Israeli soldier who shot wounded Palestinian charged with manslaughter
Source: Reuters
Israeli soldier who shot wounded Palestinian charged with manslaughter
Reuters in Jaffa
Monday 18 April 2016 13.55 BST
The Israeli military has charged a soldier who shot a wounded Palestinian assailant as he lay on the ground with manslaughter.
The defendant, a conscript infantry medic whose name has been barred from publication, was captured on video firing once into the head of the man after he had been shot by other soldiers while taking part in a stabbing attack on 24 March.
The incident in Hebron, a city in the occupied West Bank that has been a focus of a six-month-old wave of Palestinian street violence, tapped into international controversy over whether the response of the Israeli security forces has been heavy-handed.
Defence lawyers say the soldier took action fearing the Palestinian had a hidden bomb. Prosecutors, citing testimony by the soldiers comrades and his apparently calm disposition, see it as an illegal shooting motivated by revenge.
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