Men's Group
Related: About this forumI was surprised by DU's reaction to pedophilia jokes against boys C.K. made a joke about pedophilia against boys and most DU'ers responded with a "pfff."
It is impossible for me to imagine that the reaction would have been the same if it had been a joke about pedophilia against girls.
Consider the reaction to rape jokes... How do we explain this seeming contradiction?

Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)There's also some hard truth to what he said. Child molesters weren't as big of a deal in the 70's and before. We had a child molester in his 50s having sex with one of my female classmates at least since she was 13. It was a small town and everyone knew about it, including the girl's parents, and nobody seemed to care. He would even pick her up and drop her off from school and everyone knew what was going on. I've heard many people tell similar stories from back then. Legal age of consent really didn't mean much. So long as people thought the child was a willing participant, people tended to blow it off.
I can certainly see why people would be offended by his jokes and it's not something I think is funny, but sometimes comedy is a very effective way of raising awareness about social injustice. Someone should be talking about why child molestation wasn't a big deal back then, especially since so many people are nostalgic for the "good ol' days". There's lots of things about those times which weren't good at all.
(29,257 posts)Would the response on DU have been the same if his joke had been about pedophilia against girls?
Simple question.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)But that's kind of par for the course everywhere, including here.
If you want to get outraged by the double standard, also consider what happens when it's a woman saying completely disgusting things. Germaine Greer is a prime example. She often says completely disgusting things apologizing for pedophilia, joking about it, and even published a book depicting young teenage boys as sexual entities, yet she has no shortage of fans on DU. Anything Louis C.K. said was far overshadowed by what she does and nobody seems to be all that concerned about it.
(43,049 posts)about little girls these days. Not a good career move. Besides, this joke makes no sense if a male comic tries to change the gender.
So, what would happen if a female comic made such a joke? Frankly, I can't think of any who would step into a mess like this-- I've heard a few make dark jokes about rape, but little girls seem to be off limits. And they probably should be.
But why, you ask?
Most of the time, little boys should be off limits, too, but there are obviously exceptions such a LCK's wisecrack.
Doesn't it all go back to ancient gender roles that we still haven't disposed of? Females are weaker and must be protected by strong males. Males should be able to take care of themselves and shouldn't complain if they lose.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)I think she's brilliant, but she does slide a bit close to the edge sometimes.
And she has paid for it.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)When you live on the edge some people are going to hate you for it and some will be more endeared to you.
Bill Cosby made a career out of safe comedy, and while he was looking down at edgier comedians come to find out he was actually about as low as you can get.
Response to Major Nikon (Reply #7)
Warren DeMontague This message was self-deleted by its author.
(29,257 posts)I don't see the difference.
(43,049 posts)why is a rape joke worse than a joke about war, or murder, or cancer? If anyone actually believes sex with little girls is worse than sex with little boys they've got some explaining to do. But, rather than explain, they'll often enough just go off the rails.
Comics have been joking about tragedy since there were comics, and it's dangerous ground with some people going hysterical over their particular trigger with the rest of us maybe just shaking our heads at the really rough ones.
(29,257 posts)Doctor_J
(36,392 posts)Most of the hof have extremely sensitive outrage triggers, and don't appreciate that sort of comedy, or sarcasm, and so on. So while lck's joke as presented garners a laugh or a head scratch, there is not the core of serious outrage merchants to turn it into a firestorm. I personally found the bit lame and unfunny, but tend not to be driven to anger by failed attempts at humor.
(16,399 posts)I thought CK was funny. Because there's truth there.
I really don't give a flying flip what random Twitter people say. The same as when I don't care if they label something "misogynist" without ever seeing it. I also don't care about hypocritical man-children who would otherwise white knight if the tables were turned, but can only unleash a string of four letter words in response to this.
(359 posts), they are double. Just look at how many posts are made hoping/laughing about a man getting raped in jail. Then post a joke about a female criminal deserving to be raped in jail. And then go ahead and delete DU from your bookmarks, 'cause you an't ever posting here again
(29,257 posts)I believe they said they wished he would be anally raped with a baseball bat even.
Not something you could say about Sarah Palin, for example.
So yeah, pretty bad double standard.
Response to Bonobo (Original post)
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