Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumIt's no coincidence the recent spate of terror alerts follows the NSA mass surveillance scandals.
The surveillance state is under scrutiny, the people and Congress might cut their funding.
So they are under pressure to do something, anything, that shows the money is well spent and produces useful information to stop terrorism.
The natural result of this is higher ranking officials are telling lower ranking people Hey you better find some useful stuff in all the collected data.
The "increased chatter" we've heard about on the news is entirely because they've been looking at the data more during the past few weeks.

(10,575 posts)limpyhobbler
(8,244 posts)BobbyBoring
(1,965 posts)N/t
(19,288 posts)I'm thinking along the same lines. I can't help myself. My creative speculator has been on overdrive lately. I keep one foot grounded in reality but there's no accounting for the other one.
(13,509 posts).
I suspect MIHOP in the near future.
"we told you so!"
(3,829 posts)9-11 was totally predictable. Many people who were paying attention before 9-11 knew there was a high likelihood we would be struck with a major terrorist.
Nothing's changed. Our immoral foreign policy remains. Terrorist revenge attacks are self-fulfilling prophesies.
It's all essentially a scam, even if some of the perpetrators are too stupid to know it. We bully them and they take revenge, and then we use their revenge attacks as justification to bully them even more. A few rich folks get even richer in this process, and they're too stupid to care about all of the people they have harmed.
It's no coincidence that HW Bush decided to attack Iraq just as the Cold War had ended. The right-wing needs their enemies. Many of among the American public fell for the scam.
All of that anti-science truther stuff is just a distraction from what's really going on in the world.
(166 posts)NSA´s job is to detect threats to national security and proceed to take corresponding action to identify and transmit to operations for due action and follow-up.
(166 posts)No 9/11's should occur if we make sure the NSA re-starts its capacity to monitor threats around the globe and makes sure that there are no Edward Snowdens to sniff around looking for stuff to leak to his Uncle Vladimir.