Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Population Control and Eternal Life ?
Feel Constipated or tired ?
Did they discover the formula to eternal life long ago by focusing on the control of inflammation and anti inflammation process. Meaning transforming the aggressive immune response to one of constant repair, maybe even with the help of nanotechnology ?
Interleukin-10 (IL-10), also known as human cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor (CSIF), is an anti-inflammatory cytokine.
The recently pub-lished EST data set from adult N. americanus
contains nine different cDNA sequences encoding ASP-like proteins (34),
which, given their sequence similarity to immunomodulatory
proteins, such as neutrophil inhibitory factor (NIF), might be
important in regulating inflammation in larval migration and adult attachment sites (see “Neutrophil inhibitory factor ”be-low).
Peter Thiel’s quest to find the key to eternal life
De Grey believes that even modest progress in this area over the coming decade could lead to a dramatic extension of the human lifespan. All we need to do is reach what he calls “longevity escape velocity” – that is, the point at which we can extend life sufficiently to allow time for further scientific progress to permit additional extensions, and thus further progress and greater longevity. Speaking recently at Princeton University, de Grey said: “We don’t know how old the first person who will live to 150 is today, but the first person to live to 1,000 is almost certainly less than 20 years younger.”
Turn People into Cyborgs on then switch off the lights for the useless eaters ?