Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumWhy I believe that Donald Trump will be tried and convicted of a major crime at some point in the
in the near future. (Maybe, the next year or two) Here is why and it is very simple:Trump is one of those people that is sure he can get away with anything that he does, no matter what. He lies,
he cheats, and does other major acts. I believe that in time, we will find out one that Donnie Boy, failed to cover
up, and the people who cover for Donnie Boy, will not cover for him. Donnie Boy makes mistakes, and lies too
much, and at some point, the mistakes will come back and do Donnie Boy in. What are they? ..Hell, I don't know.
Who will turn him in?....I don't know that either. He thinks he is cunning and covers up everything, but I don't think
he does. Also, he thinks that he, Donnie Boy, is the smartest one around. And he isn't. He will be caught and tried
and convicted. Whether he serves time, well that is up to the judge. (he may not serve time, because of his status.
and inability to keep him totally safe in prison.
You may not agree with this, so have at it. ...And thank you for reading this..

(18,110 posts)The second he becomes irrelevant his days are numbered. The people he does business with are as crooked as he is. Just a matter of time before one of them gets popped for something.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)will be one of those beans. It will not be pretty
(10,975 posts)there are a LOT of republicon scum who are either accomplices, co-conspirators, or whatever. They will provide cover for MF45 unless there comes a charge which only, ONLY, results in exposure of him and his corrupt family.
We don't know what dirt is being held over any of the republicons. When the DNC was hacked, it was used to smear Hillary Clinton and other democrats. The RNC was hacked too, but instead of being made public, that shit (which was likely far more embarrassing sleazy damaging shit) was not. It was held back to keep them in line. So even if a charge could be found that only took down the slobfather & family, they can't act because of what's held over them
So yeah, I think they despise the MFer as much as we do, but can't do anything about it.
And if it's not "near future", as in the next few weeks, it'll never happen. Thanks to two turncoat senators, voting protection laws were not passed and republicons have machinery in place to take permanent control. They'll be too busy persecuting Democrats to ever go after MF45 or his grifting criminal spawn.
(54,770 posts)They need real evidence on trump— not easily explained 7 hour gaps, his son talking about “paths to victory” two days after the election, etc.
Clearly he is unfit to hold office in infinite ways, but that won’t get it in court.
Again, hope you are right, and I get wanting the MFer indicted.
Baked Potato
(7,733 posts)I have always thought there is much, much, more. T***p is a psychopath with money. He attracts like minded people just like him. They live in a different world full of untouchable and dangerous beings with money to indulge their wants and needs. I do think he will get caught.
(24,826 posts)taxi
(2,093 posts)I believe the public in general does not exercise an ability to stay focused on a single issue for an extended period, and that having more than one major issue to deal with creates problems in maintaining support. All too often a single issue becomes all the rage and then fades away. Anything from school shootings to pandemics to armed standoffs with ranchers fizzle from national interest more quickly than chasing a white Bronco. Here are a few examples of issues that have faded into nothingness: Snowden, Gulf Horizon oil spill, hurricanes, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, exploitation of national parks, and electing as a Senator the person responsible for $1.7 billion Medicare fraud.
Today the militaries of the world consume our interests and distract us from the fact that we are in a war for the future. We are entering an epoch of battles over water, food, energy, and mass displacements of people. In comparison Trump is irrelevant – he will stay in his hidey-hole and remaining nothing more than a distraction without even being charged.