Related: About this forumSingling out Israel: The Sanders Democratic Party version made news in recent days by making appointments to the Democratic Party's important Platform Drafting Committee of people who are not exactly Israel's most ardent supporters. Press reports focused on Sanders selection of Jim Zogby, a notable pro-Palestinian activist to the committee. But his other appointments Cornel West, a supporter of BDS, rep. Keith Ellison, who voted against Iron Dome funding in Congress are not expected to balance the Israel ticket on the committee.
Disgusting, and a betrayal from a party Jewish voters have been loyal to for a century.

Response to ericson00 (Original post)
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(45,850 posts)
(2,707 posts)than liberals. Unless to you and the like, moderates are all evil corporatist DLC impure RINOs. Add those pro-I people to the pro-I liberals left, anti-I people are still decisively outnumbered.
Also, I'll highlight the Gallup poll that reflects this
>2:1 even with Democrats, despite far-left agitation.
(45,850 posts)okay go with that if you wish
(2,707 posts)despite what a loud and annoying minority want to make it.
(3,392 posts)That's why they really need to back away from the Leftist abyss before it's too late.
(45,850 posts)aranthus
(3,392 posts)Leftists aren't Liberals.
(45,850 posts)IMO in the US the litmus test for liberal comes down to 2 things are you for womens reproductive rights and LGBT rights most other things such economic justice, medical care as a right vs priviledge among other things are rather up for grabs
(14,851 posts)A murderous HATE for all those things as does the Palestinian statelets and Iran and Uganda and Islamic state....
(45,850 posts)for some it's hard to separate the 2 and I am sure we'll soon hear the fake meme about how the people of Gaza elected Hamas to lead them, when in fact they did no such thing and Hamas took over Gaza by a coup
(14,851 posts)The BDS crowd is anti Jewish
And a lot are homophobic
Recently they tried banning an American Jew from performing at a reggae festival because he was a Jew but had no problems with their friends a hate group homophobic Gay hating POS performing.
(30,109 posts)....sure was an eye opener, wasn't it?
But if you think about it, that's typical of BDS Leftists who support Hamas oppression of gays in Gaza.
(30,109 posts)They don't give a shit about the people of Gaza, from gays to women to children used as human shields. You know that so why pretend otherwise?
(2,707 posts)so they can overthrow "the DLC/corporatists" for 2020.
(3,392 posts)But when you are that far to Left everyone to your right looks the same. So why should they vote? Trump or Clinton is the same to them.
(3,392 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)all Democratic voters will automatically vote for her.
(2,707 posts)for moderate normal voters. I'd gladly make such a trade.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Hopefully, you will support Bernie Sanders over Trump.
(2,707 posts)the world knows it, even Bernie knows it.
And while I might not vote for Trump, many other Jewish voters might; Bernie's socialism not only threatens their economic success they've earned over generations, but his unpopularity among Jews (given the D-primary) would give Trump an opening, he'd counter the Duke allegations of the world with Bernie's anti-Israel fans, and could put a Jew on his ticket. They'd not only gain on the Jewish vote, but they'd get a lot of campaign donations and political participation to boot. Jewish voter turnout is WAY higher than the youngsters who go vote for Bernie. America is capitalist; campaign donations matter. Plus, Trump would not only have his own money, but Wall Street money which Bernie eschews because all money is evil to him.
You do realize that in Europe, the formerly left-voting Jewish populations now all vote right? They did that because of obsessive and conspiratorial anti-Zionism and softness/accomodation to Islamist ideas. That could happen here with Bernie.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)But frankly, don't you think that Bernie Sanders has some Jewish backing because of his policies? While I'm not completely comfortable with stereotyping Jewish attitudes, it would be safe to assume that some Jewish Americans would prefer Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton.
(2,707 posts)A LOT MORE Jewish Americans prefer Hillary over Bernie.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: Yahoo! News, April 17, 2016
His remarks at the April 14 Democratic debate ahead of New York's decisive primary on Tuesday amounted to unprecedented criticism of Israel and promotion of Palestinian rights from a canvassing US presidential candidate.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "is not right all of the time," said the Vermont senator. "We cannot continue to be one-sided."
He criticized Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton for not saying that she would do more to promote Palestinian rights when she addressed the powerful right-wing American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobby in Washington in March.
"If we are ever going to bring peace to that region, which has seen so much hatred and so much war, we are going to have to treat the Palestinian people with respect and dignity," Sanders said.
Read more:
(2,707 posts)Double digits. The electorate is bigger than a few college kids and recent grads, some of who wish there were an easy answer for anti Semitism and many of whom have radical professors way out of the mainstream...
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)leftynyc
(26,060 posts)sealed Bernie's fate - they wont get one thing through and the rest of the committee will delight in fighting against them knowing it will help them in the general. Anybody that supports bds is an enemy of progressives everywhere. We wont even discuss the repulsive things he's said about our President.