Related: About this forumReminder of how much Trump screwed over the American Workers-- Given the cowardly actions of the Teamsters
1. Enabled corporate wage theft-- Denied guaranteed overtime pay to 12.5 million workers, effectively transferring $1.2 billion from their paychecks to their bosses bank accounts.
2. Proposed a rule allowing companies with less than 250 workers to cease reporting workplace injuries and illness statistics to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and removed a list of Americans killed in workplace accidents from OSHAs home page.
3. Refused to ban a pesticide thats been linked to birth defects in the children of farmworkers, in defiance of EPA scientists advice.
4. Blocked workers access to the courts--Asked the Supreme Court to uphold the right of employers to include forced arbitration clauses in contracts, thereby denying workers the capacity to press complaints against their bosses in open court.
5. **Tried to throw millions of working-poor people off of Medicaid, then, once that failed, deliberately engineered a spike in health-insurance premiums, out of sheer spite.**
6. Appointed one Supreme Court justice who had ruled that a trucker could be justly fired for abandoning his broken-down vehicle, instead of honoring his contractual obligation to freeze to death with his cargo, and nominated another whod found that San Diego SeaWorld could not be held liable in the death of an employee who was killed by a killer whale. (The former pick ended up producing a landmark decision that gutted funding for public-sector unions, in defiance of decades-old precedent.)
7. Threatened workers retirement savings--Repealed a rule that required retirement advisers to prioritize their clients financial interests over their own (thereby giving investment advisers permission to secretly gamble with aging workers savings).
8. Repealed a rule that had required companies to inspect mines for safety hazards (such as loose pieces of rock that might crumble and fall as they work) before workers began their shifts.
9. Proposed allowing hog-processing plants to run their lines at a speed greater than 1,100 hogs per hour, a move that is all but certain to increase worker injuries.
110. Appointed two attorneys who had made careers representing management in disputes with workers to the National Labor Relations Board. Those appointees proceeded to overturn a series of pro-labor decisions, including ones that had buttressed workers rights to organize unions without their employers unlawful interference
11. **Passed giant, regressive tax cuts that were written specifically to allow owners of capital to pay lower rates on their passive income than workers do on their hard-earned wages.**
12. **Canceled a scheduled pay increase for federal workers that would have merely allowed their existing salaries to keep pace with inflation.**
13. Reduced oversight of abusive payday lenders and scam colleges.
14. **Proposed a rule that would allow restaurant owners to steal their workers tips, and hid a study showing that this could cost waiters and waitresses billions of dollars.**
15. Awarded billions in federal contracts to companies that violate wage laws-- Restored the right of serial labor-law violators to compete for government contracts.
16. Factory Job Losses Send New Warning Signal to Trump's on his huburistic Trade War--Total payrolls at factories contracted by about 2,000 in September 2019, when economists had expected a 3,000 gain.
17. Another 4,200 truck drivers lost their jobs in September as a recession slams America's $800 billion trucking industry--Truck drivers' earnings sank in 2019, and hundreds of trucking companies have gone bankrupt.
18. Exposed LGBTQ Americans to employer discrimination.
19. **Erected barriers to prevent people with disabilities from working. Trumps ongoing threats to Medicaid would end access to home- and community-based care services that allow many people with disabilities to live independently and work outside the home.**
202. Eleven coal companies have declared bankruptcy since Trump took office
21. Soaring Bankruptcies in the Farm Belt --Farmer suicides skyrocket at the base of this dire trend?? Trump's Trade War--Which was supposedly good and easy to win as he tweeted in March 2018
22. Trumps Trillion-Dollar Hit to Homeowners-By reducing deductions for real estate taxes, Trumps 2017 tax plan has harmed millions and helped give corporations a $680 billion gift
23. **Trump blocks back pay for government contractors who lost wages during shutdown
Hundreds of thousands of federal contract workers went five weeks without pay. there have been 3 separate government shutdowns since Trump occupied the White House 3 years ago**
24. The Labor Department loosens a rule on beryllium exposure--You havent heard of it since chemistry class, but beryllium is a chemical toxic to lung tissue
25. Trump nixes an Obama policy to reduce pay discrimination, the Obama administration made a final attempt to reduce the racial and gender pay gaps- changes were set to take effect in March 2018--Trump blocked it
26. USDA withdraws a protection for small farmers--The GIPSA rule--an Obama era ruleMade it easier for small contract farmers, like chicken growers, to sue meat-packing or processing companies that engage in anticompetitive practices--Trump blocked it
27. Farm Bankruptcies Skyrocketed Thanks To Trump's Trade War .
More coal-fired power plants closed under Trump than in Obama's first term
50 US coal power plants shut under Trump
US coal jobs were down over 24% from the start of Trump administration
3 coal companies with ties to the Trump administration got $28 million in coronavirus bailout intended for 'small businesses'
Obama achieved better growth with a much smaller deficit than Trump
Republicans, Not Biden, Are About to Raise Your Taxes--- Trump built in tax increases beginning in 2021, for nearly everyone but those at the very top.
Obamas Last 3 Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trumps Best Year
Over the last 6 decades--60 years or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance
Nearly 1,800 factories have disappeared during the Trump administration between 2016 and 2018
Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trumps got it back to a trillion."
President Biden is on track to reduce the deficit 60 percent this year!!!

Blue Owl
(55,571 posts)
Think. Again.
(21,650 posts)...but as we've been seeing everyday since then, the Teamsters themselves are strongly supporting and endorsing Harris/Walz in spite of what their national union office has done.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)If you look at his actions its a different story. Of course there are plenty of Americans that just listen to what he says and dont pay attention to what he does.