Men's Group
Related: About this forumPolitics and dating: New study shows the politics of compatibility Malhotra, a political economist at Stanford Business School, says he became curious about the question as he watched partisan polarization increase over the past several years. It seemed like the country was getting more divided, he says. He kept hearing friends say they would never date someone from across the aisle. One woman ended a relationship that was going well after she discovered the guy was a conservative. I had a suspicion, says Malhotra, this polarization was influencing our lives in ways that went beyond elections.
I'll be honest, a person's politics to me is a tip off as to their character, and the things I look for in a partner....mainly compassion, openness, etc....I would have a hard time seriously dating a Republican.

(14,489 posts)My ex-husband was a Republican, but he was truly a moderate. He voted for Clinton's second term, and also for Ann Richards here in Texas. He was a social liberal. But I will no longer accept even that kind of Republican, because now that I am more informed, I know Democrats are also better for the economy, so it's just crazy to be a social liberal and still be a Republican for economic reasons. And also, the social issues are most important to me, so if someone would sell out reproductive rights, equal rights for gays, etc, because he thinks it will be better for the economy, then that is a person whose values I do not respect.
(29,047 posts)I would like to think I could put a relationship before politics, but a Republican...? I don't think so.
I have some anti-Republican bigotry I think I should work through.
(1,695 posts)But as a married man with a wife who I share so much in common with, it seems like it would be odd for her to have opposite political views. It would bother me if she was against marriage for all. Or a woman's right to choose. While she is not as interested in politics, it's nice that she agrees with me when a particular news story set me off ranting at the tv or article. She might just be agreeing to shut me up tho..I do talk to much.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)Friend. Friendships and close relationships are that way because we dont let the bad get in the way. I woild hate to think of what i would have missed in life if injust judged the politics of people who i have relationships with.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)and she wasn't wearing it ironically.
it went downhill from there.
All my long-term relationships have been with people on the same page, more or less, politically as I am.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)What a nightmare for his wife.