Men's Group
Related: About this forumCheck out this GD thread about Bill Maher's comments thought I would paste a link in case someone cared to comment.
My opinion - does everything always have to be a big effenn deal? Seems like someone always wants to make every little thing into a big effenn deal.
Personally, I don't think I'm "out of whack" about expressing myself as the OP suggests, I think I express myself quite well and far too often.

(53,475 posts)I'd say he nailed it.
(16,399 posts)It's like a parody of some comedy skit from the eighties, making fun of the "Alan Alda type male"....except it's being willingly engaged in....or for the amusement of outside groups.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)in the US?
Yes, verily, we can rattle off some offhanded sentence to talk about ALL of them, and what's "wrong" with 'em.
I've never fired a gun in my life. I'm an West Coast, Atheist hippie. I've never owned a pickup truck.
That I have some massive amount in common with a Fundamentalist NRA member from Alabama, is ridiculous.
As for Bill Maher, I agree with him about 85% of the time. Some of his insights on politics, religion, or the drug war, are spot on. But he's one of these, what I consider, stoner pseudo-intellectuals. He's probably a good 20 or so IQ points above the general population, and 70 IQ Points above the average Republican. But he thinks this makes him Michio Kaku or Stephen Hawking, and when he opines on shit like medicine and vaccines, NASA, or science, he's at times out of his depth.
(Sorry, Bill! )
What's funny, though, is that there is near-universal loathing of him from some quarters for his vaguely libertarian (eeeeewwwww!) attitudes towards sex, porn, and drugs... If the history of these sorts of things is any guide, though, those same folks will become the guy's biggest fans when he fires broad slams against "all men".
(18,627 posts)...on occasion.
(6,581 posts)Makes me want to hang my head in shame because I have the Y chromosome. I'll be sure to add it to my list of things to hang my head over, I should get to it about Thursday.
They seem to come up with a long list of things they don't like about us.
Is there anything they do like? Anything?
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)It has qualities. Some of them are pretty awful.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)"Oh, Cable TV is a cesspool! I spent 12 hours yesterday watching Toddlers and Tiaras and Honey Boo-boo, cable is a CESSPOOL!"
Right, and it never occurred to you to CHANGE THE CHANNEL, either. You do realize there are something like 900 other ones.
(6,581 posts)I really wanted to respond to the Bill Maher thread comments as well as those posted here on the Mens Group, because I think I can offer a perspective on the entire issue of male culture, having seen and experienced it from a position of weakness where I really questioned my own masculinity and my place in the culture as a man.
First, I think there is a terrible double standard in play, one which results in a situation where its impossible to win. On one hand, youre expected to be strong, to follow the role models that we grew up with. I realize those have changed with time, its not quite the land of the Marlboro Man on his horse alone, or the unfeeling, unaware, insensitive he-man of the past. But still, there was pressure on my generation, Im the first year of GenX, and growing up in the 1970s there were still fairly rigid sexual role models at play, despite the womens liberation movement. Boys still didnt play with dolls, unless it was GI Joe. They played sports and still worked through the pain. Of course, if you were one of the boys that couldnt do that for whatever reason, you were on the bottom of the pecking order, few other values, such as intelligence, were rated as highly as physical strength and athleticism. Sensitivity was a weakness, if you cried easily you were really a failure in the eyes of society, something was wrong with you, because real men didnt do that.
This double standard still exists. If youre what is considered the masculine standard of that era, youre a brute, a Neanderthal, out of touch with your feelings and incapable of being a good partner. If youre sensitive, youre a wimp, milquetoast, weak. So, damned if you do and damned if you dont.
I thought all of the commentary attacking traditional male interests such as organized sports and cars was interesting. So many who posted dismissed sports as just modern-day panem et circenses. I used to think that way myself. But Ive had a change of heart there I see a higher purpose than just diversion for the masses. Ive observed here in Detroit that a mutual interest brings together the community in a good way, it helps people relate to each other, and other types of inter-reactions stem from it. Interest in the Tigers and Red Wings really does bring people together. Its not just a side show in life meant to divert. Sure, there are excesses, such as the salaries paid to players, but that is part of a wider systemic belief system, CEOs and entertainers are paid more than anyone is really worth. Similarly with cars, I think its rather sad for people who are no doubt into reading, or pets, or cooking, or exercise, or collecting whatever, to criticize someone else for their own interests. Everyone, to my knowledge, has some interest, if its just watching some dumb tv series, and I dont think anyone should be judged for an interest that is at least harmless and hopefully healthy and beneficial.
So, I think it really boils down to ONE thing to Hell with these idiots. Ive been on the receiving end of this shit too long. If I choose to learn to play basketball, or make quilts, my life, my business. If they dont like it, well, fuck off. I've spent enough of my life being judge, and feeling like I'm being judge, by other people who didn't have the right to do it in the first place. Enough is enough. I deserve to feel good about myself and to be happy.