Related: About this forumSimone Zimmerman, the Latest Victim of the U.S. Jewish Right's Witch Hunt
The vicious offensive by the Jewish Right and its mainstream collaborators against Simone Zimmerman is just part of their ongoing attempts to choke the justice-based Jewish politics she represents.M. Dove Kent Apr 15, 2016
There is a growing community of Jews in this country who understand that nobody is free until everybody’s free. Simone Zimmerman embodies this emerging vision. But the fist of the Jewish establishment is clenched too tightly to allow for this direction to a viable, just, and dignified Jewish future.
The Bernie Sanders campaign made a visionary choice earlier this week by hiring Zimmerman to be its Jewish Outreach Coordinator. But perhaps Sanders should have known that the Jewish community is one place that’s not ready for a political revolution.
Zimmerman represents a new generation of Jewish leaders and a new Jewish politics - deeply committed to the Jewish community and equally committed to justice: white Jews and Jews of color, Mizrahim, Sephardim, and Ashkenazim, working for a just future for all.
This new generation extends beyond narrow identities and takes action in service of racial justice and economic justice that extend beyond borders. Yet the Jewish establishment, deeply informed and driven by a politic of fear, is trying its best to choke this growing vision.
The vicious offensive against Zimmerman by the Jewish Right combined with the lack of support from the Jewish mainstream – leading to her suspension from her job on Thursday – is not isolated, new, or even surprising. Jews, Palestinians, and others who speak out against the Israeli occupation and for the humanity of Palestinians have reported being fired, intimidated, monitored, threatened, censored and attacked for many years.

(97,964 posts)the Jewish voter into the fold.
One of the dumbest moves the Sanders campaign made.
Your link is an opinion piece, from someone who lives in New York, and obviously has no idea what the purpose of the Jewish Outreach Coordinator is. It is also NOT representative of the New York Jewish vote, as the polls indicate.
There was a reason Sanders suspended her, because he screwed up in his choice
(58,724 posts)That kind of thing is not what Bernie is about.
(30,109 posts)The spin doctors are trying to portray her only as a mere critic of Israel when she's far more than that.
Seems Bernie feels he has to pander to the regressive Left. Without them, he stands no chance against Hillary.
(58,724 posts)Do you think Bernie has a chance to win?
(30,109 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)I think it will be closer.
(26,060 posts)one of the reasons Bernie did so poorly in NY this week. I too thought it was going to be MUCH closer. She blew him out.
(58,724 posts)I thought Bernie would've made more of a dent among African-Americans but he still seems unable to do well with that demographic.
(30,109 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)So I take it you were not surprised by the margin of victory?
(30,109 posts)I didn't think it would be double digits.
(30,099 posts)was, to do an outreach, but that she had already made inflammatory statements places
her unfit for the role. I have to wonder if they were aware of her prior statements.
If they had been measured without the polemic twist and relied only on facts, she
could have made a difference.
This is not about whether Bibi is an ass or not, it is about knowing how to communicate.
(14,851 posts)And completely out of touch with American Jewish community.
(58,724 posts)And there isn't a lot of common ground among them.
(14,851 posts)I don't...
(58,724 posts)I would estimate that the number of American Jews in this category is around one out of twelve or so. Among minimally observant or secular Jews, I would say the percentage a good bit higher. Narrow further to secular millennials and it would be ever higher (one out of three or four maybe?). On the left, where most non-religious Jews reside, I think the trend is definitely away from supporting the concept of Zionism.
(14,851 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)I think a lot has to do with what happens with Israel in the future. I think a lot of young, secular Jewish Americans are turned off by the conservative leadership that has been in power in Israel for a while now. If they were to elect someone more like Rabin and/or if some kind of permanent peace deal was reached with the Palestinians, then I think that would have a significant impact. I think there is a real split among the Jewish community in the US and if Israel keeps electing leaders like Netanyahu they will find that their support in the US will come mostly from Republicans, conservatives, and fundamentalist Christian types, especially as those folks who were actually alive when Israel became a country begin to die out. Israel itself seems to be incredibly divided as to the direction that it wants to take as a country as well, but I speak as an observer from the US so I might not have a true handle on that. As for me personally, I still lament the fact that the events leading up to this photo did not lead to a more positive future for all.
(14,851 posts)Which is essential.
(58,724 posts)And hopefully not be replaced by someone even further to the right.
(4,347 posts)Another thing to think about .....if hostilities should break out again this summer with Gaza , and right now things are not looking good all the signs are there .....and it becomes another PR fiasco like the last time are going to loose even more of your " young, secular Jewish Americans ".
(58,724 posts)They don't like the idea of any sort of deal or compromise being made so they goad Israel into fighting like they did when Hamas vehemently opposed the Oslo Accords. Dead Palestinians is good PR for Hamas.
(4,347 posts)Our religious Right wing " don't like the idea of any sort of deal or compromise being made " either .
One is just as bad as the other oberliner.
Kind of getting of topic tho .....what do you make of this ?
(58,724 posts)There is a lot of blame to go around.
(4,347 posts)....but you did not answer ...." .what do you make of this ? "
(58,724 posts)Especially younger folks who are college students.
(26,060 posts)I just don't let that turn me into an apologist for terrorists.
(4,347 posts)
I think Simone Zimmerman should at least have a say in this thread :
American Jewish Millennials Aren't Disengaged From Israel, We're Angry
We don’t need any more multi-million dollar ventures, like the 'Jewish Peace Corps' Ari Shavit suggests, to save us. We need the Jewish community to wake up to the disastrous reality of the occupation.
Simone Zimmerman Feb 29, 2016
The anxiety in the American Jewish establishment over “what is happening to our young people” is reaching a fever pitch of absurdity, as communal leaders and spokespeople frantically try to remedy the symptoms while refusing to acknowledge the true root of the problem: We're not disengaging from Israel, in fact we're paying attention to what's happening in Israel - and we are angry.
The latest edition in this ongoing category error is Ari Shavit’s epiphany ('Only a 'Jewish Peace Corps' Can Save Zionism From Its Millennial Crisis') that, to save the Jewish future and Israel’s public image, we need a “Jewish Peace Corps" which would be "a joint venture between Israel and the Diaspora,” that will engage young people in “universal do-gooding,” from Yerucham to Rahat to Ferguson.
Shavit dreams for the day that Israel will be identified with human rights and “the effort to make the world a better place,” instead of with, “occupation, oppression, settlements, fanaticism and reactionary-ism.”
The hypocrisy of expecting feel-good social justice projects to offset millennials’ deep outrage at the grave injustices committed by the Jewish state is almost too much to bear.
Shavit blames the Israeli government because it, “refuses to understand and internalize,” the crisis among Jewish millennials. Yet, it is Shavit himself, and every Jewish establishment leader peddling similar arguments, who refuse to understand and internalize this crisis.
My peers and I don’t need any more multi-million dollar ventures to save us. What we need is for the community to wake up.
What we need is for the community to stop willfully blinding itself to the disastrous reality of holding millions of Palestinians under military occupation.
We need the community to stop justifying policies that deny Palestinians the ability to move freely, to sleep safely in their homes without the fear of a military raid, to access water and resources, to live without terror that their homes could be bombed to rubble, and to protest the unjust conditions of their lives nonviolently. None of these policies are moral, and none of these policies make Jews safer.
Moreover, we need the community to stop policing and demonizing those of us who say these truths in public and are fighting for change. We need the community to stop holing itself up behind walls and tanks and guns, as well as behind redlines and standards of partnership.
We are not too naive to understand what is going on or so selfish as to be lured away by more free programming. Listen to us when we say that the status quo is unbearable and untenable. The community as it stands today is a community we refuse to participate in.
No public relations trick can save Israel’s image. The problem isn’t with the hasbara. The problem is nearly 50 years of occupation. The problem is rampant racism in Israeli society. The problem is attacks on human rights defenders by extremists and by the state. The problem is a Jewish establishment that ignores or justifies all of this.
Sending young, mostly Ashkenazi Jews to do volunteer work with Bedouins in Rahat or African Americans in Ferguson to demonstrate solidarity with people of color is completely missing the point. We hear those people saying the same thing we hear from Palestinians: that band aids and kind words won’t end state-sponsored racism and violence.
It is insulting to young Jews’ intelligence, and to communities leading their own struggles against oppression, to expect that another “do-gooding” program can mask the violent abuse Israel inflicts upon the human beings living under its rule every day. No amount of so-called “social justice activism” around the world can distract or make us care less about that. Nothing, except actually addressing it.
Despite the panic about the disengagement of young people from the community, across the country I see principled, courageous, loving, and yes, incredibly angry young people calling on the establishment to change course, to actually do something to end the occupation instead of simply paying lip service to it.
I see J Street U demanding transparency from Jewish Federations to ensure their funding is not further entrenching the occupation. I see Open Hillel insisting Hillel allow a vibrant debate about Zionism and BDS inside its walls. I see Jewish Voice for Peace calling on international corporations to stop profiting off human rights abuses.
I see the Center for Jewish Nonviolence bringing American Jews to do civil resistance work in solidarity with West Bank Palestinians. I see IfNotNow building a mass movement to challenge our community to genuinely stand for freedom and dignity for all in Israel/Palestine.
We millennials have one simple question for our community’s leaders: do you support equal rights for all people and if so, what are you going to do about it?
We are doing this out of love for our community and love for our neighbors. We know that Jewish liberation is inextricably tied to the liberation of all people.
My generation isn’t disaffected; we’re passionate and we’re mobilizing. The question is not whether my generation will remain Jewish; it’s whether our parents and grandparents will follow our lead as we build the kind of Jewish community that celebrates universal values and struggles for justice.
Those who truly want to help young Jews connect to the Jewish world should live out the values they profess. Fight for an end to the occupation and for freedom and dignity for all in Israel/Palestine. Commit to restoring the moral soul of the Jewish community. Prove to young people that this is a community worth believing in.
You have a choice.
Simone Zimmerman is an activist and organizer based in Brooklyn NY. She is a leader of IfNotNow, an emerging movement of young American Jews working to end their community's support for the occupation. Follow her on Twitter: @simonerzim
Simone Zimmerman
Haaretz Contributor
(30,109 posts)Get out of the W.Bank! Do it! Do it now! What's your problem? Just do it!
OK fine, then what?
When Hamas takes over and the first mortar round or rocket hits Ben Gurion airport or in downtown Tel Aviv or in Jerusalem....
Then what?
What I find is that these folks don't really know why the vast majority of Israelis find it idiotic to just end the occupation on a dime. Either they don't know, don't want to know, or don't give a shit. Which points to a bigger problem...
(30,109 posts)Expel all settlers?
Is that your solution?
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Very odd hiring decision.
Response to Israeli (Original post)
Post removed
(14,851 posts)Jewish support for Republican Party is but a small minority.
(30,109 posts)King_David
(14,851 posts)And has 180 degrees opposite view to Democratic Party policy on the issue.
(30,109 posts)....are the ones who have a problem with them.
They want to appear as though they're within the mainstream and that only extremists would have a problem with them. They hate - and I mean absolutely loathe - liberals and people left of center. No Democrats in their right mind represent them in either Congress or the Senate. They think Obama is too rightwing on Israel. They're poison to the Democratic Party.
The truth is they're the Rightwingers who defend and support Hamas, never speaking up for Palestinian women, gays, or children persecuted by their fascist leadership. Their goal is 1-state run by Hamas or Islamic Jihad with absolutely no liberal or progressive values whatsoever.
(14,851 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)What are they doing for Palestinian women, gays, and children persecuted by fanatical Hamas/PLO regressives?
What are they doing to promote liberal and progressive values in the Palestinian community?
Which liberal/progressive leader within the Palestinian movement do they back?
No one.
They're Rightwing Nutters. More likely to support Hamas' goals than anything liberal or progressive.