AP: Government hunters prepare to kill salmon-eating birds
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This Aug. 12, 2011 shows double breasted cormorants on East Sand Island in the Columbia River near Ilwaco, Wash. Government hunters have begun scouting an island at the mouth of the Columbia River as they prepare to shoot thousands of hungry seabirds to reduce the numbers of baby salmon they eat, Thursday, May 21, 2015. (Steve Ringman/The Seattle Times via AP)
By JEFF BARNARD May. 22, 2015 8:10 PM EDT
Government hunters have begun scouting an island at the mouth of the Columbia River as they prepare to shoot thousands of hungry seabirds to stop them from eating baby salmon.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spokeswoman Diana Fredlund said hunters from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services agency went to a small uninhabited island off Ilwaco, Washington, on Thursday to survey the land before carrying out plans to reduce the population of double crested cormorants from about 14,000 breeding pairs to 5,600 pairs by 2018.
Double crested cormorants are large black birds with long necks, hooked bills and webbed feet that dive beneath the surface to eat small fish.
Wildlife Services is slated to file a plan with the corps next week before starting to kill the birds.
FULL story at link.
The salmon need the help. Is there no better answer?