Why are Koch-funded activists trying to derail a US city's public transit?
Source: The Guardian
Why are Koch-funded activists trying to derail a US city's public transit?
Phoenix will vote Tuesday on a light rail system expansion. It faces opposition from business owners backed by activists affiliated with the Koch network
Evan Wyloge in Phoenix
Tue 27 Aug 2019 06.00 BST
For years, Phoenixs public transportation plans have included a network of light rail lines connecting downtown to the suburbs, cutting air pollution and carbon emissions in a city dubbed the least sustainable in the US.
But as the city prepares to vote Tuesday on an expansion of its light rail system into a poorer, and more black and Hispanic, part of the city, the train is facing opposition from a group of business owners who fear they will lose customers. And they are receiving help from some eye-catching backers: activists affiliated with the Koch conservative network.
According to the language of the referendum, which the director of a Koch-funded political organization helped draft, not only will a vote against the expansion result in the cancellation of this particular line. It will also prohibit all future light rail construction in the city.
Obviously were concerned with the impacts of the construction, but Ive never seen this kind of outside group come in and write an initiative, said Kate Gallego, the Phoenix mayor.
Koch brother groups have tried to derail public transit plans in other cities around the country, from Little Rock, Arkansas and central Utah, to Nashville, Tennessee and south-east Michigan. They have frequently called such projects wasteful spending. The Koch organization is also heavily invested in fossil fuels.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/26/koch-activists-phoenix-ban-light-rail

(47,755 posts)Burning up gas like crazy
(12,240 posts)They don't like the idea of one engine transporting many people. Its a puke thing. Burn fuel.
(8,203 posts)construction..but when all is said and done, they prosper...we take the light rail to Tempe for fire works, Arts fair etc..to Phoenix for Baseball...expansion would be wonderful - I wish it went as far as Goodyear..but that is 65 miles west from where we are - my son lives in the west valley....
Valley Metro Light Rail. In operation since the tail end of 2008, the 26-mile Valley Metro Light Rail stretches from 19th Ave. and Dunlap Ave. in upper-central Phoenix to downtown Mesa and offers quick access to downtown Phoenix, Sky Harbor International Airport, Arizona State University, Mill Avenue in Tempe and plenty more along the way.
The parking lots are full in Mesa...good for the environment....
vote NO prop 105..(a yes vote would stop expansion) - funding already approved in prop 104...The city's 0.7% transportation sales tax was approved by voters through Proposition 104 in 2015.
The initiative on the ballot is set up to confuse...the yes vote STOPS expansion..NO vote would allow expansion...hope people are smart enough to know the difference....
(10,114 posts)We have against this despicable family is connecting their name to climate change destruction. That family and their heirs have lead the attack against climate change action when we had an opportunity to do something about it. Now we have to plan to survive with the least amount of pain, though much pain and suffering there will be.
Koch family= climate change denialism.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)and Standard Oil who killed off the Light Rail and Trolley Systems in Major Metro Areas. It is all about selling for profit,Fossil Fuels. The same group working over Pheniox has been stirring the same hate Light Rail here in Vegas.
Funny how Elected Officals suck up to those special favors coming from various Lobbyist's.