Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumWash. Post - The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesnt the Pentagon care? videos, along with observations by pilots and radar operators, appear to provide evidence of the existence of aircraft far superior to anything possessed by the United States or its allies. Defense Department officials who analyze the relevant intelligence confirm more than a dozen such incidents off the East Coast alone since 2015. In another recent case, the Air Force launched F-15 fighters last October in a failed attempt to intercept an unidentified high-speed aircraft looping over the Pacific Northwest .
I served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence for the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and as staff director for the Senate Intelligence Committee, and I know from numerous discussions with Pentagon officials over the past two years that military departments and agencies treat such incidents as isolated events rather than as part of a pattern requiring serious attention and investigation. A colleague of mine at To the Stars Academy, Luis Elizondo, used to run a Pentagon intelligence program that examined evidence of anomalous aircraft, but he resigned last fall to protest government inattention to the growing body of empirical data.
Meanwhile, reports from different services and agencies remain largely ignored and unevaluated inside their respective bureaucratic stovepipes. There is no Pentagon process for synthesizing all the observations the military is making. The current approach is equivalent to having the Army conduct a submarine search without the Navy. It is also reminiscent of the counterterrorism efforts of the CIA and the FBI before Sept. 11, 2001, when each had information on the hijackers that they kept to themselves. In this instance, the truth may ultimately prove benign, but why leave it to chance?
If the origin of these aircraft is a mystery, so is the paralysis of the U.S. government in the face of such evidence. Sixty years ago, when the Soviet Union put the first manmade satellite in orbit, Americans recoiled at the idea of being technologically surpassed by a dangerous rival, and the furor over Sputnik ultimately produced the space race. Americans responded vigorously, and a little more than a decade later, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. If these craft mean that Russia, China or some other nation is concealing an astonishing technological breakthrough to quietly extend its lead, surely we should respond as we did then. Perhaps Russian President Vladimir Putins recent chest-thumping claims about propulsion breakthroughs are not pure braggadocio. Or, if these craft really arent from Earth, then the need to figure out what they are is even more urgent.

(7,579 posts)Is this report real? I have no access to verify anything.
(67,112 posts)surprised to see it this morning.
(1,696 posts)All over the world, all thru history.
(67,112 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,961 posts)Why is this so unbelievable to so many? More than likely, these aliens have a 'do not interfere' policy (or at least, most of them from the stories I've heard over the years).
If one were to think logically about it, with so many sightings over the decades (including my own), these aliens are already here or just visiting (and I am also assuming many different alien races, not just one). If they were hostile or not, and wanted the human race dead, we would be dead now (and we couldn't do anything about it, in reality).
And they are certainly not here for raw materials, water, etc. Plenty of that elsewhere in the Universe vs. coming to Earth for. More than likely, just like us, they are curious and watching/studying the human race and other species on Earth (just like us studying the Amazon tribes and others).
I assume that some kind of non-interference policy is in effect.
So yes, it maybe unbelievable to some that someone traveled thousands of light years at least to visit Earth but we've just scratched the surface of technology and knowledge of the heavens ('real' knowledge) in the last century or so here on Earth, so why isn't it possible to travel thousands of light years faster than the speed of light? Sure the technology or physics isn't available yet, but think about the advances we've seen over just the last 100 years alone, and think about the future possibilities to come. Exciting!
Unfortunately they are people on this planet today that don't believe we've traveled to the moon and back. They are people who are constantly harping about the evils that we're undergoing in today's society, blah, blah, blah, and that mankind is doomed! My answer to them? Get away from me, you doomsayer! Throughout history, your kind has been preaching irresponsibly to tens of millions of people, of the numerous dooms awaiting mankind, and you've been wrong ALL of the time.
If these craft really are from some state-sponsored agency here on Earth, then we would have already known about them, because I guarantee you this, that if someone had the technology to develop these vehicles, they would have already used them against their 'adversaries' here on Earth, and wouldn't hesitate to use them either against their adversaries.
(67,112 posts)naive and uneducated IMO for anyone to believe we are some singular entity in the boundless universe. Also many often think of space travel in terms of our propulsion systems. With folded space, worm holes, multi-dimensions, etc., etc. in some respects we have not even scratched the surface.
Ghost in the Machine
(14,912 posts)Nobody really understands, or believes, until they have had their own "up close & personal" experience... I have had 2, and many, many unexplained lights that were moving at speeds, and angles, that we don't have the technology for. Before anyone says "City lights, clouds, reflections, etc., I live out in the middle of nowhere, without even street lights, and the skies were VERY clear!
This was a very nice thread without all of the "nay-sayers" & "debunkers" chiming in. There were a few reasonable ones that I respected, but there were also a few that were just downright mean & derogative. Things sure have changed a lot in the almost 2 years that I was gone....
(24,961 posts)one float/hover right over me in broad daylight, over a tree and me in which I was under, and for some reason I looked up as it floated right over me in brilliant daylight. It was no more than 50 feet from me as it gently floated over the tree and me on its path...It was so close I could see details of its construction / layout on the underneath of the vehicle as it floated over.
I was so excited I then ran from the front yard where the tree was to get my sister who was inside our home to show her the UFO too, and by the time we both got back to the opened front door of the house (Independence MO) and I showed her, it was at the same level, perhaps 50 feet high off the ground, but roughly 1/4-1/2 mile away. We both could still see it, but of course a smaller version of it being further away. It was still silently floating on its path, at the same height off the ground, and we both could see the craft while standing on our front porch (our yard ran down to the road/our house sat up a little higher than the road).
So, it wasn't a pinpoint of light in the sky. It was right in front of me literally in broad daylight. Witnesses too. At school the next day, there were others in my elementary school that saw the object too.
How can I not believe? I know what a plane looks like, a balloon, etc. The object I saw was a flying craft of some unknown design and it literally hovered off the ground. I couldn't tell you if it made any noise or not, as I'm profoundly hard of hearing so if it did make any noise, I wouldn't of heard it. So I don't hyperventilate about it, I don't go ranting and raving about it. I just know what I saw, and no one, I repeat, no one will ever convince me that what I saw, in broad daylight, was swamp gas, a balloon, a plane or some other stupid explanation as one hears all of the time about.
And it's probably true. Seeing is believing. Once you see one, and I mean up close and personal like I did, you'll believe.
(8,084 posts)But to admit that to the world will absolutely devastate the religious beliefs across the entire globe. I can only assume they are afraid to tell people the truth because they are afraid people will realize that what they have believed all their lives is rubbish and there will be mass chaos and even mass suicides.
(67,112 posts)belief system and purpose in life. Take that away, and they will fall apart. Millions of us know and realize it's rubbish, but TPTB's have to stabilize the populaces across earth.
(4,633 posts)MicaelS
(8,747 posts)They could be our descendants from the future gathering historical data.
Perhaps collecting and compiling these encounter can be a job for Trump's Space Force? Ha!