Environment & Energy
Related: About this forumWhy LEDs haven't yet cut energy use for lighting
https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67454472.amp"The number of lights used in each household is increasing," says Shivika Mittal at Imperial College London's Grantham Institute. "That is offsetting switching to LED."
Jovan's paradox strikes again. And I'm afraid this won't be uncommon; over half the planet's population is still in developing nation status, without most of the luxuries we take for granted in North America and Europe.

Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)Is that fair to say?
Think. Again.
(21,650 posts)We get more lighting with less energy use, great news!
Now, we need to use less lighting. We need to use less energy in general.
(2,504 posts)
Think. Again.
(21,650 posts)...or maybe we don't have to light shopping mall interiors when they're closed, etc.
(2,504 posts)make for better movies.
(19,798 posts)It's actually really concerning, as light pollution is a serious ecological problem across North America, Europe and Asia.
It's like a guy trading in his 20 mpg truck for a 50 mpg Prius, but then driving 3x as many miles because he's saving so much on gas.
One step forward, two steps back.
And I can't even say I haven't been sucked in. Cheap LED lights let me convert a corner of my dark basement into a well-lit area to overwinter huge numbers of houseplants and start vegetable seedlings in spring, when there's still snow outside. I put LED solar lights on my daughter's playset so she can keep swinging after dark. My chicken coop has a solar light to increase egg production in winter. Humans crave light, and it's a hard thing to ask them to intentionally darken cities and homes when it seems so affordable not to.
Think. Again.
(21,650 posts)...now we need to use less enegy in general.
I keep waiting for the push to start scaling back all the useless energy use, and there is a LOT of that, but so far no one's even talking about it.
And of course it isn't just lighting, that's probably one of the lesser evils.