DC: Metro's Proposed Cuts Are A 'Punch In The Gut' For Workers And The Local Economy

DCist) Metros proposed sweeping budget cuts in the face of the ongoing pandemic will leave the rail and bus system operating vastly different than ever before. The proposal includes no weekend train service, closing the system at 9 p.m. with trains running only every 30 minutes on weekdays, and cuts to several bus routes. It turns a mass rapid transit system into essentially a commuter rail system.
The proposed cuts would be in effect from July 2021 until June 2022, leading to wide-ranging effects on everything from students getting to school on time to employees commuting to work.
It puts into question the regions ability to recover from a deep economic slump caused by the pandemic no matter when a vaccine might be available to help the area return to normal.
While some argue the jaw-dropping plan is akin to a nightmare scenario designed to drum up support for the transit agency, Metro officials say its the reality they have to plan for. Short of an influx in federal funding, Metro says there is no other place to turn for help keeping afloat. .................(more)