There's no such thing as humane meat or eggs.
Opinion piece from The Guardian (not necessarily my opinion):
Many people think they consume humane meat, but only a tiny fraction actually do. The majority of consumers are totally wrong about what they eat

Response to lordsummerisle (Original post)
Post removed
(7,688 posts)You think you're being funny, but it's just really mean. You should rethink your response.
To vegetarians and vegans, your comment sounds exactly like people who used to mock the suffering of slaves. To us, meat is slavery. You're mocking the suffering of the enslaved.
It makes you look really, really insensitive. Best to stick to other forums.
(9,696 posts)Cal Carpenter
(4,959 posts)As far as I can tell, the alert system doesn't tell the jury what forum a post is in. I may have reconsidered my vote to leave it had I known, because I do respect the idea that these groups are protected. The old jury system did a better job in this respect. I think the alert reason should have been the Statement of Purpose choice, and then perhaps it would be handled differently...? I know that group hosts used to have the ability to deal with this kind of stuff.
Anyway, don't want to derail the thread or anything, just wanted to mention this...
eta: I guess Statement of Purpose violation is only an option on an OP. I don't know what the admins expect us to do in a case like this
(632 posts)If youre a pet owner, imagine your pet in the conditions described in the article. If not, you still should be able to imagine the suffering these creatures experience. Theyre not as intelligent as us but their capacity for suffering is comparable.
I hope that one day youll get enough compassion to look back at your attitude with shame and disbelief.
(12,771 posts)As they hearded them over cliffs to their deaths? All they wanted was food to feed their families and clothe them.
(4,187 posts)If not, you do not have an argument. It's perfectly possible, in fact much cheaper, these days to feed and clothe oneself and one's family without supporting the torture and slaughter of innocent animals.
Furthermore, what's being done to cows, pigs, and chickens these days is much, much worse than anything a plains Indian could have imagined. They would probably have found it cowardly and inhuman. And you're actively supporting it with your dollars, while using the Indians (Indians!) as your justification.
I find it so amusing when a meat-eater pulls the "But I have to feed my family!" argument. When one's goal is to fool oneself, one doesn't realize how weak and unconvincing one's arguments are.
Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)MLAA
(18,998 posts)Beyond Burger for lunch and veggie empanada and veggie tamale for dinner. Looking forward to my truly cruelty free chocolate vegan cake for dessert!
(52,275 posts)Their eggs ...
This is where old chickens get to live their glory days in style
And if I get eggs, im happy
I have the young egg-layers, and the old retired girls. Along with a little bantam rooster that has to be about 50 years old now.
(28,290 posts)

Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)Advice?
(52,275 posts)a critter (Fox/raccoon) proof coop. And, a way for them to have water (electric buckets) in the winter
A good rooster (ours is a jap tail Bantu) is a plus ... he watches out for everything ...
Enjoy them ... chickens can be a fun addition to your world
(4,187 posts)Do it through PMs or on another DU forum. This is the vegan/vegetarian forum. We dont support the grinding of live male chicks here, which is what you support when you buy eggs or a backyard chicken.
(52,275 posts)I buy my chickens at a farmers market ....
(4,187 posts)You didnt buy as many roosters as hens, did you? What do you think happens to the male chicks? Do you think that your farmers market ensures that theyre well-fed and live out their lives in peace?
The word grind is not terminology. If you speak English, you know what it means. You know that every time you buy a female chick, youre supporting the killing of a male chick. You can claim not to know, but you do know.
Ultimately, there is karma. You can support the torture and killing of innocent animals as much as you like. But the cholesterol you put in your mouth in the form of their flesh and bodily secretions will give you heart disease and Alzheimers as you age. You will suffer because you caused innocent beings to suffer. Cruelty only leads to more cruelty.
(52,275 posts)And so does everyone at the market ... maybe where you are it is different
Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)athena
(4,187 posts)You have the rest of DU to talk about how you disagree with vegan and vegetarian ideals. Doing so here is crass. It is not the behavior of a liberal.
Youre free to eat as much meat, eggs and dairy as you like. Its between you, your health, and your conscience. As a vegan, I dont care if you grow chickens or slaughter pigs or hand over all your hard-earned money to the factory-farm industry. Its your life, and you can live it as you wish. But gloating about it in this forum is ugly.
I suspect you never gave a moments thought to what happened to the brothers of your chickens. You might want to Google it sometime.