I am a vegetarian .. My wife loves her meat and so does my 6 year
Old daughter.
I respect my wife's choice ... And that of my kid's. I don't want anyone to force beliefs on others. However my daughter has started to notice that I mostly eat plants.. And asks me about it ..
How can I explain beyond "I prefer eating plants" ...
.. We have never really had a debate about it .Deep inside I feel its moral issue ... That is what drives my choice....But I am too scared to come across as being judgemental...( I am not .. But when you discuss things like this ..you cannot stay in control of the conversation and might say something stupid)

(65,586 posts)I think your answer was a good first step.
Later when she asks more questions, you can give her more information, matching her age level.
In a neutral, non judgmental way.
I think you will be fine.
I am mostly plant based, rarely eat meat, and no dairy.
When asked about it, I follow the above guidelines.
(153,134 posts)State your beliefs as plainly and simply as you can......
And at the same time, realize that you don't have control of the conversation, and that's OK. Being stupid is OK too. If you stay kind with your daughter, then that's all right.
Best of luck!
(18,141 posts)talk to your wife about this and come up with an answer both of you are comfortable with. Young children can be very black and white and often feel the need to pick the "right" side.
(4,533 posts)I just figure the arc of history will tilt our way and dont worry about them. If I had a child I would explain my conversion, that one day on my bed I looked into my dog sams eyes and realized he was like me, not different in any important way. And after that I didnt want to eat animals anymore because I dont think they are very different from me, not in any important way. I know I cant change the world, but I can change me. And I am confident the world will tilt our way over time.