The Real Debt Ceiling
The Real Debt Ceiling
By John Rachel
OpEdNews Op Eds 7/4/2015 at 04:35:09
Sovereign debt and its corollary, the federal debt ceiling, are arguably mirages. These operate in a macro context where valuation of wealth and debt are essentially illusions, or at the very least, manageable artifices.
What is not at all manageable, however, is internal debt and wealth inequality. Why? Because in the internal workings of our economy __ and those of most of the developed countries of the world __ ownership and control of wealth are reinforced by rigid and unforgiving legal authority. As is becoming increasingly evident, the laws of this country now serve a very wealthy elite __ a tiny slice of our 318,000,000 people __ at the expense of everyone else.
This is not the 1%.
We're talking about the .1% and the .01% __ about 30,000 people __ the rich and powerful who actually run the country.