Men's Group
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I can hardly find the words.
On edit: Fixed link.

Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I can't believe anyone would post this garbage, let alone defend it. If the gender roles were reversed, you'd have the torch and pitchfork crowd screaming for a pizza.
(29,257 posts)I didn't. My guess would be that it is systematic physical abuse -that she hits him on a regular basis.
If ANYTHING shows that there anti-domestic violence spiel is nothing but double-standard bs, it is this.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)The whole idea that you don't care unless you beat the shit out of your child is just fucking stupid. I raised two and never hit them once. It sure as hell wasn't because I didn't care about them.
(33,224 posts)
To be clear, I'm not convinced that an absolute prohibition of corporal punishment is justified, or wise. But the belief that it's only okay for some kinds of kids...
Really quite remarkable.
(16,399 posts)But I wonder if this kid has been getting this his whole life, and that's why he thinks acting out is a way to get notice. So her form of parenting clearly hasn't taken or had a reverse effect.
But the hypocrisy of who posted it to GD is not lost on me.
(29,257 posts)For their hypocrisy and their sham is revealed as it was here.
A boy, probably abused since childhood, beaten in front off he camera and it is called "love" by people who would certainly condemn the same behavior if done by a man to his son or daughter.