Related: About this forumStrong signs of anti-semitism in the BDS movement
I grew up in South Africa and spent much of my youth in the sea side city of Cape Town. Its a beautiful city some say majestic. Theres a mountain that towers over the city that is as flat as a table and even has the name of Table Mountain. It is also a very multi-cultural city, with people from all parts of the world who frequent it. There is a Muslim community, a Jewish community, an Indian community, a Chinese community, white and black communities, among others.
But there is a dark shadow that falls over the city of late, and its not caused by the mountain. Its caused by the evil stench of anti-Semitism that permeates throughout elements of this fair city and of this beautiful country.
A couple of days ago, an organization called COSAS (Congress of South African Students), who are affiliated with the ruling African National Congress, decided it would be a good idea to place a pigs head in the kosher section of a Woolworths grocery store in the suburb of Sea Point, where I used to live. The aim, according to the perpetrators, was at preventing people who will not eat pork to pretend that they are eating clean meat, when it is sold by hands dripping with the blood of Palestinian children. Although the BDS claimed it did not support the action, it was equally quick to justify it by saying it was done with the good intention of helping the people of Palestine.

(14,851 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)Instead of offering the weak statement that they did regarding COSAS, identifying the action as having good intentions, the BDS leadership had the chance to condemn this totally and without reservation. And to even go a step further by saying that this is pure anti-semitism and these kinds of actions have no place in the BDS movement.
If opposing anti-semitism is one of the values of the movement, then this was definitely an opportunity missed.
(30,109 posts)azurnoir
(45,850 posts)Jefferson23
(30,099 posts)not responsible for them.
(45,850 posts)and public focus from the #BoycottWoolworths National Day of Action by using this latest pig-head issue as a distraction.
Thanks for posting the link
(58,724 posts)Do you think they ought to be boycotted in this way?
(6,068 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)It's like they are afraid to call this an anti-semitic act. The best they can do is "very controversial" and "may not have been properly thought through" (but still a "human rights action" . Very weak.
(6,068 posts)but that is a lot like the Anti-Defamation League saying that the Armenian Genocide was "tantamount to genocide". BDS hardly have a monopoly on mealy-mouthed repudiations.
(30,109 posts)It'd be nice to see at least one leading BDS figure condemning this as an antisemitic act.
I wouldn't bet on it ever happening.
They're all beneath contempt.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)(obviously it was an antisemitic act, as well as a deeply stupid one, and you can assume that everyone here condemns it).
Condemnation of the attack, in and of itself, is condemnation for the worst motives of the attack.
In some ways, Netanyahu is partially responsible for the antisemitic nature of it-due to his demagogic habit of referring to the Israeli government and Israel as "the Jews", a habit that implies(wrongly)that every Jewish person in the world defends Israel on what it does in the West Bank and to Gaza, and a habit that deflects anger that should be directed towards the Israeli government itself towards people who simply happen to be Israeli or simply happen to be Jewish-which is deeply unfair, since "Israel" and "the Jews" are not, and should never be treated as, synonymous terms.
BDS exists because, for too many decades, virtually ALL criticism of Israeli security policy was anathemized in the U.S. , the UK, and much of Europe. It should always have been just as acceptable to oppose the West Bank occupation and the settlement project as it was and is to oppose anything any other government of any other country ever did. No good ever came of the Israeli political leadership getting decades of special deference-all that deference ever did was to encourage intransigence for intransigence's sake among the Israeli leadership. And intransigence is never a positive thing anywhere.
(30,109 posts)If they had any decency they'd have condemned it full-throat as a racist act of hate.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)Obviously, condemnation of the attack in itself is opposition to antisemitism.
It's ridiculous to use something BDS didn't have anything to do with causing to demonize BDS.
And demonizing BDS achieves nothing. It can't lead to a better anti-occupation movement emerging, and it can't lead to change in any of the things the Israeli government has done that ended up creating the BDS movement.
The existence of BDS is the result of legitimate criticism of Israeli security policies being anathemized in the U.S. for decades. It should always have been just as acceptable to criticize the Israeli government for repressive or destructive actions as it is to criticize any other government. There is no reason Israel's political leadership should ever have been given special deference-and it hasn't made Israel any more secure as a country that its leaders WERE given that special deference.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)And they obviously weren't responsible for it.
What good does it do to demonize BDS anyway? They aren't evil, and silencing their activists can't lead to anything constructive happening.
Why not call for Israel to stop doing at least some of the things BDS condemns? That would be a far more effective and honorable approach to this.
(70,765 posts)COLGATE4
(14,859 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)COLGATE4
(14,859 posts)same false syllogism that because the Palestinians are a 'semitic' people therefore Israel is the 'most anti-semitic country'.)
(14,851 posts)King_David
(14,851 posts)
(36 posts)So many Israelis are not.
(14,851 posts)Period!
The rest of that argument is boring.
(36 posts)cheers
(14,851 posts)But that is the definition of antiSemitism...
It means hatred of Jews ONLY
It's not my definition..
It is THE definition
(45,850 posts)King_David
(14,851 posts)This was more a commentary on the BDS movement in general.
It's not really about the occupation at all.
(45,850 posts)I wonder how many other single incidents could be used to sum up global movements-could make for a really productive, concise, and informative, thought provoking means of understanding-not
(14,851 posts)The whole movement is toxic antiSemitic and nothing at all to do with the occupation.
Lest us forget the Greta Berlin free Gaza movement's exposure as the ultimate haters of Jews.
(45,850 posts)15. It's certainly not a "single" incident
View profile
The whole movement is toxic antiSemitic and nothing at all to do with the occupation.
Lest us forget the Greta Berlin free Gaza movement's exposure as the ultimate haters of Jews.
(25,699 posts)Think about it Dave.
(14,851 posts)Cheers
(25,699 posts)I mean out of all the outlets of Jew-hate in the world, you rate Greta Berlin as the ultimate form? Really, a woman who's "great offense" was posting a video to the wrong discussion group, is for you, the epitome, the ultimate expression of hatred of jews?
It's just like damn. C'mon man, Hamas is right there killing jews when it gets the opportunity, but you're even going to pass them up, for Greta Berlin?
Less reactionary hyperbole. More thinking, please.
(14,851 posts)Minimizing antisemitism ? Figures why you just don't get it. And other things.
(25,699 posts)In the scheme of things, it absolutely pales in comparison to people actually striving to kill Jews, in the realm of "Ultimate Antisemitism Championship."
I just find it very odd that you rate a mis-posted video posted once, so far above continual efforts to kill Jews in this. Frankly it's baffling.
(58,724 posts)A final word on Greta Berlin and the Free Gaza controversy
By Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada
October 18, 2012
On 6 October I published a post casting doubt on Free Gaza movement co-founder Greta Berlins explanation of how she came to tweet a link to a video of an anti-Jewish diatribe by notorious anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist Eustace Mullins, from the @freegazaorg Twitter account.
Like others, I had at first accepted Berlins explanations that it had all been a mistake, just one single tweet posted in the wrong place, that was supposed to have been part of an anti-racist discussion in a private Facebook group.
But as the versions of the story began to vary, my doubts grew. Once I saw the content of the Our Land Facebook group that Berlin administers, I was certain we were dealing with a well-established pattern of exchanging, tolerating and indulging truly racist material that has no connection to Palestine solidarity work.
Today in an article on Mondoweiss[above], Bekah Wolf has published some of the racist material I saw in that group.
Even though I knew about this material, I did not elaborate on it in my 6 October post. Instead, other than the Mullins video, I restricted my comments to what was not in the group, rather than what was there:
This evening I had an opportunity to spend several hours with full access to a private Facebook group of which Berlin is an administrator, and where the video was first posted by another administrator on 28 September with the comment This will be a real thought provoker for some.
When the video was posted on 28 September it was neither preceded nor followed by any interactions that would fit the description that it was shared with a group of people who were discussing propaganda and racism, and this link was an example of the terrible propaganda that could be spewed on websites. This context does not exist.
Contrary to various claims Ive seen, I never labeled Berlin an anti-Semite. Yet as Wolf writes:
Greta is an active administrator of a Facebook group that is full of unabashedly anti-Semitic rhetoric and has been called out before by activists for it but has never done anything to challenge or stop it.
And as Wolf shows, Berlin often went beyond that.
Should I have been more explicit about what I saw? Perhaps, but I had my reasons to take a more restrained approach. I had hoped that by sounding the alarm, and signaling that Berlins explanations were not credible, Berlin herself would begin to take the issue seriously, and that the new Free Gaza board would do the same. Sadly that did not happen.
The most dispiriting spectacle over the past two weeks was seeing Berlin disseminating, and a small group of people embellishing, outlandish stories intended to distract and shift the blame on to those who were asking for accountability.
(25,699 posts)Okay, for a moment, let's take Abuminah at his word here - with a note, of course, that you, and David, and Shira, and the rest of the pack, would out of hand reject anything and everything Abuminah has to say about anything else, ever - and say, okay, this is the case.
Would you characterize thirty-odd people growling together on facebook, as the "ultimate haters of Jews," as David has? because just off the top of my head, Fundamentalist Christianity and its thousands and thousands, possibly millions of adherents, is probably a bigger source of it. Or you know, hamas, whom I've already mentioned, who are, uh, kind of you know killing Jews when they can.
Just strikes me as a strangely myopic statement.
But of course, we all know why dave would make such a statement, and why you would rush to support it, don't we?
(14,851 posts)has just decimated your "argument "and now your desperately trying to move in and change the topic.
(25,699 posts)Last edited Thu Oct 30, 2014, 08:58 PM - Edit history (1)
That proclaiming greta berlin the "ultimate in Jew-hate" is just... really fucking dumb. I'm willing to go with what i just read from Oberliner about her. i had read something else prior. The two share details and Abuminah's piece is more recent.
But if you zip back up to posts#26 and #28, you'll see my bewilderment that this person is your "ultimate in Jew hate." Now, maybe you don't know what "ultimate" means? It means that everything else is less, that this one thing, the ultimate, is the absolute most important and meaningful and all that jazz.
And whatever your stance on Greta Berlin, she does not rank above hamas in this category. if you really think that she does, well.. .that really says a lot of things about your perspective on jews and antisemitism more than it does about hers.
Response to Scootaloo (Reply #34)
King_David This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Scootaloo (Reply #34)
King_David This message was self-deleted by its author.
(12,778 posts)That's plain disgusting, and yes, it's anti-Semitic.
(30,109 posts)Left-liberal commentator M.J. Rosenberg is generally such a harsh critic of Israel and the American Jewish community that it may seem difficult to grasp that he actually is a Zionist -- a progressive Zionist like ourselves, but more acerbic and combative in many of his pronouncements than we generally are. The following is his review of The Battle For Justice In Palestine by Ali Abunimah, executive director of the Electronic Intifada, which he posted at
But the book is valuable and I recommend purchasing it because it definitively demonstrates that the goal of the BDS (the movement to Boycott, Divest from, and Sanction Israel) is to eliminate the State of Israel, utterly and completely.
No, the author (one of the pioneers of the BDS movement) does not favor driving Israel into the sea. He is not, by any means, advocating genocide.
His goal, honestly stated, is the dismantling of the State of Israel, all its laws and institutions, and replacing it with a Palestinian state in which Jews would have minority rights....
(30,109 posts).........
Some human beings are endowed with an amazing capacity to filter reality and see only that which fits their agenda. BDS advocates see the checkpoints, the separation wall, the night raids, and the home demolition in the West Bank. They do not see the innocent victims of terror. They do not see the innocent babies who owe their lives to the wall. They certainly do not see the anxiety of 7.9 million human beings living under the shadow of 150,000 deadly rockets, aimed at their civilian populations.
BDS followers possess infinite capacity to remember every horror of the 1948 war that led to the Palestinian refugee problem but zero capacity to remember another refugee problem. In the 1936-1940, the British Government succumbed to mass Palestinian riots and blockaded Jewish refugees from entering Palestine thus sealing their fate in Auschwitz. Perhaps it is hard for BDS supporters to acknowledge these refugees because they are not with us to testify. What they should be able to acknowledge though, and rarely do, is the 1948 Arab attack on the newly created nation of Israel, which, by all historical accounts, was genocidal in intent and left deep scars on the Israeli psyche. Scars on both sides beg for healing; seeing some and not others is seeing none.
The leaders of the BDS movement do not hide their real purpose: in every conversation with them they admit that their ultimate goal is not to end the occupation, and surely not to promote peace or coexistence, but to choreograph an arena whereby the criminality of Israel is debated and her character defamed. In other words, their goal is not to win a debate but to stage one, in which the words boycott Israel are repeated time and again to slowly penetrate listeners minds, thereby tarnishing Israels image with a stain of criminality. Net effect: bullying pro-coexistence voices into silence.
Some of my colleagues find contradiction in BDSs relentless attacks on tolerant Israel, while obvious violators of human rights, like Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Palestine, enjoy BDS silence, if not favors. The answer is clear to me. For BDS, human rights is merely a slogan to rally the uninformed around the banner of Israel bashing. What is somewhat unclear to me, however, are the intellectuals who have read a chapter or two in the history of the Middle East yet buy into this deception. I can only conclude that there must be some deeply ingrained animosity that turns such intellectuals against Israel. What is it?
I believe the answer lies in what Israel represents to BDS followers and to the world.
(30,109 posts)NEW DELHI: The Palestinians have rejected the Egyptian proposal fr a ceasefire. The opposition is not restricted to Hamas that has of course made the first categorical announcement but to all shades of Palestinian opinion that feel it calls for complete surrender of the Palestinian resistance.
Omar Barghouti who is a human rights activist the founding committee member of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Campaign against Israel told The Citizen from Ramallah that, the so called Egyptian proposal, which is clearly a US-Israeli proposal with Egyptian packaging, reflects Israels predicament in its current bloody aggression on the besieged and occupied Gaza strip. The proposal is largely seen by Palestinian society as a lifeline thrown to save Israel after its failure to achieve any of its declared political objectives from the assault.
Israel instead has lost public opinion across the world with massive demonstrations on its attack on innocent Palestinians reported from across the globe. As Barghouti said, Israels current massacre in Gaza is premeditated, calculated and accurately executed to mete out severe pain on the 1.7 million Palestinians who live in that huge prison camp. That is not surprising, given Israels record of state terrorism.
(30,109 posts)I do not trust the B.D.S. movement. Its stated aim is to end the occupation, secure full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and fight for the right of return of all Palestinian refugees. The first objective is essential to Israels future. The second is laudable. The third, combined with the second, equals the end of Israel as a Jewish state. This is the hidden agenda of B.D.S., its unacceptable subterfuge: beguile, disguise and suffocate.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)apartheid Israel.
BDS is growing, King. Live with it.
(14,851 posts)For about a year, the American Studies Assn. has been offering a very public object lesson in how to destroy a scholarly organization. Ostensibly devoted to the study of all things American, the 5,000-member academic cohort has ventured outside its natural borders and into the crossfire of Israeli-Palestinian politics by voting to bestow pariah status on Israel.
The decision to morph from a scholarly association into a political action committee has proved disastrous for the group and the discipline it purports to represent, undermining its credibility, alienating many of its practitioners and betraying what should be a bedrock commitment to the American values that used to define the field.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)Carry on, king.
(30,109 posts)With the world still reeling from the horrific terrorist attacks carried out in Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia, the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has announced that it will be bringing notorious plane hijacker Leila Khaled to South Africa as its guest next month.
In its pre-publicity campaign, BDS depicts Khaled holding an AK-47 and represents her past hijacking of a US airliner from Rome to Athens, and an attempted hijacking of an Israeli airliner, as something to be admired.
(30,109 posts)Last edited Sun Jan 18, 2015, 09:46 PM - Edit history (1)
Poor BDS SA. Once again they are running for cover now that their intention to host convicted terrorist Leila Khaled has exposed their true motives. Finding themselves in a corner, they are grasping at every possible straw to get out of it.South African citizens across the board are outraged over BDS's tacit endorsement of global terror by inviting to South Africa someone whose main claim to fame is having been involved in two plane hijackings (in 1969 and 1970). BDS SA would have everyone believe that Khaled is truly misunderstood and (as claimed by one of its spokespeople on POWA FM this week) wished no harm to the many hostages taken; she was really quite lovely to them and wished them no harm.
Indeed, Leila Khaled is being positioned by BDS SA as `The Mother Theresa of hijackers'. What they fail to share is that when she was arrested she was carrying two grenades, one of which she had already pulled the pin out of. They also fail to comprehend that the act of forcing a plane to land and then taking innocent civilians against their will as hostages is an act of violence. It is thanks to the Leila Khaleds of the world that we experience the stringent security check at airports and that we all travel with a pit at the bottom of our stomachs....
In their desperation to retain some form of credibility BDS SA tries to misappropriate the image of Nelson Mandela by comparing him to Khaled, as well as drawing comparisons with Umkhonto we Sizwe. This ignores the fact that neither MK nor Mandela set out to target innocent civilians as a matter of strategy. Towards the end of the apartheid era, there were a limited number of terrorist attacks, but overwhelmingly the story of the struggle against apartheid was one of peaceful resistance.
Khaled's organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is a very different kettle of fish. Over many decades, it has systematically aimed at harming civilians as a matter of strategy, in order to instill fear and foment chaos. In 2011, for example, its operatives entered the home of the Fogel family in Israel, knifing to death the mother, father and 3 children, including decapitating a 3 month old baby. I think it unlikely that Nelson Mandela would have approved of such a horrific act, and implying so is a gross insult to his memory.
Just two months ago, a PFLP member went into a synagogue in the Har Nof suburb of west Jerusalem and hacked to death four Rabbis as they were reciting their morning prayers. The mutilated bodies of the victims lay amongst the bloodied prayer books and alongside a Druse policeman who was also murdered in this assault. In the thirty years of the "Armed Struggle", the ANC never once targeted people in their place of worship.
BDS SA has brazenly trotted out a photograph of Mandela and Khaled as a rubber stamp for their mendacious campaign. When Nelson Mandela had his photograph with Betsie Verwoerd, however, I hardly think he was endorsing the Verwoerd policies. Mandela, as we all know, met with everyone.
Unable to coherently defend their position, BDS SA predictably resorts to playing the race card. Thus, the SAJBD are said to have been "proud supporters" of Apartheid, the regime that killed our' people. For a start, note the choice of the word our', an exclusive term all too obviously aimed at implying that the SAJBD and the Jewish community it represents not only should not be regarded as part of the South African people, but are in fact its enemies. It is rabble-rousing race rhetoric of the crudest and most obvious kind.
So then, ho hum, they return to their vicious attacks on the SAJBD, who dare to challenge whether convicted terrorists should be entering our country, particularly at a time when terror is threatening world democracy, as we mourn the 20 Parisian victims and the 2000 Nigerians in the past 2 weeks. From the BDS statements one would assume that it was SA Jewry that was solely responsible for Apartheid. Not surprising their coordinator Desai justifies the singing of `shoot the Jew' at BDS SA protests. Understandable that their Woolworths protests end in a pigs head in a shelf thought to contain kosher meat.
Let's be clear: Leila Khaled still believes in terror and violence. She stated as much in April 2014, when she said, "My party has not changed; it has stuck to its original program. We are calling to escalate the resistance, so we can take our destiny into our hands by waging an armed struggle, negotiating will get us nowhere." It is very clear that her party intends to continue the targeting of innocent civilians.
There will be more bloodshed, more Munich massacres, more plane hijackings, more family murders, more decapitated babies and more dead people of faith. Her statement is unequivocal that she does not believe in negotiation. It's a pity because that is how South Africa eventually attained its democracy. It is a pity, too, that South Africa's ethos of tolerance and respect is being so cynically undermined by the BDS. Feting terrorists will not bring about peace to the Middle East, but it will have a negative spin-off on our own rainbow nation.
Spin it however they wish, the bald facts of the matter are that [font color = "red"]BDS SA has chosen a terrorist to be their keynote speaker at their fundraising dinners and have even made her terrorist affiliations a selling point in its publicity campaign. Why else would they advertise her visit with an image of her lovingly cradling an AK47? BDS's glorification of terrorism speaks volumes about their true motives.[/font]
(30,109 posts)We as organizations, groups, and individuals committed to Palestinian self-determination call on the Muslim community in North America to eschew any and all participation, facilitation, or any form of legitimization for the Muslim Leadership Initiative of the Shalom Hartman Institute and its representatives or advocates....
...We reject the notion that this program is an interfaith one and that there is the need for Muslim Americans to engage with the state of Israel or institutions complicit in its war crimes.
(30,109 posts)Senator Charles Schumer used harsh rhetoric against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement on Monday, saying the movement is a modern form of antisemitism.
It is very suspicious that those who promote boycotting Israel do not seek boycotts against any other nations in the world, particularly those nations in the Middle East whose human rights records include hanging dissenters from cranes in city squares and imprisoning and torturing critics of the government., Schumer told the audience at this years conference for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
I believe that those who call for boycotts of Israel without calling for boycotts of other neighboring nations whose human rights records are in fact reprehensible are practicing, whether they know it or not, whether they admit it or not, a modern form of what we call antisemitism, Schumer said to rousing applause.
Schumer compared BDS to historical injustices against Jews, like restrictions on where Jews could settle and what occupations they could hold: The word that describes all of these acts is a very simple one: antisemitism.
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)I mean we have to be honest, and I loathe the disingenuous. They dont want Israel. They think they are being very clever; they call it their three-tier. We want the end of the occupation, the right of return, and we want equal rights for Arabs in Israel. And they think they are very clever because they know the result of implementing all three is what, what is the result?
You know and I know what the result is. Theres no Israel!
. . .
Its not an accidental and unwitting omission that BDS does not mention Israel. You know that and I know that. Its not like theyre oh we forgot to mention it. They wont mention it because they know it will split the movement. Cause theres a large segment of the movement that wants to eliminate Israel.
. . .
Are you going to reach a broad public which is going to hear the Israeli side they want to destroy us? No youre not. And frankly you know what you shouldnt. You shouldnt reach a broad public because youre dishonest. And I wouldnt trust those people if I had to live in this state. I wouldnt. Its dishonesty.
(10,650 posts)That's why the anti-BDS propaganda is really heating up.
It's a typical Israeli tactic: take an isolated incident and try to use that to accuse anything or anyone who opposes Israel's crimes of anti-Semitism.
(14,851 posts)BDS leader Greta Berlin continues to lead the way.
It fits the narrative to be described as an isolated incident but the truth is that it's anything but...
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)All the examples throughout this thread come from the most popular representatives and organizations making up the BDS movement.
None are just isolated incidents.
(30,109 posts)Last edited Sun Jan 18, 2015, 05:00 PM - Edit history (1)
...of imposing a secular 1-state solution that neither Palestinians or Israelis want:
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)Last edited Sun Jan 18, 2015, 09:32 PM - Edit history (4)
Ali Abunimah@AliAbunimah
We do not know if the Gaza ceasefire will be extended. We do know that the resistance is waging a legitimate struggle with just demands.
Ali Abunimah@AliAbunimah
Palestinian defense forces continue to strike terror sites and Zionist strongholds in final hours before expected ceasefire.
Abunimah on terror tunnels...
Media note: Tunnels used to attack "IDF" units are Legitimate Resistance Tunnels, not "Terror Tunnels." Please correct. Thanks.
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)The Palestine Solidarity Campaign's Ben White writes for al-Jazeera and the Guardian (to name but a few). He is the author of Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide. Mr. White is, of course, a supporter of FreeGaza, is very well known within BDS circles, and cannot stop obsessing about the Jooooz...

(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)A few days ago the anti-Israel hate site Mondoweiss published an article titled Palestines Foreign Ministry pushes back on prisoner story
The article praised a Palestinian campaign to rebrand the murderers held in Israeli prisons as freedom fighters and political prisoners. Mondoweiss called this an injection of truth.
(30,109 posts)Most often discussions regarding Hamas in the Western media begin with its notorious 1988 Charter. But have media outlets who spew obsessively narrow readings of Hamass military position even bothered to do any research into its political work?
....Klein explains that
Hamas is a pragmatic and flexible political actor and focusing on its 1988 Charter completely misses Hamass contemporary identity. However, disgracefully the US and European states maintain their uneducated or purposefully misleading understanding of Hamas.
- See more at:
(30,109 posts),cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=23&cntnt01returnid=70
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)
Also compares Hamas to French resistance during WW2
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)and...
(30,109 posts)....while crying crocodile tears about so many lives lost in summer, 2014:
Omar Barghouti (co-founder BDS)
Ali Abunimah...
Ali Abunimah retweets that Death better than ceasefire...
Alex Kane (Mondoweiss)
Max Blumenthal...
Richard Silverstein...
+972 magazine...
(30,109 posts)
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)Seventy-one percent of American Jews strongly oppose the boycott, divestment and sanction campaigns against Israel; 68% oppose such action focused solely on settlements.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)The article admitted that BDS condemned the pig head attack. Why wasn't that enough?
Why is this incident, an incident BDS(with all its flaws) was not responsible for(as the article itself admits) being used to demonize BDS?
I agree that its wrong to describe life within Israel proper(the Israeli side of the Green Line) as "apartheid", but why is that term inaccurate when used to describe the situation in the Illegally Occupied Territories? It's not as though Israel HAS to have the West Bank settlements (the settlements are an ideological want supported solely by the Israeli right-they are not in any way necessary to Israel's security or survival-and all the settlements have ever done is to create a quasi-colonialist privileged settler vs. powerless Palestinian dynamic.)
The leadership of both sides have done wrong. It serves no purpose to ascribe most, if not all criticism of what the Israeli government has done in the West Bank and to Gaza to "hatred of Jews". And it has been shown that no good has ever come of any Israeli government attempts to dictate which groups should or should not be "the Palestinian leadership"-Netanyahu's party's efforts to do that in the Eighties, and his own fixation with "sidelining the PLO" the last time he was prime minister, are the main reason Hamas has the power it has now. If they had just negotiated with the PLO when Arafat was at the height of his powers, there would be peace now.
If anyone, through his actions, is demonstrating hatred of Jews these days, it is Binyamin Netanyahu-the man who is endangering most of them through the arrogance and brutality of his "security policies" and through his pointless and anti-peace campaign to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state at all costs-even though Netanyahu knows that his government has no right to block Palestinian self-determination and at the same time expect the Palestinians to give up all resistance and the other Arab countries to make peace.
(30,109 posts)You wrote before that it's not a leftwing movement, so why are you defending it?
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)BDS is not "pro-Hamas", its just that they recognize that it's not possible to get rid of Hamas and that that faction has to be engaged or negotiated with somehow if any peace agreement is to mean anything.
And posters here have accused BDS of staging the pig head attack themselves, which is a despicable lie. They condemned that attack, and from what I can see, they are basically being demonized because they didn't use exactly the right words in condemning it.
And BDS itself isn't going to be part of any negotiations themselves, so what difference does it make if they support "Israel's existence" or not?
It's not as though there is any possible good that could come of crushing BDS, either.
I see BDS as basically a group of good-hearted idealists. Most of them, IMHO, would probably back a two-state solution if it weren't for the fact that they have no real reason to believe the Israeli government supports that(instead, Netanyahu's perpetual settlement expansions and his insistence of leaving the IDF in the Jordan valley for the rest of eternity-a proposal which would guarantee that a Palestinian state could never survive-and people in the furthest right-wing reaches of his coalition have actually tried to revive the discredited and inherently unjust "federation with Jordan" proposal-a proposal that would leave Palestinians in the West Bank even more powerless and devoid of hope than they are now) and that most of them started as two-state supporters before Israeli intransigence led them to the conclusion that a two-state solution would never be possible.
The best counter-attack "pro-Israel" people could do against BDS would be to call for the Israeli government to actually get serious about the pressing need to let Palestinians have a real state and the breathing space to create a life for themselves.
Since there's nothing to be said for "staying the course" in the West Bank, and since there's no chance that staying that course will ever lead to a different and BETTER Palestinian leadership, there's no reason not to.
(30,109 posts)It's all over this thread in one article after the next.
Two of the biggest leading lights within the BDS movement are Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada. Omar Barghouti of BDS is really tight with both Phil Weiss and Ali Abunimah.
Now take a look at this thread and you'll find both Mondoweiss and Abunimah are pro-terrorist, pro-Hamas.
*This is when you look and see for yourself*
Now that you've seen it, do u want to take back that bit about BDS not being a Jew hating, pro-Hamas movement?
(3,245 posts)Must have added a third shift.
(14,851 posts)
Sounds like a well thought out argument from you....
(30,109 posts)Lapid attacked extreme leftist Israeli groups, such as Breaking the Silence, accusing them of aiding BDS. He said that Israeli should go to the Europeans, we should go to American campuses and ask them 'do you understand that you are not supporting the liberation of the oppressed, but are cheering for the people and values (Hamas) that brought 9/11 to this country. You are supporting people (Hamas) that kill gays and suppress women.'
I added the (Hamas) part.
I'm more convinced every day that BDS supports Hamas.
(30,109 posts)Today, the BDS movement has made it almost impossible for Jews living in Europe to support Israel, Sacks argued. Jews have been faced with a choice: live in Europe and criticize Israel or be silent, or leave Europe, he said.
(30,109 posts)BDS activists do not get to tell Jews that BDS is not anti-Semitic. Only Jews on the receiving end of anti-Semitism may say so.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)Israel is a horrible, right wing, murderous, apartheid state that deserves to be boycotted until it realizes that the world is tired of its crap.
Deal with it.
(30,109 posts)Deal with it.

Jimmy Carter: I know that Israel is a wonderful democracy with equal treatment of all citizens whether Arab or Jew."
BDS believes Israel should be boycotted until it ceases to be a Jewish state. Do you agree or disagree?
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)Keep up with your cherry picking BS. The world is tired of it, and the World isn't made up of Democrats that are chickenshit to speak the truth.
But you never know; Obama may let a UN resolution slip past censuring Israel. Then what will you do?
(30,109 posts) ceases to be a Jewish state?
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)That's the painful truth that YOU can't face.
(30,109 posts)...that Israel should be boycotted until it ceases to be a Jewish state?
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)
(30,109 posts)Hilarious.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)
(30,109 posts)....until a Jewish state ceases to exist.
You fear answering that one.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)an answer so simple. Life us full of nuance, shira, so perhaps a course of some kind would help you understand such a simple statement.

(30,109 posts)You know and I know what the result is. There's no Israel! And if you don't want the same framework then stop talking about the law and stop trying to be so clever. Because you're only so clever in your cult. The moment you step out you have to deal with Israeli propaganda. And here they have a case.
Norm Finkelstein
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)Too bad you can't handle my answer.
(30,109 posts)It is time to stop fighting among ourselves, for JVP and others to stop their witch hunts against deeply committed writers and activists, for JVP to stop its attempted censorship and domination of the Palestine movement, and for all of us to get on with our desperately important work.
I have long been hearing that some JVP (jewish Voice for Peace) leaders have initiated whispering campaigns against me. This began many years ago (and long before the latest accusations, which are in a letter from JVP, excerpted below). In fact, I first heard of the director of JVP accusing me of anti-Semitism, behind my back, during the first year of my public statements about Palestine. Such actions seemed related to my political positions on Palestine, which were different from JVPs:
(30,109 posts)Viva Palestina MY
"The leaders of "Jewish Voice for Peace" are once again attacking CNI President Alison Weir. (Alison is the...
(30,109 posts)Free Gaza Movement
Please help us overcome the accusations against If Americans Knew
(30,109 posts)How do you fit 5 million Jews in a car? "In the ashtray" sez Madrid's new, pro-BDS culture czar.
(30,109 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 4, 2015, 04:23 AM - Edit history (4) Khalek
Israeli settlers are considered civilians under international law. How can that be if they carry government issued weapons?
4:52 PM - 1 Aug 2015
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)What you wrote is a slander WRT what she wrote.
You lied, and you should retract that.
(30,109 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 4, 2015, 05:38 AM - Edit history (2)
Hamas' rockets and terror attacks (armed resistance) is aimed mostly at soft targets. Everyone knows that. That's why Khalek doesn't believe settlers should be recognized as civilians according to international law. If they're combatants, targeting them is legal in her view.
Rania Khalek @RaniaKhalek Jun 5
It's ridiculous that Palestinians even need 2 explain to the world why they take up arms against a settler movement that wants to erase them
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Rania Khalek
@Saeed6Ali Actually, armed resistance by the colonized is rarely recognized as legitimate by global powers.
[font color = "red"]Do you agree with Rania Khalek? [/font]
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)There is no Justice in Hate.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)Or at the cery least look at the bushel of your hidden posts.
(30,109 posts)She invoked the Greta Berlin defense when she later claimed it was an "error" doing so.
Of course, Khalek maintains that everything in the book being pimped by Holocaust deniers is true. Which is like making the idiotic claim that a book on Blacks being pimped at Stormfront is true...
LIke arguing that posting from a hate site like Mondoweiss is okay because its articles are true.
(3,967 posts)Headline: Hamas Calls for All Arabs to Attack 'All Soldiers, Settlers'
Excerpt: Husam Badran, a key Hamas leader in Judea and Samaria, said in response to the arson that "this crime has turned IDF soldiers and settlers into legitimate targets, in any location and situation." His comment comes despite the fact that the identity of the perpetrators remains unknown - and despite the fact that the terror group has constantly attacked soldiers and Jews without any "justification."
Badran called for every "free person who can harm the occupier to start conducting revenge activities" because "the enemy doesn't understand anything but the language of force.
The Hamas call for terror was followed by a drive-by shooting just north of Jerusalem that fortunately left none wounded, and rock and firebomb attacks in Jerusalem's Old City that lightly wounded a police officer.
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)Despite public split with notorious anti-Jewish conspiracy theorist, JVP co-sponsors event in Cleveland.
(30,109 posts)I find it difficult to believe that an award winning Israeli journalist would go to a British university to talk about the Israeli Palestinian conflict only to bring up antisemitic tropes but this is preceisely what London based blogger David Collier claims happened.
At an event organised by the local branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign at the University of Kent Amira Hass, Haaretz columnist allegedly said:
And I ask myself did the Elders of Zion really sit together at the beginning of the Seventies and then during the nineties, and plan, and have all these military orders, all these changes? I believe that they knew for sure that they dont want to give back the land and in the Nineties, my conclusion is that they wanted to do everything possible to stop the two state solution.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an antisemitic book allegedly depicting the minutes of a meeting of Jews who control the world. Although clearly a fake, this book has been a central pillar of anti Jewish sentiment ever since it was first published in Russia in 1903. The document helped incite pogroms against Jews in Eastern Europe that led to the deaths of thousands.
Is it true though?
Did Hass, always a strident critic of Israel, really stray into the murky waters of self hatred and antisemitism?
Was she perhaps trying a bit of humor? Was this a sort of ironic, tongue in cheek remark aimed at the audience?
I find it hard to believe and yet the quote is there on Colliers blog. Will she deny it? Or perhaps explain it?
Or just move on to the next meeting
(30,109 posts)This is why at anti-Zionist functions they prefer NO recording devices of any type.
This is why some Regressive Left organizations in Israel fear "Zionists" within their ranks.
The only thing separating these POS's from the KKK is that the KKK is proud of their hatred & not at all afraid to admit it.
(30,109 posts)There was a burning question at the back of my mind when two highly successful Israeli Arabs came to London today to tell a crowd of 100 people at the P21 Gallery how oppressive Israel is towards its Arab citizens which make up 20% of Israels population.
For one hour I sat listening to Israeli Arab MK Dr. Yousef T. Jabareen tell us how Israel treats its indigenous people as second and third class citizens and how Israeli law is similar to the racial classification during racial apartheid in America and how Israel is a Jewish state for its Arab citizens but a democracy only for its Jewish citizens. He told us how theres a big difference in the education, welfare and infrastructure budgets between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. Nine to one, apparently.
I listened to Liberal Democrat Baroness Hussein-Ece OBE, who was chairing the event, complain that a country that claims to be a democracy deprives people of freedom of speech.
While Dr. Durgham Saif said Israel is a fine democracy, but only for Jews and how Israel appropriates Palestinian land and Judaises it by transferring it to Jews and that We are the Indians of America.
Then Malia Bouattia,the Black Students Officer of the National Union of Students, compared Israels apparent oppressive treatment of its Arab citizens to the UK targeting of Muslims and pro-Palestine activists. She claimed that UK Muslims find their democratic freedoms are comprehensively stripped.
And she seriously thinks that in this country discussion about Palestine is all but illegitimate which she blamed on the Zionist and Neocon lobbies.
Ben I do not consider myself an anti-Semite, yet I can also understand why some are White was the final speaker. He referred to Israel as the so-called Jewish state before calling for Israel to become a state of all it citizens, not a Jewish state.
Then I had my arm up for another 55 minutes during the Q&A. The Baroness called everyone else in the room who wished to ask a question but ignored me. I asked if I could ask a question but she again ignored me. I then asked her why she was ignoring me and suggested she was doing it purposely to which she replied she didnt know who I was.
So with two minutes left I rose and spoke. I just about managed to ask Dr. Yousef T. Jabareen how could he accuse Israel of oppressing its Arab citizens, of being undemocratic and of so underfunding the Israeli Arab education system when he himself was a Member of Parliament, a lecturer at the University of Haifa and Tel-Hai Academic College, had studied in Washington and was now here in London verbally attacking Israel?
I received such loud boos, hisses and abuse as I stood there that I swiftly took my seat. Needless to say I would have asked the same of Dr Durgham Saif, Professor at Al-Quds University in Abu-Dis, who also studied and lectured in Washington and who is a member of the Israeli Bar Association.
But by then I had already been shouted at by the Baroness for disrespecting the meeting.
In fairness to Dr Jabareen he listened to my question and answered, albeit unsatisfactorily. He simply complained that he was not allowed to visit the Al Aqsa Mosque and that many Israeli Arab leaders were banned from leaving Israel.
Meanwhile P21 itself is quickly becoming a hub of hate with constant anti-Israel lectures to the wider public. During the Q&A a young Romanian woman said she loved Jewish culture but not what Israel was doing to the Palestinians and she asked what she could do to help. Malia Bouattia said she should join the BDS movement.
One audience member did ask why we dont hear from the other side to which Ben White, laughably, responded that Israels message is dominant in the media so there is no need to have any balance at events like todays.
In 20 years time the lunatics in these audiences lapping up this extreme anti-Israel propaganda will have taken over the asylum so I just dont understand why our supposed Jewish leadership organisations (JLC, BICOM, ZF, Board of Deputies etc.) are abdicating all responsibility where these horrendous events are concerned.
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)ericson00
(2,707 posts)n/t
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: The Forward, May 27, 2015
It is your duty to ensure that todays radicals are not tomorrows employees, a female narrator intones in a slick video posted to the websites YouTube account.
Called Canary Mission, the site has posted profiles of dozens of students and recent graduates, alongside those of well-known activists like Omar Barghouti, founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Some of the students are active in Students for Justice in Palestine; others were involved in recent pro-BDS resolutions at campuses in California. Many of them have relatively thin activist résumés.
The focus on young people and students is an effort to try to tell people that there will be a price for you taking a political position, said Ali Abunimah, founder of the pro-Palestinian website The Electronic Intifada. Its an effort to punish and deter people from standing up for what they believe.
Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum, defended the tactic as a way of forcing people to understand the seriousness of their political stands.
Read more:
(30,109 posts)Last edited Sat Jul 9, 2016, 10:09 AM - Edit history (2)
What do you think about that video of SJP assholes calling for an intifada?
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: Wikipedia
The concept intifada was first utilized in modern times in 1952 within the Kingdom of Iraq, when socialist and communist parties took to the streets to protest the Hashemite monarchy, with inspiration of the 1952 Egyptian Revolution. In the Palestinian context, with which it is particularly associated, the word refers to attempts to "shake off" the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the First and Second Intifadas,[5][6] where it was originally chosen to connote "aggressive nonviolent resistance",[1] a meaning it bore among Palestinian students in struggles in the 1980s and which they adopted as less confrontational than terms in earlier militant rhetoric since it bore no nuance of violence.
Intifada may be used to refer to these events:
Iraqi Intifada, a series of strikes and riots in Iraq in 1952, aimed against the Hashemite monarchy rule
October Revolution, a series of strikes, riots, and demonstrations in Sudan, that ended with the dissolution of the Abbud military regime and the beginning of second civilian rule in 1964
March Intifada, a leftist uprising against the British colonial presence in Bahrain in March 1965
Zemla Intifada, against Spanish colonial rule in then Spanish Sahara, in June 1970
In the Israeli-Palestine conflict:
First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation lasting from December 1987 to 1993
Second Intifada, a period of intensified Israeli-Palestinian violence, which began in late September 2000 and ended around 2005
2014 Jerusalem unrest, a series of violent acts and attacks in Jerusalem in 2014 sometimes referred to as "Intifada"
IsraeliPalestinian conflict (2015) - 2015 escalation in Israeli-Palestinian conflict, sometimes referred to as "Al-Quds Intifada" or "Jerusalem Intifada" or "Knife Intifada"
1990s uprising in Bahrain, an uprising demanding a return to democratic rule, also known as the "1990s Intifada"
1991 uprisings in Iraq, an armed uprising against Saddam Hussein in Iraq, also known as "Iraqi Intifada of 1991"
In the Western Sahara conflict:
First Sahrawi Intifada, protests by Sahrawi activists in the Western Sahara, south of Morocco (1999-2004)
Independence Intifada (Western Sahara) or Second Sahrawi Intifada, demonstrations and riots in Western Sahara, south of Morocco, beginning in May 2005
Gdeim Izik protests, also referred as Third Sahrawi Intifada or simply Third Inifada
Cedar Revolution or "Intifada of Independence", the events in Lebanon after Rafic Hariri's 2005 assassination
Arab Spring, a revolutionary wave which began on 18 December 2010 in Tunisia, sometimes referred to as "Intifada":
Tunisian Revolution, or Tunisian Intifada
Yemeni Revolution, or Yemeni Intifada
Egyptian Revolution of 2011, or Egyptian Intifada
Protests in Sudan (201113), or Sudanese Intifada
Read more:
I support the people's right to protest against injustice, and as you can see from the examples, the name Intifada is the Arabic name for just that. At least, be a bit wary of the Canary Mission - it's a form of grassroots McCarthyism with little regard for accuracy and democratic principles.
(58,724 posts)When, of course, anyone can post anything on that site.
This Wikipedia entry is particularly ridiculous. Intifada is not the Arabic name for "the people's right to protest against injustice" in spite of what somebody typed onto this Wikipedia page, sourced to a single article written in German in 2003.
Intifada refers to the Palestinian uprisings of the 1980s and beyond.
In fact, one of the other sources cited elsewhere in the Wikipedia page, a book entitled "Intifada" uses the term only in that context and makes no mention of it having any other wider meaning. In fact that book specifically talks about how the word gained "iconic resonance worldwide" beginning in December of 1987.
Some have applied the term to more recent unrelated events in much the same way that the term apartheid is nowadays applied to things that are unrelated to its original usage.
Do you know what "thawra" means in Arabic? Do you know the difference in meaning between that term and the term "intifada"? Do you know why the term thawra was used in the 1930s but the term intifada was used in the 1980s?
Answer truthfully, without using Google or Wikipedia or any other online site.
I ask because I sense that you have not read any actual books on the history of the conflict and are simply relying on websites for your information, which I would caution you against doing if this is a topic you are truly and deeply interested in.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)I suppose you have Google where you live - just try searching for ""Intifada West Sahara", for example. I know from before that you don't like Wikipedia, but I wonder what your general opinion is on the Canary Mission and what they're doing...
(30,109 posts)Here's the Hamas crime boss:
It means intifada, like the 1st two violent ones that attacked Jews. So here's yet another definition you butchered. Now try again - what did SJP mean by wanting to start another Intifada?
As to Canary Mission, they simply report EXACTLY what Jew hating bigots are already publicizing in their small social circles. I don't see the problem with that. They haven't made anything up - no lies at all - not like your sources that deliberately fabricate bullshit and lies against Jews in order to incite (Mondoweiss, Breaking-The-Silence). Somehow they're okay, but Canary Mission is not. That's willful blindness.
(25,699 posts)Odd. Algorithm burp, I guess.
(30,109 posts)

R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)perhaps some feel that they aren't being paid enough attention.
(30,109 posts)R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)