Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumWhy War?...It seems that there is always someone who thinks he can gain from "WAR"
The "South was going to set up it's own nation" Civil War
Hitler wanted Russia as his prize settle German's on Russian land... WWII
It seems that Putin wants to "totally Control Ukraine"
Yes, "Revolutionary War" too....Many wanted to set up their own country....??
WWII. To stop Hitler, many countries went to war. Japan thought it could control the Pacific Ocean countries.
Most of it is history. Some are much worse than others. One of the worst that lasted man years....U.S. vs Native Americans
Awful..."Bury My Hear at Wounded Knee." by: Dee of the very saddest books ever written.

(38,387 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)quick and over in a few weeks, that Hitler did not include "Winter Clothes" in their supplies to invade.
I guess the Russian Winter proved him wrong. In the deep of winter, the Russian Army brought in its
specialists that were from .."Siberia." Those soldiers and "specialists knew how to fight in very bad
weather because "Siberia has bad weather"
(38,387 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)Get Putin is aggressor and hope he loses and is deposed. But, just tired of it.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)................
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)I think Americans think about WWII and it was pretty good for us. Huge increase in economy, great increase in the US footprint in the world, relatively few casualties for the US, compared to others. And we didn’t get the shit bombed out of us. The war didn’t touch our homeland in any significant way. But you’d think a Russian would think twice about starting a war.