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(33,224 posts)Raise office temperatures so that employees can only be comfortable when wearing very little.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)According to this woman I should be wearing a t-shirt, except I don't have the option of wearing "summer fashion".
(33,224 posts)and can be supplemented by sweaters, scarves and long hair. The guy uniform on the other hand, is comfortable at 70 degrees and below.
(3,186 posts)Not much one can do about being too hot. Especially in the workplace.
I typically dress in layers anyway. It comes from living in Maine. The old timers around here have been known to comment that, "If you can't stand the weather in Maine, give it a minute. It will change"
(712 posts)She's the one sitting right under the vent, with a small fan blowing on her, complaining about being too warm.
(5,909 posts)Unless I missed her stating it in the video due to watching The Soup, getting the dog comfy on our bed and texting my friend, did anyone ever ask the facilities manager, supervisor, boss or who controls the AC temp to perhaps, drumroll....turn it down?
Simple solution to me.
It's not just a female problem either. My husband is always cold since finishing cancer treatment, and that was 9 years ago. We argue over the AC all the time as I am always hot.