My guys getting a taste of life as union dock workers, they will appreciate college in the fall.
They graduate here in few weeks from high school they both have been cyber schooling this last marking period. Yet this was their idea to leave grocery store and take jobs on Union freight dock at a break bulk, last week they both trained this week they are on their own.
And these two 19 and 18 walked into a bid no two hour work call like the old days always by the phone. Reason that the company they cant find workers who want to this type of work.
So its not bad bid for guys with no seniority as in 04:00 start Tuesday through Saturday they both chose same bid they had 11 slots for this 04:00 start and the last two days they have been forced on two hours overtime. Any time after eight is time half and over 40 hours.
I just got in from Queens on my buster brown shift and sitting at the bar having coffee I smiled. Listening to Jake and Elwood complaining sure hope we get out at noon today instead of 14:00. Sure as shit dont want to do this for next 30 years, yep they will really appreciate university come fall. I tell them bank your cash plan is that Im writing the checks for tuition.
I do not give them the speech well in my day when I started as dock man for Preston 151 in 87 freight was terrible a lot of floor and hands on today most of it is on skids. Shit thats why I took Preston up on the chance to get my chauffeur licenses back then to drive truck get off the dock.
Yea lots of bitching this morning as they packed their lunches for today. I love it because these two will really appreciate college come fall as they walked out I hugged them. Told them have good day dont fork no trailers or hazmat drums or totes full of liquid dont break any freight Dad humor.
And here is something I find hilarious so I bought this 2001 Corolla to commute Im now at different terminal for ups and my commute is 50 miles each way. These two commute maybe 70 miles round trip yet they both have gas guzzlers a 4 runner and a pathfinder. So I been driving a Jetta I just bought actually jetta is more comfortable with leg room so it worked out.
And I smiled watching a six foot four 245 in weight and Six foot two 230 in weight yea they lift body build my fellas climb into the Toyota and headed out they needed to get fuel so they left earlier. I come in six foot 140 in weight. So I just text them saying I dont think you are getting the same gas mileage at around 35 mpg cuz the Toyota is hauling 475 pounds of meat I got no response.
I love them.

(138,729 posts)peacebuzzard
(5,369 posts)for themselves! a few twists and turns will add to their experiences. lol!!! you are a great dad!
Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,490 posts)I too am union with over 30 years seniority. Also, I remember my son when he was around the age of your two sons.
Like me, he was a knucklehead and naive about the world and made a few mistakes. A couple of decades later, he's doing very well and has two sons who will be teenagers soon. They'll probably make a few dumb decisions, also. But that's how we learn in life to appreciate good things and the need to plan and work hard to get them.
Best of luck to your sons with their summer gigs and with their college educations. You are right, having to bust their asses and be responsible at their age will prepare them well for the rigors of earning a degree.
Thanks for sharing your story!

(1,230 posts)Thats some world-class Dad Mojo youve got going on there. World class.
(95,921 posts)Will become fine young men, they already have a great start!
Go Dad!
(509 posts)CCExile
(524 posts)certainly sent me back to UT with a wll to graduate!
(122,596 posts)know that we love you and your family.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)29 per hour starting wage and 6 figures in 3 years. Great healthcare, pension, vacation.
The union trades pay good money with no student loan.
(14,138 posts)19 was given a go for union Electrician apprenticeship like your son with local IBEW. He decided he wants to study electrical engineering at university 18 is majoring in mathematics and probably cafeteria.
Tell your son my son in law did five year apprenticeship and hes journeyman now its good job.
I applied every year to Boiler makers and Electrical union from 87-92 and then they were taking very few apprentices it was tight maybe three or four a year. So oh well 36 years so far as teamster working to keep my Gus covered healthcare until after college then maybe retire.
Its changed my thinking since I lost my wife on retirement. As in not sure being alone around house be good idea for me after boys are gone in fact it scares me.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)My son also tried the local IBEW but was not picked up. The thing I love is that I talked to him several times about going union and he did it. It is nice when the kids actually listen. What he got is a lifetime position. That is rare these days.
Hey, I bet Liz wants you to find another soul mate. I have a good friend who was in his 70s. He started dating and got married again. He found another strong willed woman who keeps him young. You know what is scary/fun. Dating again. He was like an 18 year old.
Here is my best man joke at the wedding. Ya know I have know Dan for many years. It is great that he is finally acknowledging I am the best man.
(14,138 posts)Good luck to your boy
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)panader0
(25,816 posts)The hard work will be good for them and the exposure to the other guys and the whole feel of it.
I hope they both have a good college experience.
(36,217 posts)Made my oldest go back to college. No way am I doing this forever he said.
It doesnt hurt to experience as many different aspects of work as possible and you do a fantastic job keeping them on track, Pup. Hats off to you and your hard working gang
The Mouth
(3,332 posts)***EVERYBODY*** should have to work a hard, physical, and demanding job like this as a 'yoot'. It gives RESPECT for labor.