Award-winning media adviser resigns after censorship, conflict with school principal
From the Student Press Law Center
TEXAS — An adviser at a high school in suburban Houston has left her job after the principal pulled stories, yearbook spreads and repeatedly questioned her judgment.
Katie Moreno, the media adviser at Seven Lakes High School in Katy, Texas, decided to turn in her resignation after detailing months of censorship and after what her students called “bullying” tactics from the school principal, Kerri Finnesand.
There are no robust protections against prior restraint or censorship for student journalists in Texas. Seven Lakes High School’s district policy leaves it up to individual principals to decide how to operate school publications, and this past year, Finnesand decided to enact tighter control.
Finnesand did not respond to a request for comment. The request was forwarded to Justin Graham, general counsel for the school district.
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Texas' legislature is mulling a "New Voices" act that would guarantee public school students' their First Amendment rights.
Here's a link for that.