UK community wins battle to prevent their school from becoming an academy
Heres a story so cheery Im not sure I believe it, even though I watched it happen. This Government loves the idea of turning schools into academies in order that theyre no longer controlled by local authorities or the national education system. You can understand the thinking, as other areas where this has happened such as the railways and energy companies have proved so successful and popular it would be a crime not to do the same with schools. Why should our children be denied the pleasure that adults have when dealing with nPower or First Capital Connect?
One instant advantage of an academy is the school gets a new name, so its no longer boring Didsworth Comprehensive but becomes Lord Harris Carpets Asteroid of Magnificence Academy of Braininess.
Then the school becomes free to pursue business deals with companies who can sell equipment inside the school, and offer sponsorship, so kids can be taught the Hewlett Packard seven times table, to enhance the multiplying experience.
Also, heads are finally free to set the wage rates of everyone at the school, including their own. Occasionally they double their own salary, because you cant expect kids to study chemistry when theyre distracted by worries about how the head scrapes by on only £90,000 a year. They get so disturbed their tears make the potassium explode.