Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumWhy Trump cannot be elected to anything: 2 statenets : 1."It's all a hoax"...referring to pandemic.
and...2:..Americans Who Died in War Are: 'Losers' and 'Suckers'.....quoted by Trump more than once. about
those vets that gave their lives in wars...
Imagine if you can, those 2 statements being played over, and over, and over, and over again....during the 2024 election..''
Total reflection on Trump's total lack of understanding of important matters...Yes, our side will play those comments.....
(also lack of understanding of what to say in front of others).
.......again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again..
........and again and again and again..............So...what if 30% are willing to vote for the fool..
You tell me....................Is 30% enough to win an election?
..Get the point......If I am an amateur in politics can think of this, what do you think our polished and highly experienced
..........................people on our side will think of those 2 statements of Trump's insensitivity and incompetence?
..........................Before Trump runs, some experienced and highly qualified experts in the PUKE PARTY...WILL ALSO POINT OUT
Also think about this:....Experienced people in the PUKE PARTY ...also know about this. And those people will do a great deal to keep Trump from running again.....both behind the scenes & in front of us all...
..Therefore, I don't think that Trump will ever be the PUKE CANDIDATE FOR ANYTHING AT ALL...
....................THANK YOU...for reading this...

Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)"Imagine if you can, those 2 statements being played over, and over,"
Go find a recording of him saying the second one - about losers and suckers - and post a link to it here.
He probably said it, but there is nothing to be "played over, and over" because there is no such recording of him saying any such thing. It is a quote that is attributed to him, but there are others who were on that particular trip who deny he said any such thing.
The only source for the quote is "liberal media", "fake news", etc., which none of his voters believe. Someone says he said it. Other people say he didn't say it. Whether anyone believes he said it is determined solely by whether they support him in the first place. It doesn't persuade anyone - it only confirms the opinion they already have.
On the "covid hoax" thing, I doubt anyone cares about that either. It was replayed over and over before the last election, which ended up being so depressingly close that we didn't know the result until days later. And, in the meantime, the Republicans have been doing their best to make it more difficult for people to vote, as a direct consequence.
Aside from which, on that one too, there are two takes. In the context of the rant he was on, he was referring to use of covid as an issue to go after him, analogous to their dumb take on the Russian campaign interference investigation (which resulted in several successful criminal prosecutions), and not as a claim relating to whether the virus was, in fact, real. It's pretty obvious he wasn't running around suggesting we inject bleach, stick UV lights in our assholes, or take malaria medication for a disease that didn't exist.
This kind of thinking is a reflection of "we should emphasize things about Trump that people who don't like Trump already agree about". Unfortunately, it is difficult to be objective about "what messaging works" if one already has a strong opinion on the subject, because it is simply an exercise in confirming one's own opinion, rather than trying to persuade someone who holds a different opinion.
In any event, go get that "losers" recording, and post a link to it here. I'd like to hear whatever recording you are talking about.