At Structural Engineering Summit 24 Structural Engineers Sign AE911 Truth's Petition...
Many Still Don’t Know about WTC 7
During the eight hours of the trade show, Richard Gage, AIA, and Las Vegas structural engineer Steven Dusterwald spoke with more than 100 structural engineers from around the country and showed them the video footage of WTC 7’s symmetrical, free-fall destruction. Most had never seen it before and many had never even heard of WTC 7.
While some of the engineers needed more time to review the evidence — and we applaud them for taking the time to study it — roughly half of them quickly recognized WTC 7’s destruction as a controlled demolition and 24 took the courageous step of signing our petition. One cannot help but conclude that the single biggest obstacle to mobilizing the engineering profession to support a new investigation is the basic lack of awareness of WTC 7.
Among our upcoming educational efforts, we will be mailing the
Beyond Misinformation booklet to 500 board members of the nation’s 44 state structural engineers associations; many of them are in attendance at the Vegas event. Funds for the mailing have been made available by 100 generous supporters, who helped us raise $1,500 over the last few days. This is just the first of many targeted mailings to come.
We will also be attending ABX 2015 from November 17 to 19 in Boston, where Richard Gage will be speaking at the conference floor learning stage. ABX is the leading building industry event in the Northeast, attracting some 10,000 building professionals each year. And we’ll be attending many more architecture and engineering conferences next year, including the AIA National Convention in May.[UNIQID]