This week's Monday BAT action
Monday, July 8th's ACTION: Bill Gates and the House of Cards Roll Out -
BADASS Bill Gates Corporate Coup de' 'etat -
TELL Bill Gates to END High Stakes Testing! Our schools are NOT broken! Testing HURTS kids! (see more messaging below #6 here.)
1. Call the Gates Foundation: 206 - 709 - 3100
2. Email the Gates Foundation:
3. Tweet Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation: @BillGates @GatesEd @GatesFoundation
4. Write Letters to Bill Gates: [comment section] or message me - keep topic to HIGH STAKES TESTING - tell your story on how these impact your students, your classroom, your teaching.
5. MEME Contest: Create a MEME that includes the "House of Cards Theme" and share it here - LIKE the memes that are your favorites and we will announce the winner by the end of the week! Make sure ALL of these deal with HIGH STAKES TESTING!
6. Share all of the amazing HOUSE of CARDs memes on Twitter, Tumbler, Pintrest, etc. to get the word out there -
High Stakes Tests hurt kids! High Stakes Tests are used to fail children. High Stakes Test results are JUNK Science! High Stakes Tests JUNK science is used to close schools! High stakes are used to fail schools. High stakes are used to fail teachers.
High stakes cause kids to drop out. High stakes cause kids to stress and get sick! High stakes have no empirical evidence to support their use! High stakes narrow curriculum! High stakes lessen creativity!
Take on the corporate reformer who has influenced high stakes testing more than any other - Bill Gates. Make this man know we are here! 21,000+ BATs need to MAKE SOME NOISE ON MONDAY - JULY 8TH!