appear days after the exposure. This was an undercover investigation and, unbeknownst to the defendants, the device that the defendants designed and intended to use was rendered inoperable at all times and posed no danger to the public. http://www.fbi.gov/albany/press-releases/2013/new-york-men-charged-with-conspiracy-to-provide-material-support-to-terrorists. Media attention on FBI arrests for electronic crime will reduce proliferation of dangerous gear.

While frequency transceivers seem implausible, previous reports from the FBI suggests deadly frequency weapons can be developed by dangerous criminals who will use them to intimidate telecommunications and communications workers. A contingency of influential (WHISPEERS) operators only relay communications. Part of this alliance operates near media facilities through low-powered transceivers, as gear hears and sends messages to influence distant broadcasters. Legal operators only manage a few parking lot eavesdropping or crowd-control units; however, some groups relay signals through a series of transceivers to manipulate existing electronic devices in other cities. Technically astute criminals can trigger frequency emitting devices through this unregulated network: Large cities are the focus of dozens of groups operating illegal gear. In some cases, right-wing, terrorist groups manage illegal equipment installed in the homes of minorities. Military personnel are also targets of eavesdropping through home security systems, which are increasingly compromised by satellites and hackers. More often than not, organized groups have political or financial motives that involve controlling news media. The FBI arrested an eavesdropper on Miss Teen USA. Any media figure, including politicians, can become a target.

Electronic equipment, especially computers, cell-phones, television sets and radios have eavesdropping gear installed in the devices. Why did the Secret Service confiscate Obamas’ Blackberry as he took office? Appliances like refrigerators and stoves are also good places to install illegal gear. Typing this copy on computer and tuning to online radio stations allows volunteers to pick music describing your activity, which indicates eavesdropping and (WHISPEERS) is real. If equipment and homes did not have illegal eavesdropping installed prior to purchase, bribed maintenance technicians might add it later. Vehicles often have a variety of illegal gear installed in them; and there only needs to be one technician at an automobile dealership who is convinced by seemingly audible (WHISPEERS) that he is an asset for some intelligence agency to insure vehicles contain illegal equipment. Used vehicles usually have more illegal eavesdropping and frequency attack gear, which causes deadly accidents. Criminals posing as researchers conduct sociological experiments that include eavesdropping on the public. FBI agents were warned they must investigate numerous retail stores in South-Eastern USA, where illegal frequencies cause cashiers to rarely check for counterfeit money, or invite massive distribution and economic collapse.

To find out if the NSA and GCHQ remain effective overseas, check online news articles to discover if quotable sources are criticizing the agencies in redundant ways that are barely newsworthy. During a visit to China John Kerry made comments on the internet that Chinese sources consider “naïve;” and they were correct since he does not fully understand how China manipulates the internet and media. Chinese satellites influence online writers with frequencies; but usually criminals with a vested interest in relegating these technologies to the dismal realms of conspiracy theory hide reasonable articles, while offering websites that exaggerate the danger of frequencies. These online sources are psychological weapons inspired by operators of the illegal gear. Bats use high frequency screeches to feed near street lights. Why did bats leave Southeastern cities? In the wake of Snowden revelations on Quantum and Nightstand, readers must realize groups with criminal intent will invade computers and cell-phones of media personalities. Like Rupertgate and FBI news of frequency weapons, Snowden reports should open dialog on illegal electronic attacks on news teams and federal agents. Is eavesdropping on Miss Teen America more important than monitoring news producers? While the DoD denies offering this report; expect the NSA to direct activity back to protecting America during overseas operations, until another president orders his own media suicide.

Signed: Anonymous…

The preceding copy came in an email that also claims "An unnamed government source reports the President of China is involved in an illicit sexual affair."
I wonder who sent this email to me.
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