Men's Group
Related: About this forumjoke - funny or offensive?
I post here thinking this demographic might be more receptive than the general public
Doctor: I'm afraid I have two bits of bad news
Patient: ouch. Ok, give me the first one
Dr: well, you have cancer
P: you're right, that is bad. What's the other one?
Dr: you have Alzheimer's
P: well, at least I don't have cancer

(72,300 posts)Mr ITW doesn't have Alzheimer's but his memory is failing. Sounds far too real, too possible, to be funny.
(2,100 posts)Renew Deal
(83,643 posts)DavidDvorkin
(20,081 posts)No, wait a minute. Maybe I haven't.
(7,720 posts)My mother didn't have Alzheimer's, but she did have progressive dementia the last five years of her life. She died basically because she forgot that she was supposed to eat to continue to live.
On another note. As long as we're posting possibly offensive jokes in a men's forum.
A male patient is seeing his doctor.
The doctor says "You really are going to have to stop masturbating".
The patient says "Why is that, doctor?"
The doctor replies, "Because I am trying to examine you."
(33,224 posts)bigwillq
(72,790 posts)Not a great joke, but I don't find it offensive.
(33,224 posts)The protragonist, uh, wasn't from around here, so he didn't understand humor until he saw two monkeys in the zoo fighting. At that point he understood humor because it's always about someone's misfortune.
I had thought I had been told that a 'funny' thing is a thing of a goodness. It isn't. Not ever is it funny to the person it happens to. Like that sheriff without his pants. The goodness is in the laughing itself. I grok it is a bravery . . . and a sharing against pain and sorrow and defeat.