"Humane" fraud at Whole Foods
Horrible things going on always all the time with pretty little labels.

(1 post)Although there are dozens of companies on the bandwagon for humane-washing, I would like to point out the 2 worst offenders
Among the first to this ploy is, big box giant, Costco the largest warehouse chain in the world. Walmart is another notorious company follows Costcos lead. The 2 companies take the footsteps of one another of the: United Egg Producers others have eagerly formed promotional partnerships with the nations wealthiest and most corrupt animal charity, The misnamed; Humane Society of the Untied States.
Its true and its a fact, that Walmart follows Costcos Playbook. Walmart learns from its fellow expert warehouse competitor Costco, on how to play the game of humane-washing by co-opted with HSUS for the purpose of rehabilitating their public image. Also, Costcos Playlist helps companies like Walmart get more skilled in the public relations area on conning, the public into thinking that the animals products it sells are humanely raised. Costco would get public praise from HSUS for just saying that it would stop selling eggs from battery cage operations. Walmart with in days, June 15th,2015 announcing it own (fictitious) farm animal welfare policy.
{With a (like father-like son) relationship are Walmart and Costco.}
Sooner or later Costco gets exposed for the sell of eggs from a horrific battery cage operation. Why? Well, they always get caught is why. It is to my belief that Costco and Walmart asked the California Legislator to come up with a Resolution bill to prohibit selling eggs from battery cage operation groups. The California legislators came up with; Proposition #2. Costco and Walmart thought it to be, {a moment of genius} for the big box warehouse companies! But the public soon found out their were
tricked into thinking all is well and that laying hens are, or soon will be, free from battery cages.
HSUS spends the next several days falsely claiming credits for Costcos humane policies.
Costco and Walmart and the egg industry reap the public relations benefits and get a free- pass for the better part of a decade. Until:
Its finally revealed, years later, that the promise changes never actually got put into language for the bill and the (loop-hole) was capitalized by; Costco, Walmart, Egg industry, California Legislators and Humane Society of the Untied States. Now in the dictionary the word conspiracy says and act in which 2 or more are involved in a crime, cover-up for profit. Well, I count, at least 5 groups here probably a lot more than Im going to mention?
Editors comments: How could America ever hope for a better future if the ones making all the rules are in-fact the ones corrupting the whole-system? With legislators horroring for corporations like these mentioned, you can only build a corrupt and bad society for America. For every act of terror, in America. There are 3000 acts or more industrial terror done to America and its citizens every-time. This causes: karma- problems, nature problems and moral problems, all guaranteed to prohibit the wealth and health and good of mankind in America and for the world for that matter. Do you want to continue on this road America? The road of; having nothing,being nothing and amounting to nothing. Because that is this road. Change this, you change America, all for the better and the lives of its citizens! This is what their trying to stop you from having America
I just ask this one question to America. Do you want to keep repeating this way of living?
There are more issues on this subject: Like the Tennessee Senate bill -1121 pasted where these horse training facilities in Tennessee were practicing this brutal practice of Soring Intentionally injuring the legs of horses so they could not walk but, is now outlawed. Yet still some trainers still subject horses to this inhumane practice through the use of blistering agents or mechanical means.
Animal Advocate